One thing that the internet has taught me is that the human gullibility runs on unlimited fuel. I spend quite some time every day gathering information from various sources. One thing that I soon got to realize was that there is enough baloney out there to render a human mind useless.
In order to maintain the will to keep login-in and browsing the unfathomably clusterfucked web, I had to develop a good filter for distinguishing what was good information and what was trash.

People are in more and more desperate need to be heard. This is the first realisation a level headed individual can make upon reading something online. In a form of desperation (and perhaps necessity) most people try to create arguments that are overblown and sensationalised. Instead of getting right to the point of what they want to say, they try to fiddle around with the reader’s emotions as if they are going to get laid.
Many writers are very well aware that the human mind is especially susceptible to bullshit and so they try to take advantage. Other authors are simply too far deep the conformity rabbit hole. They are repeating the same crap as others have taught them because they don’t know any better.
Very few writers remain bullshit free due to the laws of demand and supply. People line up for comfortable lies rather than harsh truths. After all, who really wants to deal with reality in a world powered by hypocrisy and pretentiousness?
“Truth is Love. The unconscious tunnels our deepest desires into a path of fulfillment. Our destiny can tear the fabric of space, allowing consciousness to give rise to cosmic positivity”.
^ See that? Sounds pretty legit right? Ignore the fact that you have no idea what it means. You can “feel” its right. Something in your mind makes sense when you read it. So many beautiful words weaved together so you can allow yourself to have a pleasantly rewarding brainfuck.
[ If you want to entertain yourself further then check out this automatic bullshit generator ]

The aforementioned example is just one of many. Usually we see this “hopeful” and “positive” vibe in everything around us. Readers for example act much like junkies. Most wage-slave all day in pretty dull and soul crushing jobs.
The bullshitologists are opportunists that sell positivity in a world that is way too realistic. People desperately seek for positivity sedatives until they numb themselves to sleep.
Often it is extremely hard to tell the bullshitologists apart. They use scientific references and publications to frame their arguments. They use appeal to authority so they can have a solid reputation. They even use past selective experiences in order to appear credible.
Perhaps the most obvious of all is that they dress up their arguments in fancy words. For example they won’t say that “X thing sucks”. They would rather say “X has questionable qualities that might not be pleasant to the average person”.
Does the article appeal to everything we agree with? Does the person sound awfully nice? Does he try to please everybody by overgeneralising everything to oblivion? Then in all likelihood you have allowed yourself to get caught into the bullshitologist's numbing web.

Lastly, in order to spot a bullshitologist we have to first be honest with our own selves. Are we bullshitologists ourselves? Do we like to please others for the sake of being accepted? Are we enabling a bullshit culture so we can have a place to belong? If so, then we are getting back exactly what we deserve.

I'm kind of glad the bullshitologists aren't generally sophisticated enough to pull me in. Makes it a lot easier to scan articles and find out quickly whether it's something I want to read.
Which reminds me, Steemit needs the option to load more text in post preview so I don't have to click through every damn post.
That is a great suggestion actually
Your star is rising here on steemit. I'm so glad to see this. Great posts, new followers, a lot of comments, bigger rewards. Good job my friend. Cream always come on top.
Thank you man. You have been following my blog since the beginning and you were always a breath of fresh air. Glad I have found like-minded people like you to express myself.
I agree with all of your points especially when people past selective experiences, because sometime those experiences the claim to be facts are outdated. Very well said.
πολύ ωραίαGreat article @kyriacos
ευχαριστώ. nicely put.
Great post! Many people will write or tell you what they think you want to hear rather than write or speak what they truly feel. I would much rather hear from real people than these posers.
not many of us feel the same way
The whole internet is full of so much bullshit, but the worst part about it is that some people actually believe it... Keep up the great posts
Same as the real life?
Some? I think most people take it in like alchoholics take down whiski.
I honestly see most people buying up everything on facebook and twitter like crazy. especially on reddit, it is the single largest echo chamber for leftism I have seen in my entire life. Everything and anything is downvoted there, even if you source your material and it is factual. Of course both sides do it though, I will be fair on those points.
But I really don't blame people for falling into the trap that is the echo chamber. The part I do blame people for is the emotional craziness they type online. If we all took the the time to settle down more and have conversations the internet would be a better place and both/all sides would be able to come to better ways of solving problems.
Great article! My mom once told me that the word "gullible" was not in the dictionary... but it WAS written on the ceiling! Of course I looked up. Thanks!
beautiful ! :)
Great post! It's really hard for anyone to remain bullshit-free, since unfortunately popular demand favors bullshitologists. Just like you mentioned people come at home tired by their jobs, thinking of their own problems and are desperate for some positivity, even though they know deep down that it does not reflect reality. People don't realize that cutting all the bullshit and looking at life directly in the eye is a much better solution for a lot of their problems, since they won't create false expectations and deal with life just as it comes.
Awesomely put @elemenya.
Everyone is an expert in a bull market!

it comes down to what I can get from you
If I am a great person to you, I get respect, support, friendship, financial relationship, and all sorts of other nice things from you in return
If I am a person who is not so great, but I can fake it, then I can get those same things from with with a little bullshit
cough, cough
If I am a person that is moral, but I constantly contradict you, correct you, and nag you, then I must be a really great person to you in order to overcome the negative reactions I generate from my other actions.
OTOH, since positive outlooks can be generated by bullshit, people can "get motivated" to go accomplish with pep talks, and sales meetings, and pep rallies.
An understanding of transactional relationships is only cynical if a person decides to make it that way...or use it that way ;>
My personal opinion if it is woth anything is that you can only pull the wool over someones eyes for so long then the real you suddenly appear. So dont do anything or say anything you dont believe in as it will only help for a short time, then you look like the fool.
more or less it can end up like a giant jerk circle but it will soon fall apart. This trend is mostly noted in pyramid schemes. There can never be overwhelming positivity.
Take anything too far, and it loses value. Also that the "pep rallies" don't work for everybody in all situations. I tried my hand at sales, and only got aggravated at sales meetings...I was no good at sales anyway, and all those meetings did was keep from from making more pitches.
To make it clear, I agree with the point of your post; too much positivity is a bad thing, especially when it is generated by bullshit.
I think a lot here on Steemit is writing posts that they know will gather a decent amount of upvotes, and they do it just to earn those rewards and to fit in. Especially on a platform on steemit where some people have huge amount of influence, there are a lot of bullshitologists. We all want a piece of the pie. I am no better, but I feel like I get better for each post I make. We don't have to fit in, they have to accept the way we are. Thanks for sharing. It was very thought provoking in a good way.
Glad you liked it. Indeed. The reason I wrote it is because I have been spotting more and more of them lately. feels like a giant farce.
I can see how they get triggered by this platform to write those kind of posts. Because we are being rewarded in money, you will do everything you can to make it big. Because of this steemit will start feeling like a job, unless you are not aware of what you are doing. That's the very sad part. Finally we have the opportunity to write about stuff we enjoy writing about and then we choose not to.
"Readers for example act much like junkies. Most wage-slave all day in pretty dull and soul crushing jobs." <--"Soul crushing" is exactly right. And this is what fosters so much inability to think for ourselves. Thanks for the great post. Side note, I also appreciate some "foul" language here and there. It's liberating. Ha ha.
sometimes it just comes out by itself :)
glad you liked the post
BULLSHIT is written everyday on here. What motivates a person to think, write, or sell their BULLSHIT. Perspective is that it is the "Art of the Con" and the motivating factor is the almighty dollar. People will do anything for a buck., even if it BULLSHIT. Just my thought. Love your insight, and the balls to speak the truth. Following.
glad you like it. indeed you are spot on.
