No president is "classy." Being the head of the world's largest terrorist criminal cartel is not "classy."
Sick of seeing murderers praised all over the news and social media. Join me as I rant and see how many f-bombs I can drop within a 30-second period in describing the Obama presidency. Can I drop more "f-bombs" than Obama dropped drone strikes on children? Doubtful, but I'll try.
Here's the vid:
Nope. Not "classy."
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)
Right on!
What an interesting situation. The US kills civilians in a far greater magnitude than any "terrorist" organization has ever achieved in killing civilians and soldiers combined.
How then is it that they are terrorists and we are not, if they kill civilians while the US kills far more civilians? Isn't terrorism the killing of civilians in the pursuit of political agendas? The US would be considered the terrorist conglomerate by any rational analysis of each side of the fight.
We live in a time when people are spoon fed a narrative about an enemy that must be stopped at any cost of life and/or freedom, and people just gobble that shit up without thinking twice. Yet we are all waking up. At the end of the day I think we are going in the right direction and humanity will reach enlightenment.
Statism is the most dangerous religion on earth.
Not even counting war, the State is responsible for 262,000,000. deaths in the past 100 years.
" Can I drop more 'f-bombs' than Obama dropped drone strikes on tiny children? Doubtful, but I'll try." ... this is golden comedic material.. G carlin level.😆 👍 🔥
more like he had a classy speech writer & personal stylist lol
you got that right, there is ZERO dignity in taking part in an action which violates the basic civil liberties of anyone, no matter which country they come from.
In the world of the doublethink of a statist, this person receives the Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama can shove his Nobel Peace prize up is own arse!!
Kill list Tuesdays, anyone??
they wanna talk classy, now Ron Paul, there's a classy mf !
Only the classiest ma fackin politician to ever walk this Earth.
statesman might be more accurate ;)
You're totally right, calling Dr. Paul a politican is an insult. I take it back.
I bet you will find dark holes there too.
Ron Paul knows what is really going on and has tried to do something about it. Do you?
Interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing.
Nailed another good one Bro ! Well said Indeed ...
"It doesn't matter what color you paint the puppet, It's STILL a puppet" !
Read More, Reason More ... JTS
Great post! Where did the Sheriff Joe Arpaio Birth certificate fraud case go? It seems like no-one cares about the information and evidence he presented in that press conference.
I'm from Prague so its always nice for me to see how people around the world appreciate Kafka!
The atrocities of Obama and Hilary can be described in 1 word.... Libya!
The fact that america totally eviserated Libya and it's people, prospects and status as an emerging African Superpower all in the name of "Protecting American Interests" just shows tyrannous an american hegemony on world super powers can be. Cheers on Vladmir Putin and Mother Russia starting to throw some weight
Totally forgot to mention Libya, but yes, the murders wrought there in the name of "freedom" were/are despicable.
Followed. Keep it up
@kafkanarchy84, if you want to see the result of an unschooler, then show my sister some love -
Barry is a cocaine snorting puppet criminal whose "wife" is a tranny - pure class!
I'm so confused... because I hate the text of your reply for so many reasons (not the only being that cocaine is obviously delicious haha) but this photo made me laugh so hard. hahaha
Hell it's only one line, how much is there to hate?
Better post another pic then!
Should have done a face swap. That would have gotten my up vote for sure. :)
And they say the right and the left have nothing to agree on... hahaha... face swaps. Fucking hilarious.
You hit the nail on the head!
Those people also think there's 52 states
Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a piece of garbage. All of his signature accomplishments are being torn down. The real problem in the United States is that there were people dumb enough to vote for him and Hillary Clinton.
You're so right. Those that voted for Obama and Hillary were blinded by Obama's charm and deceit and Hillary's lies. I still can't believe those voters fell for it. It makes me even more sick to see how Obama and Hillary have treated Trump. Speaking of the American people falling for it, the fact they're falling for this "Russian witch hunt" blows my mind.
During the Clinton presidency the CIA told at least 30 times to Clinton that they had the location on Osama Bin Laden to take him out. Clinton never gave the order.
One of the first things Obama did, was to give the order to kill Osama Bin Laden....
Well, he certainly has given lots of orders to blow people up.
Were any of you aware Osama Bin Laden was a former CIA agent? I just learned about this recently and was shocked.
Also, are any of you aware of reports that Obama had his mother killed right before she was about to go public about him being born in Kenya, being gay, Michelle (Michael) being trans, and their "kids" being on loan? It took a lot of digging and overwhelming evidence before I could believe it. In fact, You Tube is full of videos of Obama stating he was not only born in Kenya, but that he was gay. One of his former lovers posted a long video about it and not long after that he was mysteriously "killed".
Were you also aware Supreme Justice Scalia, who "supposedly died of natural causes" was murdered months before the election (Obama and Hillary and God only knows who else were behind it), in hopes that Hillary would get in office and put a liberal Supreme Court Justice in his place?
Also, Joan Rivers was also murdered by Obama's order after she exposed him and "Michelle" Michael on video which is still on You Tube? I could go on and on.