Trump Is Not The Enemy Of Your Enemy

in #politics2 months ago

Imagine that, Fox News Billy O'Reilly's mini-me, Jesse Watters, calling out the CIA and USAID in an attempted regime change against President Trump when he was in office back in 2019 by interviewing Michael Shellenberger on his show with the breaking news.

Jesse: "Well you have this new piece on Substack that the USAID and the CIA helped orchestrate Trump's impeachment."

Michael Shellenberger "Yeah. I mean it's the craziest story. You might forget that the house of representatives impeached President Trump in Dec 2019. (who could really forget that march across the halls of congress to deliver the impeachment papers) Many people might not remember that it was a CIA analyst (true) left over from the Obama white house (unnecessary blame game deflection point but you'll remember Obama had something to do with it) who wrote the memo that led to thee impeachment that was based on hearsay and the person had not been in the room with Trump. The memo that he wrote relied heavily on a report done by an organization run by USAID. In fact, it's initial funding, tens of millions of dollars, had gone into this group by USAID, Organized Crime and Reporting Project, OCRP, a name that's not very memorable OCRP but it was basically created as an extension of the state department and then USAID. You know Jesse, this is very serious to be involved in an effort to do regime change at home, as we've been discovering as the files have come out with Elon Musk has been doing. We know that USAID was really about regime change abroad, it was a kind of public facing part in a regime change operation like CIA but covert, now you see a similar blowback. There were doing this sort of thing abroad, creating a predicate essentially for Trump's impeachment."

Jesse: "Wow." (because lets look so shocked about something we did ourselves and succeeded) So USAID was involved in regime change abroad and at home, very interesting."

You can look at both of them in this interview and conclusively come to the conclusion there isn't an ounce of integrity in either one of their bodies. Maybe, just maybe, had the CIA consulted Fox News instead, they'd succeeded at the supposed regime change. Remember Michael Moore's take on everyone hating Trump:

Michael Moore's Trumpland: They see the elites who ruined their lives hate Trump, wall street hates Trump, corporate America hates Trump, the career politicians hate Trump, the media hates Trump, after they loved him and created him and now hate him. Thank you media. The enemy of my enemy is who I am voting for on November 8th.

Fox News was not an exclusion to that. As a matter of fact it was Fox News who drove the Trojan Horse to Trump's 2020 election loss by calling out Arizona early to get people focused on Trump's loss there and why the early call out, meanwhile it took the attention off the other battleground states while they worked feverishly though the night counting ballots after having supposedly shut down and sent everyone home.

I think most can recall parts of what Tucker Carlson said about Trump before he loved him, then hated him, then loved him again....

Tucker: "That the last four years, we're all pretending we've go a lot to show for it because admitting what a disaster it's been is two tough to digest. But come on, there really isn't an upside to Trump."

Tucker: "We are very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait"

Tucker: "I hate him passionately."

After the election Rupert Murdock, on Nov 16, 2020 said, "We don't want to antagonize Trump further...everything is at stake.

For some they remember that proceeding the election, a lot of the Fox News host wrote books, well, except for Jesse who had someone write his for him, made a quip he was a bad book writer or something of that nature, Jesse Watters, How I Saved The World, Tucker came out with a book in 2021, The Long Slide, Shannon Bream book, Women Of The Bible Speak, Dana Perino, Everything Will Be Okay, Life Lesson for Young Women, Rachael Campos Duffy's book, All American Christmas, who knows how many others, or others now that we see being given jobs within the new Trump administration. Both ways would be excellent ways to launder money back for political shenanigan's from the I loved him before I hated him to the I love him again crowd, as such, nothing coming out of their mouths can be believe because they can be just as guilty of covering up their own bad behavior as they are by exposing the bad behavior of others.

Trump was never the enemy of my enemy, Trump was always the enemy, looking at all those who hated him standing behind him should give you a clue. Like Michael Moore proclaimed at the end of Trumpland, Thank you America, you have just elected the last American president.


Controlled opposition is a difficult concept for a lot of people to wrap their heads around. Some of them that have difficulty with it can eventually grasp it before they die of it, but not the majority of them. Knowing the enemy is key to understanding who we ourselves are. A man is measured by his enemies. As enemies go, Trump is pretty difficult to understand. Apprenticing to Roy Cohn for decades is hard for ordinary folks, that can't imagine pimping children to politicians in order to blackmail them, to understand. IME Trump supporters just skip trying. They just move on to rhetoric and how he's a billionaire that could just retire and relax, but instead he's sacrificing himself by running for and serving as the President of the USA, and getting shot at for his trouble.

Some folks are just not able to know their enemy, but as you point out, Trump was always the enemy, was raised to be the enemy, and does a pretty good job of being the enemy of the Constitution, of liberty, justice, and the American Way. Ethnically cleansing Gaza for Israel is a good example. It's genocide. The Palestinian people have a right to live on their land. Killing them that don't leave their land is the definition of genocide, and that's exactly what Trump just announced he will do, and it's pretty much what every US President has been working towards since Truman.

It's evil, and only the enemy of freedom, of humanity itself, would do it.
