Did the last week or so of coverage of the U.S. presidential election trigger you? Welcome to the fast-growing community of sexual assault victims who are reliving their past traumas thanks to The Donald.
If you have been a victim (female or male) of someone else's depravity, the words of Donald Trump, caught on a hot mic eleven years ago, may have reminded you of how it felt to have someone use your body—perhaps violently—without regard for your feelings.

Did it infuriate you that Trump talked smugly about committing sexual assault with impunity—using his status to abuse women and get away with it?
Did it sicken you to hear some of what he has said about his daughter or about young girls?
What did your Truth Meter tell you when Trump asserted to Anderson Cooper that he had not done what he bragged about doing?
If you have been watching the women come forward to say Donald Trump actually did commit sexual assault, you may have applauded the courage that took, because you know how Trump lashes back in a minimizing way at anyone who criticizes or opposes him.
After hearing the Trump Tapes, writer Kelly Oxford (@kellyoxford) vented on Twitter:
> Women, tweet me your first assaults. They aren’t just stats. I’ll go first.minimum rate of 50 per minute. Were you one of them?Using the hashtag #notokay, millions of women responded. For the first 14 hours, sexual abuse survivors tweeted at a

Did you nod along when you listened to Michelle Obama say the following:
> I can't stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way I could not have predicted.Have you read the description of a woman talking with friends in a crowded nightclub when she suddenly felt a man’s hands slide up her leg and touch her vagina? This alleged encounter demonstrates what Trump bragged about on the tape: he can kiss and grope women without their permission, and NOTHING HAPPENS except that the woman springs away from the unwanted touching, realizes that the groper is famous, and does nothing except tell her friends.
NOTHING HAPPENS, until years later the man is running for president and denies groping women, despite the stories that had already surfaced well before the tape release. One point worth noting about this particular woman is that The Washington Post says it contacted her after someone else who had heard her story at the time disclosed it to The Post following the second presidential debate. The woman reportedly agonized for several days over whether she should go public. This runs counter to Trump’s claim that these women are seeking 15 minutes of fame.
Honestly, if you wanted fame, is this how you would seek it?
How many women must come forward before Trump’s labeling them all liars will seem ridiculous to even the most ardent Trump supporter? How many did it take with Bill Cosby before the press began to practice journalism?

