You know, we fled to Sweden during the second world war. We worked hard as hell, and when it was over we went home :) No hand outs, no nothing. I absolutely agree that our corrupt politicians (which are pretty much leftists all of them - they are definitely not libertarians) should stop bombing other countries. But I didn't approve of that, and no one else I know approves of that. It's not like we voted on bombing Libya or Iraq. They just decided to do that. The opinion was strongly against it.
The thing is..70% of refugees in Scandinavia are not even from countries in War. :) Only 20% are syrian refugees, and 90% of them are fighting age males. We are spending huge amounts on money on them. Only 20% have a job after five years here. The rest cost enormous amounts of taxpayer money. Money we could spend on helping children and women in ACTUAL war zones. I'm not against that. And unless you've been living under a rock..there are ENORMOUS problems with migrants in for example Sweden. These are economic migrants, not refugees.
Do you know about the recruitment agreements we did you can find an explanation of them under the term Gastarbeiter on wiki. I dont blame the people who took this opportunity. I blame the EU and NATO for forcing these laws on Germany. The real juicy stuff is of course only mentioned in the german version...
Of course. I don't blame people either. :) People do what's in their best interest.
Okay. I'm going to respect your opinion and leave it at that. I reeeally think we're missing the entire point of the whole article now lol.
I'd rather know what your favourite beer is! Scandanavia has some amazing beers :)
No need to respect me. Just tolerate me 😁
That's my choice though, isn't it? :)
Of course :)