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RE: Trump Is Not The Enemy Of Your Enemy

in #politics2 months ago

Controlled opposition is a difficult concept for a lot of people to wrap their heads around. Some of them that have difficulty with it can eventually grasp it before they die of it, but not the majority of them. Knowing the enemy is key to understanding who we ourselves are. A man is measured by his enemies. As enemies go, Trump is pretty difficult to understand. Apprenticing to Roy Cohn for decades is hard for ordinary folks, that can't imagine pimping children to politicians in order to blackmail them, to understand. IME Trump supporters just skip trying. They just move on to rhetoric and how he's a billionaire that could just retire and relax, but instead he's sacrificing himself by running for and serving as the President of the USA, and getting shot at for his trouble.

Some folks are just not able to know their enemy, but as you point out, Trump was always the enemy, was raised to be the enemy, and does a pretty good job of being the enemy of the Constitution, of liberty, justice, and the American Way. Ethnically cleansing Gaza for Israel is a good example. It's genocide. The Palestinian people have a right to live on their land. Killing them that don't leave their land is the definition of genocide, and that's exactly what Trump just announced he will do, and it's pretty much what every US President has been working towards since Truman.

It's evil, and only the enemy of freedom, of humanity itself, would do it.
