watching the current presidental election is like watching two pigs fighting in the mud. Neither one is clean. The Hildebeast has done everything that the cheetoh has and vice versa. It's a choice of dumb and dumbest but which is which?
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I'm not a huge fan of Hillary, but when I research the claims against her, I find a lot of them are false or exaggerated or just ridiculous. When I research Trump, I find worse and worse stuff.
He doesn't do his homework; he doesn't understand complex issues--or simple ones, for that matter; he has no empathy; he's a racist, a misogynist, a nationalist; women claim he assaulted them; he's thin-skinned and narcissistic; he cheats people; he thought it'd be cool to be able to look at undressed teenage girls; he can't prioritize (surprising in a supposed businessman); he is an embarrassment in the world ... I could go on and on, but I feel like the little girl trying to tell others that the emperor has no clothes.
Being an American living abroad, I feel very nervous at the idea of Trump being in charge. Being a sex assault survivor, I feel disgusted that he might be in the White House.
a lot of the claims against her are true many drops of urine would you a want in a glass of milk before you would not want to drink it?
Anyone can publish on Amazon, and Breitbart and NY Post are NOT reliable. Got anything better, that a former journalist like me would find credible? As much as Hillary Clinton has been investigated, you would think there would be something definitive and provable.
As I said, I'm not a huge fan of Clinton, but I believe she has mostly gotten a bum rap, and I don't confuse her with her husband. I don't like most politicians; I spent six weeks watching a state legislature make laws in session and deals out of session when I was just out of college, and that taught me a lot. I've never voted for Hillary Clinton before, but I will this time, because the alternative is horrible.
You say 'former journalists" like it's a good thing and I should be impressed.
nope...nothing that a former journalist would find credible.
no such thing.
in my obeservation if it doesnt' fit the narrative then it's irrelevant to journalists.
Seen it happen...every time.
Talking to you I see it happening again.