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RE: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

The satanic pedophiles that have controlled this country for decades know now that when the pizza/ pedogate hammer drops on them that they are done. The reason they are pushing for war with Russia is they know that the only hopes they have for survival is a MAJOR distraction.

I grew up in the cold war era and it's absolutely absurd in this day and age that the satanic pedophiles are trying to have us believe that Russia poses this great threat- what a load of bunk- anyone with half a brain knows that Russia and the US share common interests and although Russia will not be shoved around they also are not looking for war.

If the satanic pedophiles want war with Russia so badly we should stack them all up on front of NATO forces to lead the charge into Russia- but then we'll hold the NATO troops back- we saw how the invasion of Russia worked out for Hitler and Napoleon yet these scumbags who have zero regard for our soldiers lives push for war with Russia?

These frauds will soon be in prison or swinging from the end or a rope- tick tock you psychopaths- your days are NUMBERED!


I'm confused...who exactly is the satanic pedophile?

do your research -

Oh, this is rich. First of all, it's a convention to use "is" when implying a singular subject. Not sure how pedophile was typed incorrectly, although in Greek it would in fact be "paedophile" to distinguish from a person who loves feet. And, last I checked, confusion is perfectly acceptable when "satanic pedophile" is a phrase that is used in any context. The only pedophilia scandal I currently know about is Milo Yiannopoulos' rather out of context interview, although if you were referencing pizzagate, I'm still very confused. Perhaps you could explain all of this from the beginning? I'm new to US politics.