So a little while back I asked a serious question about what Trump had done wrong with actual evidence...

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Mostly people told me instead what he did that was right, and how corrupt things were, etc. I actually knew these things myself. I was more interested considering the calls for impeachment for what he had actually done wrong that there was actual evidence from, and not some article claiming that there was evidence.

When I say evidence I am speaking of something that any of us can go and research and find out the evidence is there and it is real. For let's face it they've been claiming evidence for all sorts of things going all the way back to just days after the election in November. That evidence will mysteriously not appear, and they'll move onto yet another article with the new evidence.

Now in the process of replying to people they did lead me into remembering something that I think he has done wrong. I don't know that it was illegal. In fact it is really the only thing he did that his opposition was suddenly happy and cheering him on. John "Insane" McCain, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and others were virtually dancing they were so happy.

The "Sarin Gas" attack happened in Syria supposedly perpetrated by Assad who had just gotten very favorable reactions from the U.S. So suddenly he is apparently stupid and gases some people. Trump is shown some photos of dying kids taking their last gasp. He orders a missile strike. This was a mistake. First Assad is not a dumb guy, he's actually a doctor. This would have been the most stupid of blunders ever for him to do when he was suddenly getting what he wanted. It was not a stupid move if your goal was to make the U.S. react and reverse all the progress towards what Assad was seeking. Furthermore did you check out any of the clean up photos and the gear they were wearing and the water trucks. That was not sarin gas. Those cleanup crews would be dead if it was. It likely was Chlorine Gas which the water trucks can effectively neutralize, would lead to gasping children, and doesn't require suits and such to protect the cleanup crew.

So Trump reacted to the emotionally stirring photos, didn't consider motives, evidence, etc. He saw the pictures, believed what he was being told and ordered the missile strike. This was wrong. It was not illegal. It was not an impeachable offense.

Plus, many of the people who would want to impeach him were happy and virtually dancing when he did this. "Now he is finally acting like a president" Why? Because they are war mongers. They have no interest in peaceful resolution.

Politics_religion_and_BS channel. :)So why did I write this. @kidsysco just shared a new article on the slack he and I are part of stating that he now had the evidence I was asking for. I figured I would share that article here and dissect it in this post rather than spamming our slack article - Democrats Should Proudly Call for Trump’s Impeachment

So let us begin. I am going to quote parts of it and make my observations. I may come to other conclusions as I finish it. I started reading it once and was getting ready to start quoting in slack when I realized I should just do it as a post.

When Trump disclosed code-word intelligence to the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador to the U.S. in the Oval Office on a lark two weeks ago, he endangered the life of an Israeli spy who had infiltrated the Islamic State.

Is there actual evidence of this yet? I have been unable to find anything. In fact, from what I have been able to determine he spoke to the Russians about laptop bombs and terror threats related to them. In fact, many public news sources in the U.S. had spoken about this same thing prior to this meeting so it was public. What he chose to speak to the Russians about is not illegal, and is not an impeachable offense. They may form a kangaroo court and try to make it one, but not only does he have the right to do this, every president before him has shared similar information and made the decision when to do so. The president actually CAN choose to declassify information. The CIA, FBI, and NSA are not a branch of the government. We have the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. Any such restrictions could only come from those places, but in this case the President actually can legally do this.

Does it make it smart or wrong? Perhaps not. Yet it is not setting a precedent. It is the norm. The only different thing in the news here is that the presidents name is Donald Trump and somehow that makes a lot of things that have been normal throughout many past presidencies suddenly taboo.

Trump told those same Russians that firing FBI Director James Comey—whom he described as “a real nut job”—relieved “great pressure because of Russia.” Weeks earlier, he reportedly asked Comey to wind down his investigation of ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn, and when he decided to fire Comey, he told NBC’s Lester Holt, “I said to myself, I said, you know this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.”

Yeah? I have no doubts he said this. The assumption people are choosing to draw from this and treat as fact is that this is the ONLY reason he was fired. I thought he should have been fired before Trump was even inaugurated. I view Comey and the Russian B.S. as the last straw. Knowing how Trump speaks I have no doubt he spoke about the latest thorn in his side from Comey. The false assumption being passed as though it is factual is that this is the ONLY motive Trump had. Comey did a lot of shady and dicey things. All you had to do is sit through CSPAN (thus unedited by MSM) of visits Comey had with Congress to see how shifty and unwilling to commit to much of anything Comey was. Obama should have fired his ass if he actually wanted someone willing to commit to justice and not choosing to find ways to avoid it.

