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RE: What are your thoughts on Trump firing Comey?

in #politics8 years ago

He will. Don't fall for the Media propaganda. I'm not sure of your religious background but check this video out. Could change your mind. I'll post the follow up video in a few.


Is that Trey Smith?

Yes sir it is!

I don't believe in religion and I certainly don't think Trump does.

Please watch the videos regardless. I'd love to hear someone from your perspectives thoughts on it.

OK will do when I get a chance:)

Awesome!! Reply here when you're done! Very curious on your thoughts!

Just watched it. Doesn't really change my mind - I don't understand what the presenter is talking about but it sounds like numerology which I also don't believe in.

It's all real bud. There is magic/powers in numbers and words. Do a search for a man named Jordan Maxwell. Give him a listen. I know it sounds batshit insane. But give it some thought!

Will do - I have some friends that are really into numerology I have to admit I am quite skeptical about it but I always try to keep an open mind.

Here's a follow up video: