
In 1941 Churchill offered De Valera (Irish prime minister) the six counties back in return for losing Irelands its neutrality and supporting Britain in the war. He was afraid za Germans would try to invade through Ireland which they were actually planning. De Valera turned him down but it is on record that old Winston was out of his skull on a whiskey that De Valera offered as a gift to him. Interesting stuff. I don't know do we want the headache of the six counties back. The place is in shit up there ! 😂. It's like East Germany before the Berlin wall fell

I have heard it was bad, and Winston was a vile man, from an Englishman's point of view, like most so called leaders, he was evil through and through.

Yep but they needed a terrier at the time. Without old Winston we would be all doing the frog march!

Or would we? WW2 was a bankers war, not a Jew war, like you are "told"