Every individual item on this devastating bill of particulars eclipses the combined level of wrongdoing Republicans have sought to pin on Democratic leaders over the past decades, starting with President Bill Clinton’s sexual depravity, through the confusing miasma of Benghazi conspiracy theories under President Barack Obama, and ending with Hillary Clinton’s rule-breaking email protocols.

Which bill? Just start talking about a bill and how bad it is without actually linking to the bill. Or perhaps he is meaning the "Trump Bill" or Trump as a whole. Yet the thing is that all of those things you mentioned have actual evidence. A lot of that evidence (especially on Benghazi) was actually in Hillary's emails. It is public. You can read it. I could care less about Bill Clinton's sexual escapades if it is consensual and they are OF AGE. Those issues are between him, Hillary, and who he has sex with. If they are children or it was not consensual then that is another story. In which case he should be in jail and that actually would be far worse than what Trump has done since the only actual evidence so far (I'm still reading) is that he fired on Syria based upon information from his advisors and it didn't really get any thoughtful investigation.

So I guess assumptions, hearsay, and people saying they "have evidence" counts for more than those other things. Even if Benghazi resulted in a lot of U.S. deaths, lead to the formation of ISIS and such. That is not as bad as allegedly leaking this spies identity to the Russians who is embedded in ISIS. If you believe that to be true then you use a very different scale when weighing good and evil than I do.

Each Trump scandal is well-documented, and a source of enduring national humiliation.

Yeah they are extremely well DOCUMENTED. Yet they lack evidence. It is one string of speculation treated as fact after another. Many of them are incredibly trivial to boot and simply intentionally hyped by the media.

It’s why some rank-and-file Democrats, like House representatives Maxine Waters and Al Green, are calling for his impeachment now.

Maxine Walters is not clean of guilt. She's starting to be found out for some of the illegal things she's been involved with. Rank and FILE does not mean good. Need I go back to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and John McCain being happy when Trump shot missiles into Syria? They are rank and file as well. Nice appeal to authority this article attempts to make though.

And yet, it is the position of nearly every leading Democrat that for both political and substantive reasons—the fear of “crying wolf,” the procedural obstacles, the lack of a completed investigation—liberals should not be calling for Trump’s impeachment.

Yeah they'd look pretty stupid until there is actual evidence that they can actually look at and that is not based upon assumptions, and main stream media pushing speculation as fact.

Democrats accomplish nothing by pretending Trump hasn’t earned at least an impeachment inquiry,

They need evidence. So far this article still has not presented any. A lot of it has been assumption (aka speculation as to motive).

Retaining ownership of his business empire doesn’t place Trump in violation of any laws per se, but he is in violation of the Constitution and of laws, if he’s used that business to accept bribes from governments.

This indeed would be an issue. You simply need the evidence to prove it. Because a person can imagine it as true does not make your imagination suddenly real.

Trump has the unquestioned authority to fire the FBI director, but if his purpose in firing the FBI director is to cover up a crime, then he is nevertheless guilty of obstruction—much as my authority to own a kitchen knife does not allow me to use it as a murder weapon.

Again pushing the latest Comey act as though it is the sole motive for his firing. If you think that you have very short term memory. This again is NOT evidence. It is assumption and speculation as to motive.

“Congress has alleged oath violations—albeit violations tied to criminal allegations or breaches of statutory obligations—all three times it has passed or considered seriously articles of impeachment against presidents,” they wrote. “There’s thus no reason why Congress couldn’t consider a grotesque violation of the President’s oath as a standalone basis for impeachment—a high crime and misdemeanor in and of itself.”

As long as they have evidence and can prove it is true. Speculations do not become truths without ACTUAL evidence. Saying "we have evidence" and then not producing it is also not evidence.


Okay done. There once again was nothing new and no actual evidence in this article. There was a lot of speculation, and assumptions. That is not evidence. We can all produce that type of information about anything we like. Simply because it makes our world view feel safe to believe our own speculations does not mean they actually are true.

Impeachment will require actual evidence. I am still looking for that.