Nicly put!
very good post, I think it comes down to the ethic value of the person dispersing the info. What you wrote about is a perfect reason why there's so much distrust in our society, too many fake news and ulterior motives. I think to create a better society we need to be aware of what we project to the world.
very well put
also, I want to mention that the reason people deceive others is because they feel disconnected from the source (god). People deceive because they don't believe we are part of the same thing, we go through the same struggles...some more than others but we are all connected...they have forgotten that.
Well...there is no much evidence for god either. it is more of a belief.
or the source, the higher power, the unknown...honestly i don't think it's a belief...I have experienced things that are beyond this world...maybe I'll make a post..
your experience is not objective truth. Our minds can play tricks on us much like our leg can twitch from time to time without us doing anything voluntary.
oh no, believe me..if I tell you the story you will believe.....and I promise you on my own life no making up stories here...but give me some time to get to it..I actually have a busy mom's dog had an accident so I need to help her get to the hospital. I assure you there's no made a believer out of me.
These days there are a lot of so called experts on literally every subject. These experts are nothing more than pathological bullshitters who are scamming others to build up their false reputation or brand. This is a phenomenon heavily enabled by the mainstream social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, etc.
I'm so glad to be a part of an awesome community like Steemit that is open to all and very positive at the same time. Looking forward to even greater things for our community as it continues to grow and skyrocket this year.
Love the image of the bull ramming into the guy's ass - that's how you call out the bullshit!
Yeah that image speaks volumes. I am also glad that Steemit enables this kind of expression and heck, even greatly rewards it.
Yup I love the spirit of uncensorship that pervades everything here on Steemit. Best of all, the community haven't devolved into a trollbox since everyone here continues to be very nice and helpful!
That's the best part
Yup it's been really awesome here on Steemit!
This is a nice article but one thing is bothering me about it. It's the difference between “X thing sucks” and “X has questionable qualities that might not be pleasant to the average person”. "X thing sucks" suggests that the person speaking doesn't like something whereas “X has questionable qualities that might not be pleasant to the average person” suggests that "the average person" probably won't like something but the speaker and others do like that thing.
Sorry for my pedantry but that's just who I am.
Any critique is good critique. I meant that people instead of expressing their true feeling about something, they go about cutting corners in order to be socially accepted. Both expressions have entirely different meaning and this is where misunderstandings happen.
Being likable, at least to me, shouldn't be the end goal.
Thank you for sharing this post! It seems that many people online will believe almost everything that they read, often without bothering to check more than one source for the best facts. It definitely would be nice if there was simply an easier way to get information, and if people were more straightforward instead of burying information within emotion-playing articles. What types of articles do you find having the most nonsense going on in them? Followed :)
The type of articles that cut straight to the point without too much dressing on the words.
thank you man.
Honesty is key, truth is hard to find because what is truth when truth is mostly in the mind of an individual. I'm a hard out flat earth researcher but some people will argue against me using 'their' truths. Most truths cannot be fundamentally proved and most 'facts' turn out to deceptive. Hence why the resurgence of realistic scientists like myself. Most people who talk bullshit are too lazy to do their own experiments/ research.
Yes it is amazing when one makes mention of the flat earth. The sheeple are so quick judge stating that you are quite crazy and/or does it really matter if its flat or a globe? Really are you happy giving your hard earned monies via tax to a space agency that never went to the moon in 1969 and are now talking about going to a Mars? Come on NASA show as a real photo of the globe earth, not that CGI crap either!!
Reminds me of talking about Dr Judy Wood at so called truth meetings about 9/11, where they merely claimed she was a shill whilst pointing to those 9/11 truth sites that claimed she was, without looking at her findings their selves. Now years later after her book and numerous you tube videos alot of people are starting to join the dots as to the strange events on that day.
