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RE: The whispers, the shouts, the laughter and cries, the careful manipulation hiding the puppeteers lies

in #politics8 years ago

"The Party Plantation".... Excellent description of how the Democratic party procures influence. Their voters don't realize, especially the minority voters, that they are voting for their continued marginalization and imprisonment, through back-door tactics of the Left.

The Justice Policy Institute report, Too Little Too Late: President Clinton’s Prison Legacy (February 2001): " When William Jefferson Clinton took office in 1993, he was embraced by some as a moderate change from the previous twelve years of tough on crime Republican administrations. Now, eight years later, the latest criminal justice statistics show that it was actually Democratic President Bill Clinton who implemented arguably the most punitive platform on crime in the last two decades. In fact, “tough on crime” policies passed during the Clinton Administration’s tenure resulted in the largest increases in federal and state prison inmates of any president in American history—and while the incarceration of black Americans more than doubled after Reagan’s election, under Clinton, black incarceration rates accelerated until they more than tripled."


I have a pretty good background in criminology. I'd say that "3 strikes" was a factor in the drop in crime rates, but also more police on the streets.

The increase in black arrest rates is linked directly to the "War on Drugs"; I don't think the intent was arresting blacks, but that's what ended up happening. Saw a really good presentation from a LEAP rep; poor blacks and middle class whites have drastically different drug use patterns which result in more contacts and arrests of blacks

  • more frequent buys in lesser amounts
  • more use in public

I'd add a couple of extra elements; distribution channels are more stable for the middle class, less subject to "alternate contract disputes and price negotiations"; and that drugs are a major source of personal wealth in poor black neighborhoods

Finally, a lot of cops and prosecutors cheat by getting known criminals on drug charges instead of on real charges

War on Drugs I see as a way to funnel more slaves into the modern plantations that the prisons have become. People are very aware of outsourcing and shipping manufacturing to other countries sweatshops. They make a big deal about it. Most people are unware that the same thing happened in our own countries it just went to our prisons. I call this con-sourcing or insourcing. The 13th Amendment which ended slavery has a plainly worded exemption. Slavery is illegal except as punishment for a crime.

Can't argue with that take.

I tend to look at the criminalization of so much behavior as a way for politicians to drive a wedge between police and the taxpayer, but I can also see the profit motive they might also have.

You are right, of course. But I do find irony in this demographic buying into the notion that the Democratic party is in their corner, while said party policies work to keep them in their current state. Drug use will probably always be more high profile among the poor, as they try to find ways to escape their reality. Plus it has now been glamorized, to the extent that youth seek out these substances and wind up ruining their adult lives with criminal records, before they even mature. Its an interesting cycle, and depending on if you believe in the entertainment industry being controlled by the Illuminati, there is an interesting rabbit hole to explore.

I do find irony in this demographic buying into the notion that the Democratic party is in their corner, while said party policies work to keep them in their current state

it is very sad, but they aren't the only community to be suckered by their politicians.

conservatives have been gulled by Republican for over a quarter of a century; we talked about the Rust Belt workers somewhere else in this post

true enough, the black community has suffered the most from the sabotage the democrats have aimed at them to keep them on the welfare-voting plantations; pretty any much any policy you can name that has been targeted at the black community by the democrats in the name of "helping" has had negative effects. Ebonics, higher minimum wages, etc

Bingo! Couldn't have said it better.