If you did get triggered this week and you’re having trouble processing it on your own, talk to someone about it, whether it’s a friend or relative you’re emotionally close to, a therapist, or the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673). Just becoming aware that the tape release and its aftermath triggered me helped me deal with it. (However, it’s been a strange, mostly unproductive week.)
Know, too, that time is inexorable: the election will soon be over, unless we’ve all fallen into some strange time warp. The ridiculously long run of a spoiled, selfish, destructive child will, I hope, end soon after, along with the impunity he has enjoyed until now.
Sources: these and many others:
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watching the current presidental election is like watching two pigs fighting in the mud. Neither one is clean. The Hildebeast has done everything that the cheetoh has and vice versa. It's a choice of dumb and dumbest but which is which?
I'm not a huge fan of Hillary, but when I research the claims against her, I find a lot of them are false or exaggerated or just ridiculous. When I research Trump, I find worse and worse stuff.
He doesn't do his homework; he doesn't understand complex issues--or simple ones, for that matter; he has no empathy; he's a racist, a misogynist, a nationalist; women claim he assaulted them; he's thin-skinned and narcissistic; he cheats people; he thought it'd be cool to be able to look at undressed teenage girls; he can't prioritize (surprising in a supposed businessman); he is an embarrassment in the world ... I could go on and on, but I feel like the little girl trying to tell others that the emperor has no clothes.
Being an American living abroad, I feel very nervous at the idea of Trump being in charge. Being a sex assault survivor, I feel disgusted that he might be in the White House.
a lot of the claims against her are true ...how many drops of urine would you a want in a glass of milk before you would not want to drink it?
https://www.amazon.com/Sleeping-President-Intimate-Years-Clinton/dp/1889801003 https://www.amazon.com/Unlimited-Access-Agent-Inside-Clinton/dp/0895264064 http://nypost.com/2016/06/25/clinton-white-house-was-a-den-of-cocaine-and-mistresses-ex-secret-service-officer/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/17/exclusive-linda-tripp-bill-had-affairs-with-thousands-of-women/
Anyone can publish on Amazon, and Breitbart and NY Post are NOT reliable. Got anything better, that a former journalist like me would find credible? As much as Hillary Clinton has been investigated, you would think there would be something definitive and provable.
As I said, I'm not a huge fan of Clinton, but I believe she has mostly gotten a bum rap, and I don't confuse her with her husband. I don't like most politicians; I spent six weeks watching a state legislature make laws in session and deals out of session when I was just out of college, and that taught me a lot. I've never voted for Hillary Clinton before, but I will this time, because the alternative is horrible.
You say 'former journalists" like it's a good thing and I should be impressed.
nope...nothing that a former journalist would find credible.
no such thing.
in my obeservation if it doesnt' fit the narrative then it's irrelevant to journalists.
Seen it happen...every time.
Talking to you I see it happening again.
To bad there as been emails, witnesses and family members coming out saying it was all a lie.
But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story right?
Stop with the ignorant lies please.
Sources please--reliable sources.
ugh, you havent seen it all over the web?
The whole reliable source thing is good because what you call realibal I might not and vice versa. this is someone that was easy to look up but as for reliable, it is subjective. if these aren't good enough let me know and ill try to get more links, or you could do some research yourself. but all good I understand people making sure stuff is true is a rare thing now days.
Summer Zervos, one of the women accusing Trump of assaulting her, recently offered to help his campaign, and wanted his help to promote her restaurant. Here's the Summer Zervos email details
Summer Zervos, one of the women accusing Donald Trump of being inappropriate is being debunked as a hoaxer by her own family. Here's what they're saying about her and why she gave the press conference with Gloria Allred.
Jessica Leeds Exposed - A witness who says he was seated right next to Donald Trump and Jessica Leeds on a flight 30 years ago when she said he was "all over her like an octopus" debunks another one of Trumps fake victims. Anthony Gilberthorpe speaks out
If you need more info to do your own research let me know.
Did you want realiable sources for the people making this claims? I mean they have no whitnesses, evidence, or anything and they waited till the election was in 3 weeks?
Sorry if I came off as an asshole im justr sick of the mainstream media lies and how the general public just eats it up with out looking into it all the while spreading it around to others like it is facts.
Ah, yes, Anthony Gilberthorpe, who said he pimped out boys. Trump invited women to come forward by denying he had assaulted women. The timing makes perfect sense to me. I would feel an urgency to correct him if I were one of those women. I'm not saying Clinton's camp won't capitalize on it.
As for Summer Zavros, her behavior reminds me of the women who told their stories of being harassed by Roger Ailes, of the girls who were kidnapped and raped and formed a bond with their captor. It doesn't prove what happened or didn't happen one way or the other. I guess I'm old school, but I like facts. And I am a person who has training and experience in judging reliability of information. You?
That is why Im saying they have nothing to support their story. to belive them without facts is wrong. they don't have any evidence, but people are coming out saying different.
so if we cant belive one side because there is no facts we cant believe the other side that has no facts.
One side does have emails and witness and family members coming out saying its all lies so yeah.
Comes off to me as a bunch of crap that is based in nothing but is getting spread around like its fact. just like the news deniying the emails, witnesses and family members couming out and speaking up about it, they claim that has not happened just like they claim the other side with no proof it fact.
its one big shit show and people that blindly accept without looking into stuff are only helping spread the lies.
It is shitty imo
Have you ever been on an airplane with three seats across in first class--especially back then? Did this guy have a rich daddy to pay for first class for a teenager?
No clue but records show he was in the seat next to them. the witness that says it didn't happen has as much evidence backing him as the girl that says it did happen. So if we cant believe one we cat believe the other imo.
Oh, I hadn't seen the records that say he was in the seat next to them. I thought he offered no proof. Amazing that anyone would still have records from so long ago. Can you attach the proof?
So without proof you will believe the girl saying it happened but you need proof to prove she is lying? O.o
In a recent post I talked about how annoying it is when people constantlty ask for citation when they are only going to dismiss the facts.
so I guess look for it your self and please provide proof that he really did do what she is clasiming even though there are witness saying its a lie.
Otherwise this is pointless if you are claiming that without me providing you with actual paperwork that the witness is null and void.
I do not see any witnesses coming out and saying it was real.
I will do a quick search to see if I can fid a source for the seating charts -smh- but im not going to put a lot of effort into to it because I now see it as pointless if you are going to support one side with no evidence and dismiss the other side that has witnesses, emails, and family members coming out saying its a lie.
Don't forget that she has recounted 3 different stories. lol
she cant even keep her story straight.
@skeptic, do you understand that the words on the tape, regardless of anything that came after, are extremely hurtful to someone who has experienced what he talked so casually of being able to do because of his privilege?
His privilege? LMFAO!!!!!
His words are hurtful! LMFAO!!!!!!!
Are you trying to troll steemit or are you serious? I don't think I could write a troll response that amazing if I tried.
10 internet points to the funny troll comment!
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This a good article: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/22/us/she-never-spoke-of-it-to-her-husband-then-she-heard-the-trump-tape.html?smid=fb-share
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