I lost my faith in steemit a long time ago, I can still share a video with you, that mirrors my thoughts on the political "shit show" that is a worldwide disease though eh!
Have a superb week ahead, regardless. @shepz1, out of here.
I lost my faith in steemit a long time ago, I can still share a video with you, that mirrors my thoughts on the political "shit show" that is a worldwide disease though eh!
Have a superb week ahead, regardless. @shepz1, out of here.
Always appreciate to see you drop some vids! I think that’s secretly you in the vid lol he’s got the fire that you post with!
Posted using Partiko iOS
:-) Damn, my secrets out!
As the replies indicate we all miss that secret! Thought I'd have to start reading your old post....lol
Have a wonderful Valentines Day....
You too, hope you had a great day.
Dude, you beat me to it. I watched this last night and nearly pissed myself :D
"They would put a 'fit to work' sticker on your headstone" Haha! This guys videos just get better and better. He's doing a comedy tour and I'm seriously thinking of buying a ticket.
Buy a ticket bro :-)
I've got to go after hearing that rant. Thanks for dropping the link mate and I hope you're good.
All good here bro, hope life's treating you mighty fine.
I liked these two vids - thanks.
More than welcome, "dad" and "grandad"
Ya gotta take decentralization wherever ya can find it. 😎
Zero decen about this place, you just think there is. :-)
My reference was the decentralization of the EU.
EU = UN-elected wankers, and wankerettes. with unlimited budgets to eat and get pissed at work, make bollox rules, and sperm over each other :-)
Yeah. Decentralize those wankers. 😎
Trying :-)
Ha great shout on the video .. reminds me of one of the first articles I ever wrote on #steemit .. two bloody years ago! lol What a shit-show indeed!!
2 years and nobody listened, remind you of life much?
Image courtesy of my buddy frot
Ha ain't that the truth! .. I'm tied up in the UK (not literally lol) for another 4/5 years, then I'm off .. may have a good opportunity in Portugal .. if not Poland looks nice :D
Portugal is nice, I did try Andulucia in Spain for 6 months before coming here, it was dead, and very odd the way they close all the banks at 11am and do not open them after again, and all the shops shut at 11am also except supermarkets, Siesta and all that.
Poland is more like the UK with business hours and such like. Though I suppose anywhere is getting to be better than the UK. :-)
I can live here easily on a couple of quid a day, maybe one pint of beer in the UK even.
If yee gave us the six counties back then all would be solved!!
I would love to see a united Ireland, One where all are equal, regardless of bollox religion, though hey, who am I?
In 1941 Churchill offered De Valera (Irish prime minister) the six counties back in return for losing Irelands its neutrality and supporting Britain in the war. He was afraid za Germans would try to invade through Ireland which they were actually planning. De Valera turned him down but it is on record that old Winston was out of his skull on a whiskey that De Valera offered as a gift to him. Interesting stuff. I don't know do we want the headache of the six counties back. The place is in shit up there ! 😂. It's like East Germany before the Berlin wall fell
I have heard it was bad, and Winston was a vile man, from an Englishman's point of view, like most so called leaders, he was evil through and through.
Yep but they needed a terrier at the time. Without old Winston we would be all doing the frog march!
Or would we? WW2 was a bankers war, not a Jew war, like you are "told"
Only you guys n gals can insist on a vote for it, only you can make it happen, make it so, I said the same to my mother 3 days back.
Its ironic the unionists ( who voted no to brexit and are currently controlling the British parliament ) would also say no to this . They should be really loyal and move home in my opinion.
Bro, I left, and I ain't looking back, I will entertain conversation regarding the UK, I will never live it ever again though, the west is not for me now, I know where I want to be, and it is not that disease of a place.
Sanity does not reside in the west, right now..
You can say that again, it is people like my mom I feel for, she hates it, but is too old to be able to move and start again.
My dad is the only person I cared for there, and stayed until he died,(well nearly) to be there for him....then I fucked off.... and I'm not too bothered what happens to rest of my sad excuse for family..
Haha nice find there mate. Hope you and family are doing very well.
Posted using Partiko Android
All good here my friend. Daughter is off for 2 weeks, so plenty of fun time. :-)
Excellent and what is happening with your new blockchain?
Posted using Partiko Android
I have some university students sorting it out for me, they have more time, and I dare say a better working knowledge of the subject to hand.
Seen this bro? https://zycrypto.com/australians-can-now-buy-their-groceries-with-bitcoin-ethereum-xrp-and-litecoin/
That sounds like a great way mate having the uni students working on it. Thanks for the link I will check this card out when I get home it sounds promising. Have great day :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Well did some deep digging , made a nice meme thingy of it ;-)
Otto the German Roman empire was wrong thinking his kingdom was the one of 1000 years peace . William the conquer was a millennial who thought he had to create that kingdom as he followed the peace of god movement . 1047 he became ruler of England and today's rulers still seem to follow his plan . They think 2047 will be the end time , at least for them as rulers , as they believe in the second coming and the time for Lucifer to come and rule .
England will fall by it's own hand . Wake up , BURN the witch queen !