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RE: Was this Putin's green light?

in #politics2 days ago

Yeah, this was disgraceful. On the other hand, it's good to have clarity. Now Europeans are scrambling to develop a replacement for NATO. We know we can't count on the Americans to defend us anymore. The sleepy old continent can still get things done when there's an emergency. For example, Germany built five LNG terminals in two years to replace Russian gas.

Putin might be happy this weekend, but a Russian-American agreement doesn't mean the war will end. Europe controls the most significant sanctions and is able to support Ukraine financially on its own. Zelensky isn't the most hawkish politician in Ukraine; if he resigned, there are no pacifists to take over, or Russian speakers who still support Russia after eleven years of war and occupation.


I don't know if I had considered the possibility of another president taking over, and being ten times more hawkish. It's not outside of the realm of possibilities.

That said, and what's more likely, is that the new leader would be a pro russian manchurian candidate. Both situations would be horrible, but for different reasons.