Me and Trump

I am actually not a Trump fan. I'll freely admit I despise Hillary. I did vote for Obama in 2008, but I grew to regret that. I learned from it. I would have voted for Al Gore way back when. I was a delegate for Ron Paul in the GOP in 2008 and 2012. So this is not about party for me. I actually voted Libertarian in 2012 and 2016.

I find myself defending Trump for only a couple of reasons. The media has been massively biased AGAINST him since before he even was elected. I found myself defending him even back then and I didn't vote for him. The bias is so over the top blatant.

There is a tremendous amount of passing off speculation as though it is fact. The Washington Post posted about the Russians and this leaking of "classified" information and they were ecstatic about their ratings boost. Yet it was information already in the public before the meeting with the Russians. It was another case of another hyped article based upon assumptions and speculation that was being trotted out as fact.

The truth of the matter is a large portion of our so-called journalism is "drivel". It appeals purely to your emotions and it consists of very little in the way of what we call critical thinking.

This piece I just reviewed falls in that category as well. Sorry @kidsysco there isn't actually any evidence in this post. Hearsay, speculation, and assumption. Nothing you and I can actually research and find the evidence, and nothing impeachable. Even though some people REALLY want him impeached.

Keep in mind there were many people calling for his impeachment before he had even been inaugurated and was in office. What was his crime then? He said scary words...

I'd love to not have to defend Trump. Yet the emotional idiocy and sheer onslaught of propaganda is so deafening that I feel the need to fight back.

Has Trump done something WRONG other than Syria? I have no clue. Has he done anything legally wrong? Not that I am aware of. I've seen no actual evidence just a lot of talking about "we have evidence", "there is evidence".... much like the FAUX NEWS documentary that showed how these networks will use "Some people say..." to support their claim on broadcasts over the year as though that is their credible source, when the credible source is themselves. "evidence says" seems to be the new "some people say", because just like in those cases where there was no actual source... they seem to be able to casually claim evidence these days whenever they want without actually producing any.


Funny - I was just reading your post when my subscription to Uncensored Magazine arrived - this is the cover.

There's is compounding evidence that Seth Rich was the one who gave the DNC emails to wikileaks and that he was murdered because of it. The Russia nonsense is just that...nonsense. No evidence just hearsay from "anonymous sources".

Yeah I wrote about believing it was Seth Rich that seemed most probable to me many months ago when the Russian narrative first began before Trump had even been inaugurated. It is the only thing that makes sense.

The FBI has not been given access to the DNCs servers yet they claim to have evidence it is the Russians. Even if they did have access to the servers that still would not be evidence. I wrote several pieces from a network engineering (yes that is how I pay my bills) perspective on why that is not reliable evidence or really evidence at all. In my role I have to lock down compromised servers, find hacker activity, block IPs, and do things like that on a fairly regular basis. So I wrote about the russian hacker stories from a position of knowledge about the subject.

Plus the release of Vault 7 showing how the CIA can leave fingerprints showing a hack could come from anywhere and be blamed on whomever they chose.

Yep that came out later and was a smoking gun for planting evidence. Since their only evidence they really mentioned was proof a cyrillic keyboard was used. I wonder how they got that proof with no access to the servers. Plus, that was a specific tactic used by the CIA as evidence in the Vault 7 releases.

Here is a comprehensive Seth Rich piece with all the latest info, "Yes, the DNC had Seth Rich Murdered, Here is How I Know.":

Here is one of my comments from 4 months ago:

Since the London Bridge attack, on June 3rd, we have seen lies and misinformation from the main stream media, on a level we have never seen In this country. These media outlets, controlled by the Rothschild bankers, have been perpetuating fear and deception on the British people, with dramatic news coverage, which more resembles something like the television series 24, featuring Keither Sutherand.

What most people won't realize, Is that all of this propaganda Is to take our freedoms away, clamping down on Internet freedom and maybe even more worryingly used as an excuse, pretense, to Invade Syria and start World War 3. Please anyone reading this, please take the time to read the whole article and ask yourself who benefits from this so called terrorist event?

