in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Why are Americans so asleep at the wheel? Why are we as a nation ALLOWING our rights to be taken away? Better yet, why are we giving them away?
These are questions that plaque me on a daily basis. I really do not understand where the principals that this country was founded on, patriots standing up to a crown and saying "NO"went. I ask myself, "what happened to the patriot spirit?" "what happened to the warrior spirit". So, I am asking steemit crowd. Where and what happened to America we grew up knowing?
Could the dumbing down of Americans really be true? Is the government really using our school system against us? I do believe so. When you stop and take a step back, view the big picture, it looks to be true. Our children are being tought differently than we were. The so called "facts" being tought are indeed lies. Please, I beg of you, take a moment and look at some of their assignments. Get involved with your kids, investigate the information being tought. (I am not going into any of the different topics. The purpose of this is not to start debates, but to just get people to think about this for awhile)
Technology? You cant drive a half a mile without seeing peoples faces buried in their phones WHILE DRIVING! We have engrossed ourselves into Facebook, twitter and other forms of social media to the point we can drive to the local market without putting the damn phone down. We know for a fact now that the government uses social media to spy on us. Its all out in the open. Admitted by the government. Although they said they dont do it anymore. If you believe they dont spy on you through technology, social media, well then I have ocean front propert in Arazona for sale.
Pokemon craze. Jeez people wake up and see what this is. These are distractions. To keep you so engrossed in something else than what is happening in your country.
Speaking about distractions, Ever notice how the media will focus on a story over and over? When this happens I look around in other areas, especially what the government is doing. These are distractions. The media lies to us on a daily basis. Almost all the media is owned by 6 corporations. Thats correct. 6 corporations own 90% of the media. That makes it easy to control.

I doesn't take long on the internet to find that this is true.
Back to my original questions. Where is the warrior spirit? Where are the Patriots? I challenge all that read this to stop for a moment and ask yourself this........
As fast as America is declining with open boarders, being taxed to death, presidents changing laws on their own by bypassing Congress. PATRIOT ACT- which allows for the government to lock anyone up indefinatly with no due process. I could go on and on. What will America be like when your children are our age? In my case my granddaughter. What will America be like when she is an adult. Will our children enjoy the FREEDOMS we once ejoyed? (Not all have been taken away, yet!)
Please research all I have said. Your jaw may drop.
If we want America back, if we want our children to enjoy the full CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC our Founding Fathers intended, we must unite as Americans. We must put aside all our differences and stand united. Remember "UNITED WE STAND" And for petes sake put down the phones and pokemon, question the government. Question everything. Including me.
I hope I have reached some. I hope you will stand with me united as AMERICANS.
Peace from TEXAS. Stay safe and stay prepared.


Great article! This is a very terrifying thing and we need to stand up for our rights. Great job!

Thank you. Im new to steem and trying to get the hang of it.

Exactly my sentiments, Sir.

We must unite and focus on the things that matter. Thanks dyno

Little of what you are talking about has actually happened. Business Insider is most likely owned by one of those six corporations. Social media has brought scrutiny to issues that used to go unnoticed. You just posted a thing saying the government has gone to shit, and if this post gets upvoted to the top of steemit you will make three thousand dollars and that will be the only consequence, because you are more free to speak your mind than you have ever been.

It has not completly gone to shit yet. But, if you have eyes to see. Its not hard to see it. The government can lock anyone up they see as a terrorist, with no due process. That alone is government gone to shit. Have you flown lately? Americans being patted down to get on a plane. By TSA own admissions, they have never stopped a terror plot? Hillery Clinto just lied her ass off on these emails scandals, thats a fact from the director of the fbi testimony. What happened to her? Running for president. If you lied under oath you would be under the pokey. That is government gone to shit. During the boston bombing, when they were trying to find the younger brother. Did you happen to see what the MILITARIZED POLICE did? They entered peoples homes with automatic weapons pointed at families and thier CHILDREN. That is government gone to shit. Katrina, UNITED STATES ARMY with NATIONAL GUARD went house to house and confiscated weapons. THAT IS GOVERNMENT GONE TO SHIT. I could go on and on and on of examples of government gone to shit. So, yes it has happened.

Our southern boarders are wide open, and the illegals they do catch are given a bus ticket anywhere in the country they want to go. They are given a promise to appear in court. Can you guess how many actually show up in court? States giving illegals drivers licenses. They can also file to get SOCIAL SECURITY BENIFITS. Wait, thats our money for AMERICANS. another example of government gone to shit.
You have to show id to cash a check, open a bank account, fly, gosh what do you do that you must show id? Hundreds of actions REQUIRE PHOTO ID. But to vote showing photo id is racist. Thats because they want anyone to vote, all people including illegals. Thats government gone to shit. Should I continue?

NSA......all this spying the government does on the people. I cant even say anymore about this. If AMERICANS do not care their government was caught in the act, and still doing it. Im speechless to this one

Central bankers printing cash out of thin air. Bailing out the banks in 2008. AND STILL DOING IT. Monitizing debt, lowering the federal funds rate to zero for 10 years. Packing on the debt. Government spending on the military industrial complex. Killing our sons and daughters over lies. Whats worse about it Bush makes jokes about the weapons of mass destruction that were not found. Yes, its all happened.

Being free to speak one's mind and being free are two very different things. Also, freedom of information ( per Reporters Without Borders) has sharply declined under Obama and his War On Whistle-Blowers.