So you will basically blame the people who have been screwed over and brainwashed over the Central Banks who are stealing from us on a daily basis?And I don't agree with this notion that somehow the people are to blame for allowing the actions of these criminals when in fact,most of them have been conditioned/indoctrinated by and forced to work many hours for the benefit of these criminals.Its like blaming a brainwashed victim of rape for allowing the rapist to rape him/her
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If people are so stupid to be brainwashed then why should be they trusted for anything else? Any kind of suggestion, good or bad, will work the same to them. Much like a trained dog.
Not really. Most of them want to be in the position of those criminals. This is why they keep nurturing the system after all. If they didn't, they wouldn't allow it and with the next elections they would change it. They know "the game" very well. They are definitely not innocent bystanders.
rape is an act of violence. you can't be brainwashed into sex. If this is the case then every single human that is seduced sexually is brainwashed into rape.
Your thought process assigns a lot of victimhood. This renders your argument invalid since more or less you support that most people are nothing but helpless children that are easily manipulated .
You have to understand that a person is a result of the environment he/she was raised in,the conditioning he/she receives and the concepts he/she has been exposed to.Once that is understood,lets take a look at the average person within our society
At a young age,the person has no choice but to go to an institute called a "school" where he/she is forced to sit there for many hours,learning things that he/she has no interest in nor will have any practical use in his/her daily life.He/She has to learn to be obedient to people known as "teachers" who has the right to arbitrarily punish the person for various minor demeanor.In these institutes known as "schools" free speech/criticism towards "teachers" is discouraged and in some countries,not allowed or even punished.This school system from its very inception was to create obedient workers who will serve the ruling class.In these institutes known as "schools" there are standardized tests to determine hierarchy and performance in these tests will affect people's future lives in a major way.Provided the person survives the indoctrination,social engineering,and the emotional roller coaster that comes with puberty.The person has to go to another institute called a "college" and if one wishes to enter then he/she has to either be able to pay massive amounts of money or get into massive amounts of debt to get into college,if one does not enter this institute the chances of employment gets significantly reduced.
After surviving the education system,the person has to seek employment or else he/she starves.The entire system is made to get people too occupied with either work,study,survival and being culturally programmed by the media to question the system.Claiming that people simply do not care and reap what they sow is an reductionist view at best and naive at worst.Though it was interesting to see your perspective so I followed and liked this post ^_^
For more on how many problems are within the education system,I suggest you to watch this video:
I agree with truthseekerreport. Life is not so simple as you put it. For one, you said that banks would no longer be there if the people didn't support it. I don't know about Cypus, but here in Canada, if you don't have a bank account, you cannot use the fake currency we use daily. You cannot pay your taxes and that makes you a criminal. Do the people have a choice? I don't think so. If you wish to start a business, you need to have a business bank account (for which they slowly drain your account with their fees). No, my friend, it is not as easy as you think to NOT support those banks. That is just one example and there are many more. As for politics: you get to vote for this crook or that one. It doesn't matter which you choose, because they are both puppets of the bankers. Try to nominate a third person and good luck getting the word out unless you have the billions of dollars to advertise like the crooks do. I wouldn't be so hasty to blame the victims. Instead, lets try to build this community and free ourselves from the bankers.
Again. Ask yourself. Isn't the majority, the people themselves that set up this system throughout time? Aren't people themselves fasten the chains to their own ankles?
"the school", "the system" etc is not made of magical beings. is made out of people. it can be gone in a twitch. politicians are just executioners of the public's orders. They don't care either way as long as they enjoy their big fat chair. People support this system. Most people endorse these ideas.
Remember. In a democracy what gets elected is the average mentality. We get the leaders we deserve in order to pull out our favors. I am surprised you can't see this. You have disconnected the leaders from the "average folk" as if they are some kind of eternal beings ruling humanity for eons.
While I cannot speak for how democracy works in Cyprus, I can respond to your post from the point of view of the American Constitutional Republic.
This statement has two problems from my point of view. The very design of the American Constitution was crafted with the idea to limit those who could participate in the voting process and to limit the voice of the average American, or as Hamilton phrased it in the Federalist Papers, to limit the voice of 'mob mentality.'
The result of the US Constitution and the subsequent state constitutions started out limiting the voice of the people to White Anglo Saxon Property Owners. Over the years things have eroded these limitations to a more inclusive demographic. But subtle limitations still persist that disenfranchise many. There is definitely no Average Mentality in the process. In addition the process here limits the people's voice to 2 major parties (other parties are allowed but have little chance) and these parties present choices that are manicured by special interests that have no real reflection of the average mentality of America.
And the voice of these authorities is the general media including News outlets and Entertainment producers.My second problem with this statement is eloquently presented by @truthseekereport wherein the reality that 'public opinion' and 'average mentality' is manufactured by the educational system with a goal to condition people to generally believe and obey the authorities that be.
I do, however agree wholly with your point about self responsibility. And a major act by people in resistance to this obedience to Authority culture is to participate in Cryptocurrencies. The more we involve ourselves with a trade medium and wealth storage that is outside the Bankster's realm the closer we can get to a truly egalitarian society where we do, as individuals, act with responsibility for ourselves.
Thank you for your detailed comment.
Well, aren't the people who vote, also choose the education system?
3 companies in China control Bitcoin :)