The truth will set as free, but most can't handle the truth!
this is very true
I really think that this is the on negative thing about steemit. Since there is a potential to earn, people are willing more than ever to blow steam (no pun intended) up each other's asses to attempt to earn as much as possible.
Soon though the frauds are uncovered. Happened before and the jerk circles dissolved.
Fair enough!
Thanks for your insight. I took a look at myself and how much do I believe about everything I read or see. I like to consider myself a "look before leap" kind of person. I try not to make decisions based on emotion. I enjoyed reading this article. I myself am bullshitologists from time to time. However, most of the time people know this about me mainly because they know me.
Have a good one!
Self awareness is the first step man
Hi, i want more of your brain :) so followed, upvoted and resteemed , can I post this on facebook?
of course man. Go ahead
Now that is a great post, so glad I was following !
Making good coin too, as is deserved.
Has my 1 cent worth + a resteem.
Lets see you break $1000 Woot Woot !
Life is Good :-)
Thank you. Hopefully :-)
And I forgot thanks for " bullshitologist " it's now in my personal Dictionary LOL
I hope along with Covfefe
Aw, the battle between authenticity and bullshit. I wonder how much this has to do with marketing and advertising. For example, an inoffensive style is a marketing tactic just like using vague, positivist bullshit. At the same time, authenticity sells just like bullshit sells. Your post is a great example of someone venting their frustrations in a trustworthy and endearing way. We are forced to choose how we market ourselves online and this premeditation can be "opportunistic". Ideally we would like the authentic shit to succeed and the bullshit to fail, but either way, there is money to be made.
Outside of Steemit had little luck over my way of writing. People don't usually like the "negative" aspect — hence the overwhelming abundance of bullshit.
I guess one has to find the right market to tap into.
Right on point. There are so many scams out there. You really have to be aware of them.
It has been interestng watching the bull shit grow over the years from the BW tv that only got 2 chanels that told you how the world was in my childhood...and what they said back the was the gospel ...
To today where no one can believe anyone or anything ..
It has at least caused people to engage in critical thinking again ... Somthing the government might want to be a little nervous about lol
The more competition the more bullshit one has to spout in order to gain leverage.
I think most people talk shit like halitosis . At least when I don't know what I am talking about I just keep my mouth shut,
You are so spot on in my humble opinion.
My favorite line from your writing: Instead of getting right to the point of what they want to say, they try to fiddle around with the reader’s emotions as if they are going to get laid.
yeah. quite inappropriate
Not for this reader.
100% agree with you @kyriacos internet is full of bullshit, specially social media (I dont want to name any of the site) but the worst part is people trust on that bullshit.
most sites have their "healthy dose"
Excellent post. Love the writing style
thank you
Upvoted for the title pic! 😂
Some very good points.
thank you
I get to the point and tell it like it is. That is why I only have 43 followers and get $0.001 on an article. LOL
it is also because you just started. I was the same last year. took a looong time and a lot of posts to reach some recognition.
Yes, a lot of bullshit out there. Question everything. Discernment is the key.
excellent post @kyriacos! Thankfully there are some safeguards here from plagiarism and such to help support original content creators! Upped!
Yeap, We are trying to keep the platform copyright free but unfortunately nobody can filter the bullshit factor.
ps: you have an extra "a" on my name
whoops, fixed! All hail @cheetah, moderator of our medium and keeper of our content! @steemcleaners too!
Please check out my original series if you get a chance = )
will do
@kyriacos you posted this in politics, did you have anyone in particular in mind?
every single one
hehehe :-)
realists are great people to work with gonna follow you @kyriacos
glad to have you man. thanx.
At least people looking for a way out of the bullshit political traps will inevitably stumble upon steemit as you and I have.
greats post @kryacos
thank you @andyriza
It can be hard to get through the muck sometimes. I think that there is less misleading info here than on many other corners of the web. Still, we should be careful.
I like how you said it and sent people your way and mentioned you in my last post. Hope to keep in touch! Cheers!