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RE: Is It Time To Take Military Action Against North Korea?

in #politics8 years ago

@thecryptofiend I have to disagree with your assessment of the situation. I haven't looked at the comment thread yet but I am sure I am not the only one to do so on this issue and I'm sure the comments will really add a lot to the discussion you have begun with your very well written post. From the little I know about you I feel that you are very sincere, decent and obviously very clever but I would have to say that my impression from this post is that you are far too trusting. I freely admit that I myself have become too skeptical but that is because I have been given many reasons to be so, only one of which you have included in your post is the demonstrable lies told by a President and Prime Minister of two of the most powerful and aggressive nations in the world. It might interest you to know if you do not already, that America has been responsible for many more deaths in the years since the second world war than most other countries combined yet are hailed as the saviors of freedom and democracy.

You can read a BBC news report on the subject here.

To put it mildly, the BBC is in my opinion, one of the least trustworthy organisations in existence.

I hope you are doing well my friend and enjoy your day off tomorrow!


When you're dealing with the Criminal Class that masquerades as our "Leaders", there is NO such thing as too skeptical. They are untrustworthy, and need to ALWAYS be fact checked. We have the internet these days, it's even easier than ever to know when they are lying these days.

We NEED to demand they stop acting like children, wasting our money, and killing not only people around the world, but our YOUTH as well. The troops should be stationed here, on the borders and ready to wreck and idiot dumb enough to try an attack.

We have the internet these days, it's even easier than ever to know when they are lying these days.

It is my belief that the internet is definitely serving a purpose but I don't think it is a beneficial one from our perspective although it is certainly made to appear that way. Everything in this life has a positive and negative aspect to it and until you have looked at both, you are not in a position to have a considered opinion. The trouble is with most things in life is that the positives are pushed in our faces and the negatives are hidden from view so that our thoughts on any given subject are steered in a certain direction. The most useful form of control is control of the mind and this is the biggest problem we face in our modern world, the organised and orchestrated control of information to the masses by the few.

Thanks for your well thought out comment. You may well be right and I could certainly be wrong. Whatever you think of the BBC though these reports have been through the rest of the press so I don't think it is a fabrication.

Mainstream press is monopolized.

Possibly. But they can't fabricate something like this.

My distrust of media does not stop with the BBC but instead extends to every major news organisation whether media or print. I too am open to being wrong and willing to change my opinion if evidence is forthcoming to prove me so but I feel , though I am not a researcher, I have seen enough evidence to support my case that all media, including social media and this very platform. is designed to misinform and misdirect attention from the true nature of the divide in our world and that is not between race, religion or culture but between those with true knowledge and those without.

Knowledge is the key to everything and in my humble opinion that is what has been occulted and obfuscated throughout history and what continues to be so today in order to maintain the system that has suited those in power for as long as they have been getting away with it.

I could go on but I won't. :)

Thanks for the reply.

Have a good one!

Thanks you too:)