What an interesting situation. The US kills civilians in a far greater magnitude than any "terrorist" organization has ever achieved in killing civilians and soldiers combined.
How then is it that they are terrorists and we are not, if they kill civilians while the US kills far more civilians? Isn't terrorism the killing of civilians in the pursuit of political agendas? The US would be considered the terrorist conglomerate by any rational analysis of each side of the fight.
We live in a time when people are spoon fed a narrative about an enemy that must be stopped at any cost of life and/or freedom, and people just gobble that shit up without thinking twice. Yet we are all waking up. At the end of the day I think we are going in the right direction and humanity will reach enlightenment.
Statism is the most dangerous religion on earth.
Not even counting war, the State is responsible for 262,000,000. deaths in the past 100 years.