Britain is Heading to the Wall and Now Free Speech has been Labeled Hate Speech and is Officially a Crime !

in #politics7 years ago

Britain and indeed the whole of Europe has been plunged into a very dark period in its History ! The Neo Liberals present in our society have driven us to the edge of their cliff ! With our borders now wide open to the "needy" and "impoverished" of the Third World who can seeminly come here without any security checks or proof of their intentions it is not surprising to see the indegenous people who have real reason to feel threatened reacting and expressing their concerns of this politcs of Madness !

But now to voice this, to exercise your once allowed right to Free Speech and to protest and speak with others of your beliefs and fears has become illegal ! The left once defenders of free speech and freedom to express your beliefs are now the very people to stamp down on any that chose to exercise this right !

Now if you even share something on the internet which the " thought police " deem as " wrong think " could under the new laws being passed land you in jail for their newly invented term called " Hate Speech" So it would seem the predictions of George Orwell in 1984 and Aldous Huxley were absolutely correct and incredibly prophetic as now this very action of just talking to others on the internet or in the street in an organised protest could land you in jail now for 6 months and giving you a criminal record !

So as I do only this on Steemit makes my activity here on this platform as completely illegal and now I am apparently a criminal ! How did we indeed we get here is now beyond me, but I refuse to bow to this insanity and I will not be silenced and will continue to serve you as best I can with my daily posts on all of the Insanity we see around us here in Europe and abroad !


Black Pigeon Speaks
Published on 14 May 2018

Here is a comment taken from the comment section of this video which I think sums up the situation and which also sums up my personal feelings on why we must not yeild to this " brainwashing" by the Big Brother networks of Western Media and government policy !

elvis ammo. This Agenda driven, Brainwash, "Journalism" By design to commit Culture Suicide! With no identity for the Patriots or indigenous residents that built our great nations and fought to protect it... Time is up we are calling you out! WE don't fall in line so easy, WE can't be brain washed, WE are not your little lambs!


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




It’s already too late for Britain, most people here are statist’s caught up in the bullshit left/right paradigm.
They will happily accept their fate as long as they get their ‘free stuff’ and as it turns into a police state they’ll turn on each other in an attempt to curry favour with an entity designed to destroy them....
Pathetic isn’t it?!

I agree entirely with TP on this, I saw this coming, I watched the "creep" towards it, I jumped ship and it was the single best decision of my life. Add to it all my brothers, sisters even mother now want to move here to Poland and you get the picture, they were my biggest detractors when I was pointing it all out, now they are among my biggest admirers as they have seen the light.
And since being here (4 years now) I have never had a single argument, bad comment or any hatred towards me, the only Englishman for 300 miles squared, which is something the Polish deserve massive credit for as I heard 1000's of negative comments about the Polish in the UK from British people.

Most of the negative comments are from work shy losers living on government handouts because they’re too dependant on the state to take care of themselves.
I’ve employed a number of polish dudes over the years and they’re incredibly hard working and proud. I’m sure the majority of Brits were like that in the past however rampant socialism has ruined the family structures, pride and work ethic and our once proud country.

Pathetic is a word i thought that could never be used to describe our once great country @tremedospercy ! I agree pathetic and terribly sad ! ( Maybe we should all go to Poland like @deliberator ?? I wonder if the Polish would like that though ??

To many old, angry, bitter women in positions of power nowadays.

Majority of people are against this, but who knows what will happen in next couple of decades since left has gained control over the education system and new generations are coming out of the schools with that mindset.

That part where "the institution", being run by leftists, will decide what is hate speech, is ridiculous, they are way easy to offend, and i mean if you say , tweet, something and like 10 mil people hear you, whatever you say someone will be offended... Also protest are being more and more violent, mater of time when things will get out of control.

And that multiculturalism is going to be complete disaster... Just look at Sweden, what is going on. Women being raped by so called "rape gangs" everyday, and police cant stop them, they have their "no go zones", and if some women says i have been raped by Muhamed, or whatever, she is racist? Also they are gathering in the town centers and singing how all Jewish people should die, i mean what the f!?
I wonder if hate speech is: telling them that singing that is wrong? Or that will be offensive to their religion. And other countries like UK, Germany.. instead of acknowledging that is a problem, and reacting accordingly, to prevent same things, they just ignore it and try to shut down people who point at that... They will rather let their own people suffer than admitting they were wrong.


I,m from Serbia, whole my teenage years i was thinking how i will move to some western country, for better job since here life standard is really low compared to western world. But with all of this going on i hardly doubt that will happen..

I wonder if social media platform on deep web would be possible, so people can stay anonymous in their posts, i mean some journalists are reporting like that, why wouldn't regular man be able to stay anonymous?

Yes well Mrs Thatcher of the 80,s I think fits your description of and angry old woman in power and she certainly decimated our country with closing steelworks,mines,shipyards and factories in Britian to the point where now we produce nothing and if we do its for somebody else ! I dont like to much to generalise on sexual backgrounds but there does seem to be a certain style of power seeking woman prvalent in European politcs which does give rise to terrible policies and destructive nature !
If I were you I would not come to the West now ,its seriously getting dangerous politcally and to tie your life to it would be a mistake I think @im4g1n4t10n ! We are being gutted and hung out to dry now by this leftist insanity of "open borders" and" diversity" !

I do fear for you over there. I was just talking with a fellow who was talking about democide and he blamed governments in general. I pointed out that it only happens in countries after governments institute gun control and free speech restrictions.

oh yeah i rememeber being a kid at school and watching the explanations on the TV why it was good to hand in your guns ! As I recall they used the then ·" terror" threat of the IRA ato do this ! Bloody insane ! Iremeber especially the old gents having to hand in their elephant guns that they kept on their walls next to the elephants head in the manor !! Britain was in many ways already a gonner than as we just bowed our heads like we know so well and complied to government mandate ! Little did we know then that this would be the beginning of the end for us !!

and now hate speech laws so you can't even complain about it!

I guess the elites down want listening and even hearing the truth.

No @amazingwoman " Lies are Truth and Thought is Illegal !

Has it come this far, already?

yeah well pretty much, seriously now in Britain if you are native and share a video or meme on a media web site and it gets noticed by the "thought police" then you can truly get a knock on the door and you maybe be facing 6 months in prison and or a heavy fine ! Then you end up in jails full of muslims who just waitng to intoduce you to the word of Allah or their boot while the lefty guards stand by and let them at you, so that they can blow off some steam and give them less trouble ! So in short yes it really is that bad, ask poor Tommy Robinson how his life has been totally ruined for having the balls of talking out before most even knew there is a problem Houston !

Everyone can see what is going on - Most people are too afraid now to say anything in fear that THEY are branded.
We can all identify what is right and wrong.... Common sense and decency must prevail and the respect for other folk without using it as a politically promoting agenda.
Sarcasm and Comedy is dying...

Sarcasm and Comedy is dying..., yes thats true and what a horribly grey sad world we will have if we allow this @funbooby51 ? What is the solution to this in your mind ?? Any ideas how to fight this ? Soon posting on Steemit or even using it will become illegal and dangerous ! I can see these social media platforms that fall outside the control grid of big centralised govermnent becoming illegal, then what really ?

Man Britain has been going crazy in recent years... and has become so ridiculously PC that it’s painful to be back home. It’s just world gone man, Britain especially. Hate to think what it could be like in 10 years :/

Well at this rate it will be a Caliphate and under Sharia Rule ! The government that brought them in will have already thrown from the roofs tops and what is left of the population will be hiding in the woods or jumping in a boat to go to Africa which by then will be empty but possible highly radioactive due to the oil wars !! It so hard for me to watch really and the world is too small even if you are a sailor like me as there will be no escaping this madness by the time i am old if indeed i make it that far !

Hey my friend, there was a time when England's island status afforded it protection, now it's almost turning into a prison .. watched and tracked in everything we do and everywhere we go. These people are literally insane and so removed from reality and any form of street wisdom that it's scary. Great post as always @gomeravibz

Thanks @perceptualflaws, yes the channle tunnel I always saw as a mistake and frankly not necessary ! Just another nail in the coffin of our once Great nation now effectively decimated and brought to its knees by this policy of Open Borders and Multicultural diversity ! Makes me sick in my later years to see this happen with no way of effectively combatting it !

Yes, in fact here in Venezuela President Maduro took out a similar law entitled the "Law against hatred"
According to the norm, anyone who promotes fascism, intolerance and national hatred will be forbidden to participate in the political game. The question is, who determines what is "hate" and under what criteria?
In my opinion, this law is arbitrary and has as its sole objective to censure any type of manifestation contrary to the official and limit the democratic stability of the country. With this legislation, it is intended to criminalize political dissent, imposing criminal, administrative and tax penalties, attempting to legitimize the abuse of power and curtailing citizen protest against the crisis, penalizing it in the same way as murder.

Yes @mjzo, its a "gagging" law which effectively takes away your right to voice resistance to the present imposed regime ! Its a disgrace , but then we should not be surprised to see that Maduro like all tyrants jumps on this clearly now " fashionable" and trendy sounding "Hate Crime" law ! I mean if you hate hate then its got be good right ??? pfffffffff((( We are all in so much trouble if we allow these ridiculus laws to become established,used and feared !