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RE: Life Within The Leviathan : 3 Reasons I'm Not Fleeing The Empire (Sorry, Berwick)

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I chose to boycott the state at 12 (1954).
I only reason I didn't leave in the late sixties/early seventies was because I couldn't afford the one freer place I found, Switzerland. So I opened a Swiss bank account instead, to keep some money safe. I had read Casey's "International Man" and thought of myself as "a man without a country".
Now, I am glad I didn't leave. At 74 I have had a good life here, and am a life member of Libertopia. If I get caught in the authoritarian machinery, I can say "too late" thugs! I already lived most of my life free in this unfree country. So every additional day free is a victory they can't take away. Life outside the "matrix" is possible, if challenging, but I have taken "the road less traveled" and that made all the difference. I am living proof: RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE!