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RE: Life Within The Leviathan : 3 Reasons I'm Not Fleeing The Empire (Sorry, Berwick)

in #politics8 years ago

Amanda you are spot on! I'm an old voluntaryist and my libertarianism goes way back. I have always been skeptical when Doug Casey kept telling people to leave the USA. The Harry Browne influence in me has found freedom in an unfree world. And that influence also told me at the beginning you do not have to cross into other government jurisdictions necessarily to have more freedom. He suggested to live free anyway. Here's a Thomas Jefferson quote: "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." There are so many of us libertarians and voluntaryists who should understand what he means. If you do not follow an unjust law, you will not necessarily get caught. I see people breaking laws everyday and they do not get caught. And some poor bloke thinks he has to move to Hong Kong because he does not want to disobey an unjust law? That's screwy. America has the heritage of freedom. Even first and second generation Americans know this and I see some of them do things that their parents would not dare try in the old country. I'm staying!


I chose to boycott the state at 12 (1954).
I only reason I didn't leave in the late sixties/early seventies was because I couldn't afford the one freer place I found, Switzerland. So I opened a Swiss bank account instead, to keep some money safe. I had read Casey's "International Man" and thought of myself as "a man without a country".
Now, I am glad I didn't leave. At 74 I have had a good life here, and am a life member of Libertopia. If I get caught in the authoritarian machinery, I can say "too late" thugs! I already lived most of my life free in this unfree country. So every additional day free is a victory they can't take away. Life outside the "matrix" is possible, if challenging, but I have taken "the road less traveled" and that made all the difference. I am living proof: RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE!