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in #politics8 years ago

It has not completly gone to shit yet. But, if you have eyes to see. Its not hard to see it. The government can lock anyone up they see as a terrorist, with no due process. That alone is government gone to shit. Have you flown lately? Americans being patted down to get on a plane. By TSA own admissions, they have never stopped a terror plot? Hillery Clinto just lied her ass off on these emails scandals, thats a fact from the director of the fbi testimony. What happened to her? Running for president. If you lied under oath you would be under the pokey. That is government gone to shit. During the boston bombing, when they were trying to find the younger brother. Did you happen to see what the MILITARIZED POLICE did? They entered peoples homes with automatic weapons pointed at families and thier CHILDREN. That is government gone to shit. Katrina, UNITED STATES ARMY with NATIONAL GUARD went house to house and confiscated weapons. THAT IS GOVERNMENT GONE TO SHIT. I could go on and on and on of examples of government gone to shit. So, yes it has happened.