If we think our leaders doesn't care about us, we are wrong, because all they really care about is to see us walk bare footed. At least they care.
I have lost interest in politics a long time ago. You perfectly described these insensitive lots, eaten by greed and corrupt practices. Their gatherings have always been the gathering of idle people. They promised people free medicals, good roads and other social amenities and all they give back is free suffering.
They don't listen. They are stubborn lots. They do whatever they want to do because they feel untouchable. It is really saddening. I am sorry to say but I won't be casting any votes. You needed to see the length I walked to make my vote during the last election. I lost any kind of faith in this next election. The question I keep asking myself is, does my vote really count? They already know the outcome even before it started but I think the last one counted. Well, I really don't know what to believe anymore where politics is concerned.
I am not asking people to be like me o and not vote 😂😂. This choice is mine and mine alone.
Thank you for this sir. Like I always tell you, you have so much depth and I always admire your reasoning.
I didn't even know some of the people contesting until you posted it. Thanks for keeping me aware and I am sure others are too.
This is what our reality has come to be. We all have lost faith in the system and that makes the criminally insane take root and keep robbing us blind. We should start making a bold move to reclaim our country and hope to bring about some real joy soon.
Stay awesome and make sure to go get your PVC!