
You're welcome! Somebody had to do it. I figured it might as well be me.

Fun fact: while I had free tickets to the event, there was zero need for them. No one was asked to show tickets at the door. I thought it odd that tickets were available (and by implication required) for an event that didn't need them.

It sounded like an all-around eye opener. So much going on right now and we almost really need to see things with our own eyes - but then, even that might not be enough. Like cursing (maybe too strong of a word) the protesters that weren't there...

It was enlightening for sure. I am saddened by the fact that I can't trust the media around me to just give me unbiased news. Perhaps one day soon we will get back to that.

You might be interested to read stories from these news networks. Civil is a new blockchain project that wants to fund journalism on the blockchain and put the news into the hands of dedicated journalists instead of owner dependent networks...

Yes please and thank you! I'll definitely spend some time exploring those articles.