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RE: Britain is Heading to the Wall and Now Free Speech has been Labeled Hate Speech and is Officially a Crime !

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

To many old, angry, bitter women in positions of power nowadays.

Majority of people are against this, but who knows what will happen in next couple of decades since left has gained control over the education system and new generations are coming out of the schools with that mindset.

That part where "the institution", being run by leftists, will decide what is hate speech, is ridiculous, they are way easy to offend, and i mean if you say , tweet, something and like 10 mil people hear you, whatever you say someone will be offended... Also protest are being more and more violent, mater of time when things will get out of control.

And that multiculturalism is going to be complete disaster... Just look at Sweden, what is going on. Women being raped by so called "rape gangs" everyday, and police cant stop them, they have their "no go zones", and if some women says i have been raped by Muhamed, or whatever, she is racist? Also they are gathering in the town centers and singing how all Jewish people should die, i mean what the f!?
I wonder if hate speech is: telling them that singing that is wrong? Or that will be offensive to their religion. And other countries like UK, Germany.. instead of acknowledging that is a problem, and reacting accordingly, to prevent same things, they just ignore it and try to shut down people who point at that... They will rather let their own people suffer than admitting they were wrong.


I,m from Serbia, whole my teenage years i was thinking how i will move to some western country, for better job since here life standard is really low compared to western world. But with all of this going on i hardly doubt that will happen..

I wonder if social media platform on deep web would be possible, so people can stay anonymous in their posts, i mean some journalists are reporting like that, why wouldn't regular man be able to stay anonymous?


Yes well Mrs Thatcher of the 80,s I think fits your description of and angry old woman in power and she certainly decimated our country with closing steelworks,mines,shipyards and factories in Britian to the point where now we produce nothing and if we do its for somebody else ! I dont like to much to generalise on sexual backgrounds but there does seem to be a certain style of power seeking woman prvalent in European politcs which does give rise to terrible policies and destructive nature !
If I were you I would not come to the West now ,its seriously getting dangerous politcally and to tie your life to it would be a mistake I think @im4g1n4t10n ! We are being gutted and hung out to dry now by this leftist insanity of "open borders" and" diversity" !