The corrupt UK government Is now going to regulate the visible Internet, how can the regulation of the Internet, protect anyone. There Is no way any terrorist or criminal, with a brain cell, would communicate via the visible web. They would use paper and couriers or a tor browser, they would go on the dark net and use encrypted email to remain hidden. The people peddling this BS, of regulation of the Internet, the Rothschild Cabal, the UK government, the BBC, Sky News and all the other completely corrupt UK mainstream media. They are lying, they are acting against the British people, they are all complicit In treason against this country and the British people. The real agenda of all of this Is to shut people down, who are telling the truth and make YouTube channels or website video producers obtain an OFCOM license, basically complete censorship. Because once someones under that sort of control and regulation they are banned from talking about a multitude of subjects. If they do speak Inconvenient truths, about these corrupt elites, they will be heavily fined or just taken off the air.

What truths am I talking about, the real reason for all of this Is to stop people, like myself, exposing the Rothschild's, who worship the Talmud. People who are Involved In pedophilia, the sort of people who supported and covered up for Edward Heath who was a pedophile, the people who, along with the BBC, protected Jimmy Savile.
This article will be hard for some people to read, but I'm not going to hold back because soon the visible net, most people use, will be completely censored. So It's now or never, people need to know exactly the level of evil that has been going on. These Rothschild criminals through the FED, which they own and run, with the Bush family they caused both world wars and through Presscott Bush funded Adolf Hitler. They along with the PNAC group and the Rockefeller family, through Israeli Intelligence, Instigated 911, resulting In the following Patriot Act and the mass surveillance of US citizens, and all the wars that have followed. They've supported the Influx of Islamic Sunni Wahhabists, who worship the prophet Muhammad, they follow the later part of the Koran, where Muhammad preaches terror and Jihad for the sole purpose of forcing non Muslims to convert to Islam. Muhammad also consummated his marriage with a nine year old girl, this Is something the Rothschild's also believe and practice, as the Talmud they follow allows sex with nine year olds.

Both Islamic Sharia Law and the Zionist Jews, who follow the Talmud, believe that non Muslims, Kuffar, which Is a highly derogatory Arabic term, or In the case of the Zionists, non Jews, Goyim as they call us, they think of us as pretty much nothing In their eyes. It Is Important to make clear, I'm speaking out against people who follow the Talmud, which fortunately Is a small percentage of Jews, I have nothing against the average Jewish person, most Jews are against Zionism. But the Rothschild bloodline, that run the UK, live by the Talmud and, to them, one of them Is equal to thousands of Goyim, non Jews. This Is why, Sunni, Islamic pedophile gangs have been protected In the UK, because the people above the UK government, the criminal Rothschild Cabal and the highest levels of the UK government are Involved In pedophilia.

Like many prominent researchers have said, watch the reaction, by the government, to these attacks. By understanding the response and the reaction, It gives you a clue to, A: who benefits from these events like London Bridge Attack? B: who might actually be responsible for them. So their solution Is to lets completely censor the Internet stop people speaking out about the Truth of what Is really going on and who Is really behind what we see. Now we are not just talking about pedophilia but like the ex CIA agent, Robert David Steele talks about on his website, we're talking about ritual child sacrifice and the drinking of adrenalized human blood, mainly of children. When I first heard about this, I used to not listen, I used to change the website or the YouTube channel, why, because this Is hard to hear, It's evil It's satanic and that's where this comes from.

So now we have Theresa May, the latest spokesperson for these demons, announcing that custodial sentences and less serious offences for terrorism, which will quite literally mean people like myself or people speaking uncomfortable truths exposing these elites for the luciferians they are. For calling them out, people like Theresa May and the like for what they are, funders of ISIS, backers of the most oppressive countries In the world Saudi Arabia and the mass slaughter of children In Yemen using British arms. The same prime minister, directed by the Rothschild Cabal, who perverts the course of justice In the historic sex abuse inquiry, by appointing judges that are friends with the accused Leon Brittan. The Truth Is the UK government Is a mask controlled by and used to protect the mass pedophilia and child sacrifice perpetrated by these evil, satanic Rothschild Zionists who are directly aligned with the luciferian Vatican.

Wow... you should have made a post of this. I'll try to get you a better response to this reply sometime tomorrow. I am going to go hang out with my wife for a bit the rest of today.

I did make a post of this, hardly anyone viewed It, but most who did upvoted, I'm convinced they hide my posts, because when I first came on SteemIt, In April, I was getting 40 to 50 upvotes.

Which of your posts? Also a friendly suggestion. ALWAYS include at least one image in your post. You can simply copy and paste them, or do other things.

You should give credit to where you got it from, but it does help the visibility of your posts. It doesn't look like they are hidden, it is just a lot more busy here so the votes are spreading out more. and are some fun places to find images, just make sure you cite which website you got them from.

Let me know which post you were referring to here.

Lets Fight For Freedom Before Complete Censorship

Cool I'll go check it out... I just made another tip to help you out. Here is how you can make clickable links to your articles in replies or in your posts.

Thank you very much, appreciated.

BTW... I do like how you format your paragraphs and such. Good work. I am simply sharing ideas as you seemed genuinely concerned with the low activity of your posts. Get an image on them. Even if it is simple.

If you have links to references you can use that other tip I shared to make them clickable. Keep on going. Your writing is good, knowledge is good, just persevere.

Thank you for your support, we all need It fighting this darkness, we will win If we keep speaking the Truth.

Great word "drivel". As I was reading this, it occurred to me that this type of awareness and discernment in navigating political or otherwise intentful expression ( though obviously important in our past present and future) is crucial in our developing age of "information". This is painfully obvious to most, however it is also becoming painfully obvious how barren the common ground( thank you propaganda) really is for nurturing positive and collaborative ideals as we evolve, discover and rediscover our identity as a species. There's a lot of BS. Let's turn it into soil. Thank you Steemit and dwinblood and everyone else turning this pile. Shit happens, but so does compost.

So Trump reacted to the emotionally stirring photos, didn't consider motives, evidence, etc. He saw the pictures, believed what he was being told and ordered the missile strike.

No. He bowed to the deep state because they threatened his life. He is trying to save his ass while maybe trying to change something. Thats pretty much a summary of what I think of Trump.

Here a small video to see, that there are Democrats on your side.

I find myself defending Trump for only a couple of reasons. The media has been massively biased AGAINST him since before he even was elected

Literally same lol. This post i made months ago might be relevant

About the retaliation to Sarin gas attack, I don't believe it was an impulsive emotional action because Ivanka felt bad for the kids or any of that nonsense. It was probably well planned and calculated months in advance, including the prior press propaganda (public shown pictures of dead kids, in gory details) , such that an attack in retaliation wouldn't be challenged by the American public.

it just reinforces the suspicions I already had. He's no different from the rest of them. America's foreign policy is gonna remain just the same it was during Obama (and Bush).

Him and Hilary are good friends off the cameras

Just another neocon dressed up as an entertainer with a brash personality.

A really great post. Thank you.
I totally agree with everything you've written. Especially these few lines. They really resonated with me.

I am actually not a Trump fan. I'll freely admit I despise Hillary.

  • You just need to read her emails.

I find myself defending Trump for only a couple of reasons. The media has been massively biased AGAINST him since before he even was elected. I found myself defending him even back then and I didn't vote for him. The bias is so over the top blatant.

  • This is the main reason I signed up to @Steemit.

I'd love to not have to defend Trump. Yet the emotional idiocy and sheer onslaught of propaganda is so deafening that I feel the need to fight back.

  • I feel I'm constantly having to redpill people on Twitter.

Thanks again. Resteemed voted and followed.

@dwinblood I also thought you might be interested in this. It's a recent post I wrote about how the DNC and how they made up the hacker Guccifer 2.0 to cover the fact Seth Rich was actually the leaker and to start the Russian story. It includes some metadata research from the 1st few documents that were released online before the they were all released by Wikileaks.

SETH RICH | How The Hacker Guccifer 2.0 Was Made Up By The DNC


Awesome post Deva! However, you should post a link to the article being discussed so that folks can read the source of what you are responding to.

I had a hyperlink above and the entire middle image was a link. I didn't test it and forgot to put the actual address into the hyperlink. This has been fixed. It's sad that no one else noticed. :(

I did it has a hyper link above the middle picture and that entire middle picture itself is clickable. :)

According to the article, the reason that people called for Donald's impeachment before he was formally inaugurated was due to the fact that many people believe he entered the White House in a way that was in direct violation of the constitution.

The writer of this article is not entirely clear headed and I agree, is trying to spin things. However there is a link here to a lawsuit being filed against Donald

This page goes back to Jan, when he was first sued for this. The case is still pending in court...

It's not impeachable but sounds unconstitutional.

Most of the people calling for impeachment before inauguration were not likely intelligent enough to put that narrative together. They were just scared of the words he said, and reacting to where the media hype had taken them.

People that were intelligent and actually research requirements for impeachment were not actually calling for it then. So looking back in hindsight and saying "Trump" did this is more about trying to hide the fact that impeachment has been called since before he'd actually done anything but talk, and get elected.

But if it turns out to be true, that he conspired with the Russians to get elected. Then it would call for such impeachment right? I still understand that proof must be provided, but given that proof is provided that he cheated in this election using Russian hacking... Then I would agree he should be impeached. Actually calling for his impeachment before finding the truth about those claims is silly. I agree.

I still understand that proof must be provided, but given that proof is provided that he cheated in this election using Russian hacking...

This is the beginning of their B.S. story.

  1. They (FBI) were not even given access to the servers in question. They had to take the word of a third party company that supposedly investigated them.
  2. The only evidence they really reported was that Podesta had possibly been phished by an email using a program that is commonly used by "russians". This I only saw mentioned once or twice and then they seemed to drop that for some reason. Then they said their was evidence a cyrillic keyboard was used. See next points.
  3. Vault 7 leaks of CIAs own plans to use Cyrillic and other style keyboards to give impression of crimes/hacking/blame for cyber acts on other countries.
  4. Since I DO regularly deal with compromised machines I DO know what types of evidence they can actually find. Unless the person was an utter moron... which makes it unlikely to be anyone in Russian government you don't hack from your own IP address. You do multiple hops, and preferably also jump through some VPNs. The server you hack is NOT going to have a record of that path. You can only get that with real time monitoring while the attack is actually occurring. It is going to give you a single IP address with a timestamp, and there will possibly be logs you can look at depending how lazy they are about cleaning up under themselves. Where I work we'll blacklist IPs, IP blocks, etc as we'll see people coming in from a new IP frequently. Even having an IP address it is not proof of who hacked anyone. It is only proof that at least part of the route went through that location whether compromised or not. If you go by IP address alone then it is super easy to frame anyone, and only a very stupid hacker would use anything remotely close to their own IP address.
  5. If you cannot see them fishing then I probably can't clear it up for you. They keep playing kick the can... oh that didn't work, let's look over here. They are people claiming there is a crime before they have any evidence... so they'll keep hunting until they find something to support their claim. They look for a scapegoat they didn't plan on using as a scapegoat, and now they are trying to find some way to make the scapegoat work.

The thing is I do think Russia influence the election. I actually saw it. Yet it was no different than how we influence elections and how other countries influence elections.

Putin was on the news talking about the nuclear drills they had been doing as he suspected the election of Hillary Clinton might lead to nuclear war. He also said he thought he could work with Donald Trump.

He said that in the news several times with different variations before the elections.

So did that have some effect? Probably for some people. It is also normal and something nations (especially the U.S.) does all of the time.

Oh I forgot to mention it is highly probable all the leaks in question came from Seth Rich. I was saying this many months ago. It makes the most sense and events before and after his death strongly indicate this is the case.

Far more probable than any of this Russian hacking crap, and Hillary calling wikileaks "Russian Wikileaks" as though they work for the Russians.

She's worked for/with the Russians potentially against the best interests of the U.S. several times before. As far as I know Wikileaks has not.

Wikipedia goes on to list all of the Law Suits currently filed against Trump. Maybe not impeachable but at a glance, this stuff sounds wrong and illegal. Which is why I brought up his Travel Ban to you. Lots to read here, I will have to look at it more closely later. But honestly, how do you feel about the Travel Ban Deva? Is that one case alone not unconstutional, wrong, and carry enough evidence of such for you?

It depends on which travel ban. If you mean the travel ban from the nations on the list that Obama made (Trump may have added to by now, but hadn't last I heard) that Obama actually used briefly without a peep from media? The one that they say he is anti-muslim due to doing and that doesn't even include some of the largest muslim population countries? That travel ban?

I don't particularly like the idea of a ban. Yet all the things we have done up to this point don't seem to be actually fighting and decreasing terrorism, but increasing it.

So I do believe trying new things is not a bad thing. Trying the same thing over and over just makes it worse.

As to whether it is constitutional or not. I am uncertain. With the increasing terror attacks in places that are not banning, and are in fact inviting not to mention the bad things happening in the countries to the citizens that have always been there, it could be considered a safety precaution.

Do I like it? Hell no. I don't like government.

However, the reality is because I don't like government doesn't mean I can just treat every situation realistically like we should have no government, no borders, etc. All of that has to be worked towards. If you pretend the other problems are not going on outside of our country then it is easy to complain about what is done with borders, travel, etc.

I see everything we've been doing in the middle east and Africa for more than a decade like continually kicking an ant hill.

I am not going to cry and whine when someone tries something new. I'll wait and see what happens and then react to observable outcomes.

I think I also see a lot of folks in here blaming the media for trashing Donald so badly. But Donald gladly challenged and took on a huge fight with several press outlets before getting elected.

Donald is not a very good politician in this manner as he did not realize the backlash he would create by attacking the press as such. They can fight back pretty hard and if he gets impeached, I think the history books will read about how the pen is mightier than the sword.

Here are 3 good articles from last year, LONG before he was president showing that he was fighting a really nasty battle of words with the press. So I do not believe that the press is doing this only for political reasons just because he won. I believe they are also blasting Trump because he has been begging to fight them for years.

I'll check them out before commenting... might not be until tonight. Have to make a data center trip today.

That is what makes me wonder about this platform is the timliness of such subjects. I have a hard time commenting throughout the day too. I wish I could put more time and research into every comment but there just is not time. But by tonight, this post will be long forgotten right? Or should I come back here to continue the conversation... But then.... How long does that go on here in this post? Interesting thoughts because its not quite like slack, where I can ask you a question, then leave for 3 days to come back and pick up the conversation where we left off.

I don't want to post anything political in my blog, or else I suppose I could just reply to your post, using another post.

Yeah you can reply whenever. I check all my replies. I occasionally get people replying to something months old. I still answer. :)

Another thing about lawsuits. People can file a lawsuit on anything they want. They really don't mean much until the judgement has been entered. If a lawsuit is filed with no evidence it will still be listed, but until it actually goes to court and the evidence and testimony are heard it doesn't mean much.

So I can't comment on them. I will look them over though and see if they have any hints at possible further digging opportunities.

He has a long way to go to catch up to the Clintons. :)

Understood, agreed, I need to look at them closer too.

Trump plays for keeps, he is not a stupid man. Have you watched the Movie Swordfish ?

You will have a idea of the game ( Misdirection ) he has killed the MSM ( what was left of it )
but is surrounded by the very people he vowed to eliminate

If he stays in office, he will eventually expose the whole lot of them. And they know it !

Thus all the ridiculous accusations at the moment !

Truth always prevails in the end.

Just years after the fact & seldom if ever punished

Nobody or few, have had so many targets painted on their head than Trump.

Most dangerous job in he world is his body guards, so far so good:-)

My Signature Post ---> Fun & maybe a little Cheeky

I do think a lot of it is panic reactions from things not going as planned and this is them trying to regain control.

"The propaganda failed, what should we do?"

"Increase the amount of propaganda"

"That story didn't work"

"Well change a few words and try again"

It's pathetic Biblical proportions laugh and enjoy their destruction

Life is Good :-)

Nobody but useful idiots believe the lies they are spewing. I had my Dish disconnected because I am not funding their lies.

Relevant: video was posted today but is from May 20th

Yep, I knew about this. I've actually written about this in my articles where I talked about the B.S. of the Russian Hacking from purely technical point of view. I am a network engineer and deal with hacking and security fairly regularly.

They are spending a lot more than 30 pieces of silver trying to crucify him, rather than work with him. This is a deep divide, a highly irrational one.

Your right. I think it's very dangerous game that being played. Very dangerous. From inside, my view this as a weak very weak and ineffective govt that is multipolar disorder that is beyond treatable. I can only imagine how it looks from the outside with the intelligenceI don't have.

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 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

They still seem to be talking about it but they no longer refer to pizza, etc. They constantly are mentioning elite pedophiles, and messages about we have the sperm, the kids, etc. from emails. All of these things are directly tied to Pizzagate without them using that term. It is the use of that term which seems to get you mounted on a stake over the fire.

Infowars, Alex Jones, and those guys. I get news from a lot of sources and I include them in the mix. They basically crucified Ben Swann for talking about Pizzagate. I've noticed Alex doesn't mention Pizza, or the word Pizzagate, but he still seems to talk about most of the things that are encompassed in those discussions.