"Haha. Your sarcasm is always on point."
Haha, thanks man.
"Never really understood this, before. But you're defintely right. Stricter gun control would mean only the worst people get the guns. "
Ya, I think often there's a tendency to think people are just making excuses when they say this. If you don't support drug restriction, it's because you like drugs. If you don't support gun restriction, it's because you like guns. But it's really just true that the "ban" doesn't cause what its advocates want it to cause.
Everyone agrees that a world with 0 guns would be better. But how you cause that to happen is a different question.
"Yet something really must be done. Maybe instead of shouting the same impractical solution all the time, more attempts should be made to solve whatever problem is driving people to lunacy, whatever demon possesses them to just decide to end countless of life like it's nothing."
For sure! Holistic solutions ftw.
A common theme in these shootings seems to be that the killer is on some sort of psychoactive drug. Obviously I'm not a professional or anything, but as a human who is alive, I feel entitled to perhaps be correct about this:
When people have mental health issues they need to be talked with and loved. Guided, encouraged. It may be hard work. Not handed a pill that you expect will magically make them better.
One day we'll look back at these quacks as exactly what they are.
(Consider that big pharma, besides being in bed with big govt, is a paying advertiser on the news channels. So I actually don't even think "banning guns" is like realistically anyone's goal or agenda or actually would ever happen, as much as it's a misdirection from what the real source of the outrage should be.)
Haha, exactly. It's happened, already. Guns exist. But how can we make sure these people are not pushed to such expedients.
Exactly. Definitely! But like you said, it's easy to just shove them a pill, instead of creating a system--or improving the existing one--so as to accommodate, and help, and encourage and guide these people.
But like you said, the big guns--pun intended--wouldn't let this happen. Who'd buy the drugs!? So let's direct their attentions to banning guns every time, instead of facing the real problems holistically.
Yup! Class misdirection. People vaguely sense that something is wrong, and so there needs to be a scapegoat problem to discourage people from looking for the real problem.
Pill Pushing + Gun Free Zones = disaster waiting to happen.
Stop those things and fix it from within.
I'll add one more thing. If people want to stop the pill pushing and stop the gun free zones AND want to "ban guns"
they're still wrong that banning guns will accomplish what they think it will accomplish, but in this case they're at least potentially genuine
if they think schools should remain defenseless and don't care about these psychiatric practices, then they DO NOT care about protecting kids and are just playing politics or reacting emotionally