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RE: An Open Letter To Donald Trump... (And His Supporters)...

in #politics7 years ago

First I have to say thanks for the compliment - coming from someone else who I think is a dam good writer, somehow means more. I would also have to admit that I "mostly" agree with you as it relates to Israel - I do think the Jewish military have pushed way past the limits of defense, and can no longer just say they are protecting themselves from an insurgency. That being said, anyone who believes Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem should somehow be "given back" to Palestine, would also have to advocate giving all of the Americas back to the Native Americans - not to mention they are forgetting the brutal, Jew hating, f'd up history of the last 20 centuries. I have studied the Six Day War - for that alone they gain concession from me.

Now to the fun stuff...

You seem to have lost that aura of confidence, what happened to betting on a second term? Now its hedges against injury, illness, or death - sounds like a change of heart to me... ;)
I would definitely concede death, but injury and illness just seem like something the orange clown would "fake" when the house of cards that is his presidency, comes crashing down. Lets say if he is charged/impeached "prior" to resigning in disgrace - I mean falling ill to some mysterious virus, or an unfortunate golfing accident, I win...

To answer your question I'm gonna borrow a paragraph from @mindhawk 's latest post - he does a great job laying it out...

This is similar if not identical to the lopsided, backwards minority-rule dynamic Hitler used to take power in 1933. It is ironic that almost every one of Trump's voters has probably seen over a hundred Rise of the Third Reich documentaries on the history channel. As someone who grew up laying on the carpet watching over the shoulder of old men in chairs watching the endless world war II hagiography that continues to this day, it is beyond bizarre that all the lessons learned about fascism, the geneva convention, the international criminal court and the united nations have been thrown out the window by the same people who most glorify the violence that those institutions were designed to mitigate then eradicate. After the wars and calamity people always ask 'how were they so blind? Maybe that is one of the most important things I add to the blockchain, my witness of how the people of my country went mad, became weak and lost their heritage right before my eyes.


This is exactly what trump supporters worry about too!