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RE: Who has killed more people? Nazis? or Communists?

in #politics7 years ago

This stuff is hard to watch. I felt like practically crying seeing that disabled vet get water poured over him like as if he's some trash. It makes me so sick and so sad that this is going on. These people seem so brainwashed, and depraved of any dignity and respect for fellow human beings. Very ironic given their name and what they keep shouting at people. From all of the videos and everything I have seen over the past year with these "anti-fa" aka pro-fa types is that THEY are the fascists. THEY are the nazi's. THEY are the ones that are racist. THEY are the real cowards through their words and actions, and all the more signified by them hiding behind their masks. They are very terrorist looking and I don't get the point of them doing that. Many of them might be paid off by globalist types trying to cause chaos and division where there wasn't any or little of it before. I wouldn't be surprised. From everything I have seen they hate humanity and they hate America. End of.


Duh Einstein, the guys at the pro-Trump Republican rallies with the swastika flags are the real Nazis.

you realize there is video evidence, included in this post, that directly matches with the points kouba01 made.

and all you have is ?????

Did you notice that the article said Nazis are bad and need to be obliterated?

Is your point that the Nazis were bad, and therefore that justifies antifa violence?

At some point logic will have to intrude on your world view