It Blew My Mind When Michael Moore Endorsed Donald Trump

in #politics8 years ago

I find this election very interesting. At first, I thought the whole thing was just entertainment, which it was. What I am seeing is tons of information being released incriminating Hillary Clinton and at the same time Donald Trump calling out all of the corruption. I don't know how sincere Donald Trump is, but he is definitely stirring the pot and Americans are being drawn to him. Trump is pulling massive crowds and thousands of live views at his speeches. The media and establishment are doing everything they can to stop Trump. Celebrities are coming out for their support of Hillary Clinton, who is a criminal. Something is very wrong and I think people are starting to wake up to that fact on a massive scale.


Try again

At first, Donald Trump was attracting people because he didn't use any filter on what he was saying. He didn't care what people thought, he was going to speak his mind. Now listening more closely, I can see that he is calling out the corrupt system for what it is. He is opening people's eyes to the deceptive nature of our leaders. I don't know if he will really bring change, but I think he is scaring the people in charge. I don't agree with everything he says and all of his policies, he will never compare to my favorite presidential candidate Ron Paul. Despite this, Trump is able to bring in people at such a large scale. The Hillary campaign can't even fill a venue, the people are aware of her criminal behavior. Another thing that interests people about Trump is he isn't a career politician. He is already a billionaire, he can't be bought.


A few things

The areas where I can't agree with Trump are somewhat on foreign policy. I like that Vladimir Putin respects Trump and would be willing to speak with him on having better relations. I can't agree with more troops in the middle east. I think we need to bring our troops home from all around the world and protect our borders. We need stronger security here at home not overseas where we are spread out too thin. If the Russians were to attack, we would not be able to defend ourselves. Donald Trump says some great things about lowering taxes on businesses and making better trade deals with countries around the world. He fails to mention lowering spending but does attack The Federal Reserve.


I consider myself a libertarian and find I am in huge disagreement with Michael Moore's views. What blew my mind was Michael's endorsement of Trump. It is a video that must be watched. Michael Moore describes how Trump is a big FU to the establishment. It is a much see speech and I'm posting the video below.

Watch This Video [Must See]

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The clip being shown by your alt-right media took him out of context. The next line after they stop is about how bad it will be under Trump.

That's the thing... Most of the bad things about Hillary are coming from the same kind of people who made this hacky edit and published it as news. They don't care about reality or truth, they only care about stopping Hillary. It makes them completely untrustworthy in my eyes. Take Assange for example, every couple days he releases something about Hillary... But nothing at all about Trump or the GOP? It's obvious he has an agenda, and the truth isn't it.

'They don't care about reality or truth'
the Kool-Aid is strong. but heres the REAL deal ...

  1. there is an OPEN active FBI criminal investigation (reopen by the very Administration that appointed her Sec. of State.

  2. the Wiener file is likely hard core go to jail / 'Life Insurance' / Blackmail stuff ... Bill Clinton preformed Wieners marriage (his wife has been with Hilary for 20 years) ... Wiener is likely up against child pornography charges ... he spilt the beans.

  3. Wikileaks has provided very damning evidence that ISIS is the Clinton Foundation. And the Army likely has evidence to back this up.

  4. MO just deleted all her tweets ... Hills campaign manager deleted his tweets ... WTF?

this is only the tip of an iceberg
Washington is in hard core CYA mode

I have to agree, this is not an endorsement of Trump. I lived in the northern Michigan area for 25 years, doing various construction trades. I put a kitchen counter top set in for Michael at his Torch Lake, Michigan home...this dude absolutely, undeniably, indisputably, pisses Donkey Blue. I had to walk out to the van for "that other tool" at least a dozen times just to get away from him...he preaches Liberal propaganda everywhere he goes...he thinks very highly of himself and like all Liberal hypocrites, loves to hear himself speak, especially if it's to try and shame you into feeling guilty for NOT having the same belief system as he and his Liberal buddies.

You are right. He didn't endorse Trump. I miss interpreted it. I definitely don't agree with Michael Moore on political philosophies. I'm not even a Trump support necessarily. I've heard Trump say a few things that I liked. My principles align with a free market system, small government, and sound money.

I respect your principles...I've grown extremely weary of government in all of its forms...government did nothing to bring me into this world, and has taught me nothing but dependence and reliance on a faulty, corrupt system designed to enforce laws and rules upon me that I disagree gun point if necessary, all while telling me what a "free" society I live in. Michael Moore is a pompous ass though, I never listen to a thing he says...haven't seen a single movie he has made.

You know...without getting political on this, has anyone ever considered that Trumps wealth is denominated in FRN. So if that goes away... would he not want a job at a higher than average salary and perks? He knows as do all of us, the dollar and all fiat is going away. Just sayin.

Interesting, but found an article that says Trump owns between 100-200 thousand in physical gold. So he has some protection, but obviously, that is nothing compared to what he has in FDN.

I just saw Michael Moore on Bill Maher and he sure was not endorsing Trump!

In the video in my article he is, at least it seems that way.

Hello johnnyyash, I think you US people couldn't have picked worse candidates, Hillary you are right is a criminal but I thinkTrump is a clown, where I don't agree is were you say Trump can't be bought, we had a president here who was a millionaire when he was elected and is now awaiting trial in the US because it turns out he is no more than a thief.

Trump is a part of the corrupt system and he did fund Hillary's campaign and knows exactly what goes on. He is an insider. I don't think he is a good choice for president.. But, I like that Putin said there would be peace if Trump was elected. The only person I've ever wanted to be president is Ron Paul. I have found it interesting that Trump has gained so much support and is calling out the corrupt system. Will he make a difference? Probably not. But people are waking up.

It may be out of context, and etc... but it's the first time I liked what this #@% has ever said. And you're right - just like the Ron Paul campaigns brought truth to people's ears - no matter how you feel about Trump he's blown the media gates wide open to expose the daily disgusting deeds of the gov. The more light is shined the sooner real solutions can/will come.

Exactly. I don't necessarily agree with trump but people are sick of being taken advantage of and trump is the only one calling them out right now. The people are looking for their voice.

All Collectivists & Statists should applaud. :(

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I believe Clinton's 33,000 missing emails are on ice at the FBI Office and at Wikileaks - they are just waiting to unleash them later when Clinton can't find a replacement candidate. Clever!!

I read something about them indicting her....but not until January after the election.

Maybe that's why the Clinton Foundation moved $1.9 billion to Qatar this week!!

I don't know but I think something crazy is about to take place.

Clinton's pathological lying is coming to its reckoning day I believe.

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Well by the video I got the opposite impression. But, I wouldn't be surprised.

You should watch the whole video. You'll find that he is not supporting Trump at all.
For your convenience, I will put the video here: