A message to you crazy Political righties...

in #politics8 years ago

Is that you're awesome. 

I'm far left, but I do believe that I encompass a better understanding of my Political stance than most of my sway-colleagues that debate over the Internet do. You know? The ones that will argue with you all day long, bitterly, and over insignificance? I've witnessed some of the most inhumane statements by people from the ideological right. That immigrants need to go home, or worse; be exterminated. That their country is better than anyone else’s, and anyone else apologising should fuck off somewhere else. The list is utterly endless. Yet it's the same on the left; I've seen grown people that wish for better community talk about snapping someone on the Political right's neck or 'burning them in the same way their pals the Nazi's do'

A human is a human

I've come to realise that a human is a human and we'll all behave angrily at sometime when our needs aren't being met. Politicians haven't been meeting our needs as of late and I feel that's why we're desperately clinging onto our Political sways more than we usually would. I feel strongly left and normally vote for workers, poor people and community, and I have been feeling more so because of the recent controversy across the globe; it's not only limited to America. We're having it in the UK and I keep hearing about unrest elsewhere.

I bet though, if we sat down and discussed our favourite beers together we'd mostly agree. We could go for a walk in the woods and discuss the birds chirping and the fresh air that feels SO good on our lungs; we'd share our childhood experiences and reminisce in our early twenties and laugh and joke about our stupid mistakes. Yes, we'd find out that we agree on a lot of things. We could venture into our favourite pool hall and compete against each other all night, laughing and joking at how one is worse than the other. Later, we would head off to the local bar, drink our favourite lagers and enjoy the local talent, both agreeing that the dark-haired woman in the corner is the prettiest.

Eventually, though.

Eventually, on polling day we could enjoy the walk together to the booths, discussing our favourite football teams whilst we notice there's not a cloud in the sky. You joke excitedly about this new platform, Steemit, as I eagerly listen with ears wide open. People are smiling as we skip merrily onto our civic duty without a care in the world. After the deed is done we don't mention our Politics to each other because we know that there's far more to life than the division of our ideologies. We are layered and a culturally diverse people. I'm white/Caucasian with a very poor family history, and you are African American with Middle Class roots. Of course, we're going to be ideologically divided, but that doesn't stop us; we understand that gives us far more to talk about than not.


Back in my parent’s day they didn't talk about who they voted for our how involved they were in Politics. I'm in two minds about this because I can see a good side and a bad side to it. On the positive side, it encourages people to stay together rather than be divided once more, by something else that labels us and segregates us from something that we all have in common, our human nature. On the other side, it keeps people less Politically active, and I know through power-to-the-people experience how mobilizing the masses to speak out about injustices creates amazing movements and puts pressure on governments to enact change.

Judge me not

You may have judged me already, knowing that I am very lefty in my Political ideology, but I fear people misinterpret my stance in the left. Being left, I'm sure all of you are aware on here, is not being Communist or Marxist or Totalitarian, some people on the left are that way because they want or need better state care for their disabled son, but they still believe in the death penalty, and other things on the right. I bet if we all laid down our ideas and thoughts you'd find that most of us cross over, and what I've been saying for years, is that we are mostly similar. Not the same, but similar.

Myself? I believe that everyone is inherently good. That most people want good for each other and that the sways that have struck a vast ravine between us as people are in our imagination. There are no people seeking to destroy the other. There's just people trying to help in the only way that they know how.

Steemit challenge!

I challenge you Steemit. If you're a lefty, get to know a righty, and if you're a righty, get to know a lefty and then make a post of your findings! It would be an interesting experiment, right? :)

Now there's a fly in my room and I have to go and beat it with a stick so I'll leave you to your thoughts. Good luck, and good night.

Love to hear what you all think!


Speaking as a "righty", I truly respect your opinion and I enjoy following you and getting a different perspective. And I agree with your statement regarding how many of our positions crossover. I think most of us left and right want to improve the world. We just have different opinions on what it will take.

Thanks for posting this!

Awesome. Thank you, and I agree.

Politicians know what they know and that's all that matters to them.. You need to see all aspects of society and experience them to know how to manage that.. Its like giving a bus driver the right to drive a cruise liner without any practice.
Cheers and much love friend

That is very, very true. Which is why I say Politics should be like it was in Ancient Greece. Every free man should have some duty in Politics. It shouldn't be for a 'few' that govern over everyone whilst not necessarily understanding the nature of what makes us the way we are

It maybe coincidence but pre-occupy both pretty much got on and there was no mass migration even though open boarders existed in the EU. Post-occupy the 99% have been quite divided, many times over in so many sub-groups the sjw will soon run out of letters to identify as.

It seems to me this is what happens when the 99% occupy wall street.

I don't respect your opinion, but I tolerate it and will defend your right to have that opinion. That being said..what's wrong with thinking your country is better than others? I sure wanna live in the country I believe is the best? If I thought Venezuela was so much better I would move there and participate in the joys of communism. What else? Oh..immigrants should go home. Yes, they should. If your incentive to come to a country is to leech on it's welfare system you should go home. Did you know that 85% of all so called "refugees" to Scandinavia are males between 18-30 refered to as "children". By letting these fighting age males into our countries we have to spend money on them, instead of helping children and women that are left behind. Sometimes the biggest evil is paved with good intentions. And that's the path the naive left is walking down. In my very humble opinion :) I DO however like your idea of people being good. That's very positive. Most people are pretty good, INCLUDING white people (who if you listen to main stream media and hollywood are all NAZIES now..)

Can't really find the article but the right has similar problems. In the war of terror a live is valued at about 200 million USD, while on every other life protecting service like fire department or police it is about 10 million. So the war on terror is effectivly killing our own population by consuming funds that could be used better.

And I don't even know why the left, who had tight border patrols in the cold war, is now the pro immigration camp. I love other cultures, but that is more of a personal taste, and even I think that immigration is out of control and often done in a very unsocial way.

Doesn't surprise me that a Scandinavian doesn't respect other peoples opinion.

I think that word is wrongly used. Respect means; a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements." I don't ADMIRE you for having different opinions than me, or disagreeing with me. I Tolerate it. People throw around the word "respect" too wildly. By the way..it's pretty RACIST of you to judge ALL scandinavians based on my opinion. Didn't you know that swedes have accepted more "refugees" than any other country on earth relative to their population? 200,000 refugees 2 last years , and they're 10 million people. That's 2% of their entire population. :) That went well..

It's just you, using the word wrong, not the whole world, you should respect every being on the planet and their opinion, especially if it doesn't harm anyone.

no, that is not correct. Respect is earned and tolerance should be a given. Sure words only mean that what the people using them define them to be, but in your definition what is the difference between respect and tolerance?

Respect is something a respectable person gives or holds. Tolerance.. is tolerating.

Read the definition. You can't just make up your own definition of things. So when should we tolerate then? What actions do you think should be tolerated? Should I respect things I strongly disagree with? Why? I tolerate them. And some things I don't even tolerate.

Respect is something a respectable person gives or holds.

You just made a logical loop. You said A is given or held by a person who got A. And B is B...

You are free to define the words you use, but your definitions are not well-formed :P

I disagree there, friend. We need to stop bombing their countries first. That would help imo! God help if we had to flee somewhere. If you fled to Britain from a potential internal war with other countries poking their noses in on, would you think it right that me and my mates were picking you off one by one with our shotguns as you tried desperately to flee from hell? Shouting fuck-off back to Scandaniavia you scrounging, leeching bastards?

Just curious :)

You know, we fled to Sweden during the second world war. We worked hard as hell, and when it was over we went home :) No hand outs, no nothing. I absolutely agree that our corrupt politicians (which are pretty much leftists all of them - they are definitely not libertarians) should stop bombing other countries. But I didn't approve of that, and no one else I know approves of that. It's not like we voted on bombing Libya or Iraq. They just decided to do that. The opinion was strongly against it.

The thing is..70% of refugees in Scandinavia are not even from countries in War. :) Only 20% are syrian refugees, and 90% of them are fighting age males. We are spending huge amounts on money on them. Only 20% have a job after five years here. The rest cost enormous amounts of taxpayer money. Money we could spend on helping children and women in ACTUAL war zones. I'm not against that. And unless you've been living under a rock..there are ENORMOUS problems with migrants in for example Sweden. These are economic migrants, not refugees.

Do you know about the recruitment agreements we did you can find an explanation of them under the term Gastarbeiter on wiki. I dont blame the people who took this opportunity. I blame the EU and NATO for forcing these laws on Germany. The real juicy stuff is of course only mentioned in the german version...

Of course. I don't blame people either. :) People do what's in their best interest.

Okay. I'm going to respect your opinion and leave it at that. I reeeally think we're missing the entire point of the whole article now lol.

I'd rather know what your favourite beer is! Scandanavia has some amazing beers :)

No need to respect me. Just tolerate me 😁

That's my choice though, isn't it? :)

You repeatedly say you are a lefty, without clarifying meaning or scope. So no way to know what we agree or disagree on specifically, you haven't stated any positions. But you are right that people are people no matter right or left, and probably most agree on majority of topics. And that would be a useful place to start any relationship.

When I read your post, I realize more and more that we all live in the same country! :)

Thank you :)

steemit challenge accepted - i'm center right myself. i have followed you and upvoted you.

Good man, thank you :)

You're absolutely correct; there is little separating red and blue. If Steemit has shown us anything, it is the inherent goodness of people, who, regardless of political hue, have willingly and generously answered their fellow Steemian's cries for help.

Should have stopped the title at "Political(s)"

Any group, whether right or left, which advocates the initiation of force is "crazy" in my humble estimation.

the latin word for left is sinister

Just curious Raymond, do you have a government job? Teacher, public worker, professor at a college? I am sure you can find some folks from the right that say the things above, but the actions of the left are real! Just look at what a lefty did a couple of days ago in Virginia. We who do not work for government do not like our hard earned tax dollars being used for many useless, wasteful, things. It is that simple.

No, no government job. I just think we are better together than divided. We achieve more then. Your example of one lefty is not 'all of us lefty's' no matter how you swing it, if you get to know us, like I have people on the right, you'll find that we have more in common than not.

Good, I have plenty of friends and family on the left. They just have not seen the light yet! Thanks for trying to bring the folks together!

No problem. It's my goal :)

Wow dude, that was heartfelt and I really liked your post. I'm actually on the right wing spectrum and I have many of the same concerns as you. You even made race into a beautiful issue. Even though I came from a middle class background and about half of my family is left wing, I worked for a lot of years and spent long nights studying in college to become mildly successful in finance and investing. For some weird reason I take pride in that and somehow I feel conservative or republican for it. I also think people are inherently good and I'll take up your challenge!

Brilliant. Have fun with that challenge. You'll be pleasantly surprised!

Most of my friends are not very political. We love to rant about world politics and I think that is something that unites most of the political spectrum (left, right, anarchos); we all hate our current system.

Lately I found it harder and harder to talk with many people on the left. There is a lot of "let me show you scientifically why you are morally not allowed to do that". The german debate on race I had would be a perfect example for that. I think me and @jaki01 share a lot of values, but he was against using any racial term (like caucasian) because it is not scientifically correct to divide humans into any subgroup based on their appearance.

I think people are different, people live in different cultures and yes, men and women are different. I like these differences. Different is refreshing, how boring would the world be if we are all the same?

Now I am still a lefty, because I don't want a hostile society, I want a social one. And I am not a huge fan of the typical non-arguments of the right, see @everittdmickey comment :D. But we lost so much humor and try to defend old bastions that are obviously corrupted like global warming and 3rd wave feminism. I remember when we lefties had so many witty jokes, but I feel that time is long gone.

hereBtw my latest start-hostile end-as-friends conversations with right-wingers (at least I believe they are) would be @sirknight on Steemit and Rainer7777 on youtube

Talking controversial is something I already loved in school. I dont see why I should hate somebody for disagreeing in politics. Well unless the way he argues is far from good or bad. Not the content makes me mad, but silly rhetoric methods.

Interesting - thanks for the perspective :)

My relation to politics is rather unique, I am socialist that believes in equal treatment and social safety, but I like to keep our borders and culture, so I am somewhat of a nationalist as well. Does that make me a Nazi? :D

No. I don't think anyone understands the true meaning of what a Nazi was. It's used far too lightly nowadays. I expect you do though, being German :)

well, actually national socialism is exactly what I stand for. It got nothing to do with killing jews, hating other races or going to war on everything around you. Hitler and others used and abused this political movement and historians started to equal the terms 'national sozialism' = 'what Germany did in 1933-45'.

Essentially Nazi is just a slur used towards very conservative or people who actually think they are genetically superior to other races.

The original meaning of Nazi (Nationalsozialismus) does just mean socialism without international aspirations.

All this right and left is just what you are told, what is the difference? In reality nothing, for example I see a lot of right wingers complaining about welfare and other social programs so put your money where your mouth is and stop taking social security (the ones who are receiving it) you will say but I paid into it, yes but not what you are getting out of it so have them reimburse what you put in with some interest and live on that because social security as the name implies is socialist.
As to the lefties do you really think that without private enterprise there would be enough jobs to go around? All the other ideas you fight about like the death penalty, abortion, immigrants, guns are just crap these are fed to you by whatever media you read or hear or watch and you just go along with what they tell you. Basically all the ideas one has are just ideas other people put there, like religion, if you believe let's say in the bible as being the word of God, why do you need a religion to explain it to you, if you can read you certainly don't need a preacher, same goes for muslims, hindus etc. In the end it's just conmen, politicians, religious leaders etc taking advantage of you.
I would say get informed, don't argue so much and try to live life at it's fullest, and don't post so many political videos from dubious sources on Steemit, you believe in something make yourr own video.

Funny how just 15 years ago none of this stuff really mattered with people.

It's true, it didn't

Also, sad to see us all at each others throats while the 8500 at the top chill in their castles.

In my humble opinion: all forms of government is evil! Its' sole purpose is to divide. Government and it's henchmen are all psychotic! They makes us pay them or go to jail! We are the only species that have to pay to live on our own planet. As long as the monopoly on force is in the hands of a few there will always be death and destruction. It matters not what colour tie you wear, all government in all its forms are evil -period!

I completely agree!

Hi Ray, itsa me @thatgermandude :D.

May I feature this article in my next issue of What I read in Politics Today?

Sure. You can keep the rewards too :)

the capitalist in me thanks you ;D

Great post buddy , keep up the good work .Looking forward for your new blogs

The sad truth, is that not everyone is inherently good. I so wish this were true, but it's not. Ask marginalized people if they believe everyone is good. Ask homeless people, drug addicts, abused children.
Some people revel in being evil...in causing pain, in sowing discord and hostility.

That's very true. Something I really can't get my head around. It's why I said 'most' people :)

There is a lot of confusing in this article but the most common one is what does it mean to be "far Left"? If being "far Left" is not Marxism or Communism then what is it. The author failed to define the term and deliberately and disingeously leaves the term ambiguous. I've encountered Leftists that use ambiguity to as a means of infiltration only to force group to move further to Left. So without a firm definition how can the author describe himself as "far Left". Please define specifically what it means to be "far Left". Thanks.

Think you're missing the whole point my friend. It matters not which side I'm on, only that I probably have more in common with you than a difference in Politics stance

I remember a time when, if someone tried to harm the US or anyone else in the free world the United States would have their back. I look at France, Germany and the rest of Europe and how they are struggling with the Muslim immigrant problems. Terrorists are taking over and we need to do something about it before the fools get strong enough to come here and do the same things. We need to stop being divided here and unite against the enemy. It is in our best interest. The terrorists have been trying to gain nukes for years to bomb us. What do we think will happen if they succeed in taking over just one of the nuclear capable countries in Europe? Its time to wake up.