The whispers, the shouts, the laughter and cries, the careful manipulation hiding the puppeteers lies

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

This article will discuss political topics. While these are my own opinions and I do not expect you to believe them if such topics are not a mental beverage of which you would choose to partake, then you may wish to stop now. This will deal with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Russia, Wikileaks, Impeachment, and other offshoots related to that.

Why am I writing this? I still have people I think a lot of that are frequently sending anti-Trump articles, and emails that they find funny. Early on this may have been occasionally amusing. Yet it is increasingly becoming more like a person telling you a "Why the chicken crossed the road" joke when the news is so saturated with the same type of jokes that they long ago lost their punch. In fact, they make me a little sad. Sometimes that is sad for my friend(s), other times it is sad for our nation, and other times it is sad for the world. These are my personal feelings. They do not mean anyone else should or should not feel this way.

Let's step back in time many months before the 2016 elections were over in November 2016. Let's look back way before that. In fact, in my case you can go back before the 2016 election cycle even began. I did my research into candidates. This included Hillary Clinton which is someone along with Bill Clinton that I used to like. In fact if you go far enough back you'll find cases of me saying "He managed to balance the budget even while they are dragging him through the news over an issue that as far as I am concerned is between his wife and him. It's not like tons of presidents didn't have mistresses, some of who lived in the white house. It is not as though some quite loved like JFK were known to be quite the philanderer. So why impeach over the Monica Lewinsky thing?" The answer would usually go to "Perjury before congress OVER the Monica Lewinsky thing." So, I actually liked Bill Clinton and thought the entire situation was incredibly stupid.

Many years later Hillary is running for office. I think that having a woman in office would be pretty cool. Yet I am about equality so I will not choose a person based upon their gender. If a woman gets in that is like a bonus achievement, but it has nothing to do with why I'd elect someone. It simply would be a first. So just as I try to do with any candidate I started doing my research.

My opinion of the Clintons began to change. My view of the entire Monica Lewinsky perspective I provided above did not change. That was nothing. There ends up being so much corruption, death, and manipulation tied to the Clintons (some of it exclusively Bill, some of it both of them, and some exclusively Hillary) that I had to shake my head in disbelief. Yes, it was hard to believe. I kept researching. It did not clear. The more I researched I just kept stumbling across more corruption.

By the time 2016 election cycle began I said that "Hillary will win" as I was fairly certain she was tapped to win. I expected the propaganda arm of the government known as the media to come out praising her, bashing enemies, and doing appropriate blocking and misdirection where they could. This has always worked for them in the past. The media part did happen. They were especially fond of bashing Donald Trump. His words and phrases gave them plenty of fuel with which to attack him and ridicule him. In fact some of the things he said made me think back to some of the hilarious bloopers from Vice President Dan Quayle outtakes. They were often amusing. The problem was there was SO MUCH OF IT. The media just couldn't seem to get enough. The news was consumed by it. It seemed a lot more than I traditionally see the person the media doesn't want to get would receive. This even made me wonder if they were happy if Trump or Clinton won, as I've seen cases where that seemed to be the case as well. I no longer think that is the case.

The DNC leaks and particularly the John Podesta emails were leaked to Wikileaks. They were particularly damaging to Hillary's campaign as they showed that the DNC was colluding to nominate Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders(and more). They were not letting the DNC delegates solely decide as is supposed to be the case. They were manipulating it to make sure it was Hillary who was chosen and they were in close communication with Hillary's campaign to do it. The revelation of these emails hurt Hillary's campaign a significant amount. There were now Bernie supporters who left the DNC and didn't vote. There were Bernie supporters who voted for Trump. There were Bernie supporters who voted for third party. This was a chunk of DNC voters that who suddenly did not support the DNC's "nominee". A considerable amount of why this may have occurred can be blamed upon those emails.

This is an interesting and sickening chance to observe a propaganda engine in full swing and what they did has been normal for leaks for some time now. Instead of focusing on the actual crimes and corruption that were revealed they began to focus on the source. The leaker was spun as the bad guy/gal for reporting criminal activity. This is becoming the new norm. Reporting a crime makes you the criminal if your target has good connections. The media went to town as expected spinning exactly this.

Suddenly we had the Russian Narrative. It was the Russians who did it to influence our elections. I found this laughable and hypocritical at the time when I realized how many foreign elections we as a nation are known to interfere with. Yet, let us set that aside. I did not even doubt that Russia and many other nations likely manipulated our elections in some way, via statements, or working through corporations they have indicated they would like to see the election go one way or the other. In fact I'd be very surprised if this is not the normal way things occur with every election.

I remember back then saying it made very little sense and that based upon the information I'd read that I thought Seth Rich was the most probable source. Many if not all of you hopefully know who he is now. If not then this part of my blog is an important part.

Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was involved with IT among other things. His name really came into the news not long after the leaks, but a bit before the actual election was over. He was shot twice in the back of the head in New York while he was supposedly walking to his girl friend's house. It was billed as a robbery, but nothing was stolen. Wikileaks also offered a reward of $20,000 for any information on the Seth Rich murder. They would not state he was their source because they have a steadfast rule to never reveal their sources. Yet, when historically have the ever offered a reward for something like this? They haven't.

To me that seemed to indicate Seth was likely the source of the DNC leaks as he was well positioned to make these leaks possible. Wikileaks offered a reward for information concerning his death. His death is strange like so many deaths tied to the Clintons. There are cases in the past where a death related to them was ruled as a suicide and the guy shot himself in the head TWICE. So after researching Clinton the alarm bells were ringing. I played mental scenarios and to me Seth Rich seemed the most plausible source for the leak. I even said so back then and may even have said so in some discussions here on Steemit.

It has since been revealed by a private investigator looking into his death that not only was Seth in communication with Wikileaks, but the NYC Police were told to STAND DOWN on this investigation. That makes me wonder if a former New York Senator had anything to do with the stand down order. (aka Hillary Clinton)

The election eventually finally happens. I watched it unfold that night. When I went to sleep around 1:30am Mountain Time (UTC -7) that night Trump had gotten enough electoral college votes to win. He was also ahead by over a million in the popular vote (I believe my memory serves me correctly) but the population count vote tallies were not yet in for California, and Hawaii. Both of those electoral college votes had been awarded to Hillary already, but they were still waiting on the actual tallies. I can tell you that I had been expecting some dirty activity and I did speak with people on that day around the nation, and read some things that seemed to indicate there were some questionable things going on. They were not in the benefit of Trump though.

I did not vote for Trump. I did not vote for Hillary. I voted third party wherever I had that choice. I expected Hillary to win. She did not. I began trying to explain this in my mind.

However, unlike the media and many other people I wasn't in pure meltdown mode. I didn't want Hillary to win, but I expected her to for a number of reasons which I do not need to go into here. It didn't turn out that way, even with the some of the dirty things that seemed to go on during that day that could help her. So what happened? For me it was a combination of a few things. 1) DNC leaked emails and how they impacted Bernie supporters, 2) The Trump bashing was so extreme before the election that it may have become even blatantly obvious to people that don't normally notice that the media was trying to choose who they should elect for them, some of these people may not have liked that. 3) A lot of people were tired of business as usual as it is clear business as usual just gets you the same things. You can't keep doing the same thing and expect things to be different. It might actually be different, but that is planning for the exception rather than what is probable. Trump seemed to be different. He was brash enough I often thought he might be a plant that the things he says are so scary that he causes people to panic vote for Hillary. There may have been some of that, but really it didn't seem to work out.

It seemed like the propaganda arm that has dominated our politics had failed for the first time in my living memory. This I could at least view as a victory as I do not like seeing people dance to the puppet masters lies and manipulations.

It was obvious for a few days the propaganda agencies were in full on panic mode. They didn't really have a clue what to do. Then the Russian Narrative was born and used.

The DNC leak was blamed on Russians. They would even say that agencies were investigating and had proof. No such proof ever manifested. They were spinning the Russians interfering in our elections which as I said before was laughable and hypocritical. They even began associating Russia with Wikileaks even though Wikileaks is not associated with any Nation. Later Hillary herself would even use the phrase "Russian Wikileaks".

They would hint that part of their evidence was that the hacker used a Cyrillic keyboard that a Russian would use and that they could tell by looking at the code. They never provided this proof either, they just hinted it exists. I actually wrote a few articles about the Russian hacker angle because it was pretty stupid and I posted them here on Steemit.

Recently the Vault 7 leaks have been coming from Wikileaks and they have been some huge bombshells. Among them were programs by the CIA to do false flag attacks using keyboards of various types to blame the actions on other nations. You can find this information in the Vault 7 leaks or articles related to them if you wish to look.

It was sometime after this that I first heard people and read people calling for the Impeachment of Donald Trump. He hadn't even been sworn into office yet, and all he had were WORDS and CABINET PICKS. He actually hadn't done any actions yet so he had performed no impeachable offenses. That didn't stop the propaganda engine from giving these statements more attention than they should have.

A little later the narrative on Russia flipped to Michael Flynn. He had some phone conversations AFTER the election with Russians. The media went to town on him, though this type of thing occurs frequently among administrations. Michael Flynn would actually resign. So the propaganda found a victim. YAY it's working again. Blood is in the water and the sharks had learned that they were still able to control the narrative. They may have failed on the election, but now they are going to show they still have the power and they are not going to let their failure in November stand. Trump must be removed, and then this can be spun in the future versions of History as a victory for the media (aka propaganda works).


Trump as the character he is has a tendency to say some things that give the media a lot of ammunition. I've seen some comic strips and such that even I find amusing. However, the amount of Trump bashing is truly unprecedented in my memory. I've never seen an elected president receive this focused a media blitz. There is so much of it that the humor that may be in it no longer is that amusing. It's like someone telling you the same joke repeatedly and expecting you to laugh. Furthermore, some of it is an obvious attack hidden behind the guise of supposed comedy. Obviously some people find it amusing. I do not. I do not like the idea of propaganda so controlling the narrative. The Nazis used it effectively on the Germans and we've taken it so much beyond what they knew how to do. Propaganda winning is not a good thing in my mind regardless of their agenda.


The nation lacks good journalism these days. Virtually every piece (including this one you now read) is full of bias and opinions. Often they are spun as facts. Speculation is not a fact. It could be a possibility, but it is not a fact. What I write here is my speculations.

Recently the Russian Narrative has taken another spin and the calls for impeachment are all over the place. Trump revealed some information about terrorists and potential laptop bombs to the Russians. Apparently sharing something like this was a huge violation, though it was not. Similar information is shared by presidents regularly and is not illegal. Yet, let's put this into perspective. The Washington Post is the news agency that released the article that started this latest frenzy. Sadly this was not new news or even secret. Many news outlets had been writing about this throughout April and May. This means Trump did not even tell the Russians something that hadn't already said in public news outlets. The people though take the propaganda bait and run with it, without researching it, thinking about it, etc.

The phrase "Tell a lie big enough, often enough and it becomes the truth" comes to mind as it is a belief and tenant of propaganda. This is what I see happening. I also see it working, and that is what bothers me.

I don't particularly like that I often find myself defending Trump. Yet when I see people reacting to lies I kind of feel the need to point out the lies. The fact that it is Trump the lies are about is irrelevant. Is it okay to lie about some people, but not others? Is it okay for some people to commit crimes, but not others?

This is why I don't find most supposed comical pieces about Trump as comedy anymore. To me I just see propaganda. I see my fellow citizens reacting and drinking that kool aid. They are also spreading this mental plague from person to person. They are laughing about the mental strings that the puppeteer is attaching to them. They are gladly performing the actions the puppeteer would like. This is why I find myself defending Trump, and it has nothing to do with it being Trump himself.

The news is flooded with him. If the news were flooded with someone else and it was lies and propaganda then I would be defending them as well. My defense of Trump has nothing to do with ideological agreement/disagreement. It is me trying to fight the propaganda. It is me shouting "Look at those strings!"



Thank you for posting on this. I think it´s awful the way the MSM is behaving. I live in Sweden, our newspapers get their news from MSM USA so we read the same things here about Trump. Most people in Sweden seem to believe everything the journalists write about Trump.

I don´t believe the Russians did the "hacking" (phising) of the DNC either (but I do believe they may have done something else in the election as both Russia and USA have tried to affect elections before. I believe Julian Assange when he said that this was an inside job because he has a reputation of only reporting the truth.

Yesterday Kim Dotcom wrote on Twitter that he was involved in getting the DNC emails and he seems to be getting ready to issue a statement this week. If what he says is true then Russia is not involved in this. It will be interesting to see how the story will evolve.

I'll keep an ear open for it I hadn't heard the Kim Dotcom angle yet.

Sometimes that is sad for my friend(s), other times it is sad for our nation, and other times it is sad for the world. These are my personal feelings. They do not mean anyone else should or should not feel this way.

I feel the very same way. People who use superficial attributes to discredit a person makes me pity them. As well when they use the "he doesn't need reason, he is insane!"-line (Assad, Kim Jong Un). That doesnt mean you cant laugh about politicians, but when your whole argument is based on a joke, it becomes a joke.

the guy shot himself in the head TWICE

I heard that one before. I did never do any research by myself into the murders of the Clintons, but I would not doubt for a second that Hillary is capable of it. I remember that I really liked Bill back in the days and the Lowinski thing smelled like a trap, including his false statement.
BUT it is technically possible to shoot yourself in the head twice, headshot does not mean it is instantly fatal. You can blow away a not mandatory part of your brain and live, as long as you dont die from shock or blood lose that is.

They would hint that part of their evidence was that the hacker used a Cyrillic keyboard that a Russian would use

John McAfee had an interview where he disputed all the points. It was on RT, but he had pretty good arguments

That covers quite awhile back... mostly during Bill's presidency, and Governorship.... it is an older documentary... and these type of things did not stop where that documentary ends.

Did you see this btw?

Panic Mode. Pretty sure the "it was a joke" was not said towards the news lady.

Im watching, but young Bill is too handsome! :3 lets see what happens after 4:00

Odd fact: Did you know Kim Jong Un was educated by the West? Before he was installed as "Dear Leader".

yes. Did you watch the episode of Vice where Dennis Rodman almost achieved an American-North Korean Peace? Rodman got backstabbed by the American media of course. He was a traitor to them.

No, I was unaware of this episode... But I wonder, is North Korea really an enemy, or are they just a boogeyman, whose Puppet Master is the same as our own?

boogeyman 100%

the news reaction says it all.
FBI Guy: "There is nobody at the CIA that could tell you more personally about Kim Jong Un then Dennis Rodman"
News Reporter asking Rodman why would he support an evil psychopath dictator...

Oh and in the Vice episode you can see the event of Rodman and Kim becoming friends overshadowed the rocket launch test reports on the NK news. The rockets were dominating the news before that. "How to shut down a route to peace" - written by the American media

Indeed. I was stationed for a while in south Korea while i was in the military. Without divulging too much, I can definitely say, that despite all the rhetoric, our military forces there aren't exactly "set up" the way they should be if we really believed this guy to be crazy.
Of course, this could be intentionally done in order to maximize casualties in the event of an attack, for a 9-11 style sensational event.

It does not make sense to hold a gun to a crazy persons head. A crazy person would not care for his life.

You seem like an interesting fellow. Also the DBZ avatar <3. Im so hyped for the upcoming DBS tournament! followed ;D

Do you think that there are really 2 parties? or is this a distraction? I seem to remember The Podesta emails referencing the existence of a "Shadow Government". Whats your take on this?

There are people that influence the governments regardless of who is in power. If you wish to call this a Shadow Government, a Deep State, etc then I think there is very little doubt such things exist. The true question is how pervasive is it, and how deep does it go. I believe a lot of this began around 1913 in the U.S. A lot of bad things happened that year that turned power over to people outside of the government.

Ever looked at the back of a one Dollar bill? Why do we have that pyramid and those Latin words, as well as the number 13 being repeated?

Yep I've done a little research on the dollar. :) Some interesting stuff.

Very nice.I enjoy the company of those who pay attention. Upvoted and Following

Hell, there is an FBI memo talking about the "shadow government" on the 7th floor of State, iirc ; I'll dig it up

Excellent post I hope many will like it!!!

Thank you. I hope many read it. If they don't like it, at least they read it.

You seem to be a truth seeker. Unfortunately, we are bombarded with unsubstantiated charges that are completely blown out of porportion. Let's hope that silent majority whom actually elected our President keeps their prospective and seek and stand for the truth as you do. Valid points, nicely presented. Thank you

Excellent lay out of the situation.

I will add one more reason Clinton lost: the Rust Belt.

While both parties have been culpable for pushing Rust Belt jobs out of the country, the Democrats held the edge in these states primarily due to their image of protecting those jobs against Republican offshoring policies.

Whether or not people clued into that lie, they did see they were losing the working class jobs they had...and that the no-skill and minimal-skill jobs were going to illegal aliens. The same illegals the Democrats seemed heel bent upon importing.

To insult to injury, they were called racist for questioning those policies by the very same people who they had trusted to protect their jobs.

I think they finally clued into the massive hate that upper class white liberals hold towards working class whites, which is a relatively new influence on the Democratic Party; it had been there since the New Left took over the party in 64, but nowhere as blatantly as it has been over the last 12 years, and getting worse every year.

Yeah you are likely correct. It is also possible BLM may have influenced the election. I happen to be born white. I've never considered myself a "white person" but simply a human. Yet now I am increasingly under attack. Did that influence the elections too?

In fact I did say I endorse the idea of "All lives matter" but that was "diluting the message" which I disagree. I think it was making the message not racist and inclusive, rather than exclusive.

identity politics as a matter of division is a long-used leftist tactic

however, you will notice that all the important positions in the democrat party and most of their guiding organizations are 100% lily white themselves. the political class truly looks after itself

think it was making the message not racist and inclusive

the message was never really about racism, it was about staying on the party plantation

Really,I don't think they care about race or identity except to maintain voting blocks

"The Party Plantation".... Excellent description of how the Democratic party procures influence. Their voters don't realize, especially the minority voters, that they are voting for their continued marginalization and imprisonment, through back-door tactics of the Left.

The Justice Policy Institute report, Too Little Too Late: President Clinton’s Prison Legacy (February 2001): " When William Jefferson Clinton took office in 1993, he was embraced by some as a moderate change from the previous twelve years of tough on crime Republican administrations. Now, eight years later, the latest criminal justice statistics show that it was actually Democratic President Bill Clinton who implemented arguably the most punitive platform on crime in the last two decades. In fact, “tough on crime” policies passed during the Clinton Administration’s tenure resulted in the largest increases in federal and state prison inmates of any president in American history—and while the incarceration of black Americans more than doubled after Reagan’s election, under Clinton, black incarceration rates accelerated until they more than tripled."

I have a pretty good background in criminology. I'd say that "3 strikes" was a factor in the drop in crime rates, but also more police on the streets.

The increase in black arrest rates is linked directly to the "War on Drugs"; I don't think the intent was arresting blacks, but that's what ended up happening. Saw a really good presentation from a LEAP rep; poor blacks and middle class whites have drastically different drug use patterns which result in more contacts and arrests of blacks

  • more frequent buys in lesser amounts
  • more use in public

I'd add a couple of extra elements; distribution channels are more stable for the middle class, less subject to "alternate contract disputes and price negotiations"; and that drugs are a major source of personal wealth in poor black neighborhoods

Finally, a lot of cops and prosecutors cheat by getting known criminals on drug charges instead of on real charges

War on Drugs I see as a way to funnel more slaves into the modern plantations that the prisons have become. People are very aware of outsourcing and shipping manufacturing to other countries sweatshops. They make a big deal about it. Most people are unware that the same thing happened in our own countries it just went to our prisons. I call this con-sourcing or insourcing. The 13th Amendment which ended slavery has a plainly worded exemption. Slavery is illegal except as punishment for a crime.

Can't argue with that take.

I tend to look at the criminalization of so much behavior as a way for politicians to drive a wedge between police and the taxpayer, but I can also see the profit motive they might also have.

You are right, of course. But I do find irony in this demographic buying into the notion that the Democratic party is in their corner, while said party policies work to keep them in their current state. Drug use will probably always be more high profile among the poor, as they try to find ways to escape their reality. Plus it has now been glamorized, to the extent that youth seek out these substances and wind up ruining their adult lives with criminal records, before they even mature. Its an interesting cycle, and depending on if you believe in the entertainment industry being controlled by the Illuminati, there is an interesting rabbit hole to explore.

I do find irony in this demographic buying into the notion that the Democratic party is in their corner, while said party policies work to keep them in their current state

it is very sad, but they aren't the only community to be suckered by their politicians.

conservatives have been gulled by Republican for over a quarter of a century; we talked about the Rust Belt workers somewhere else in this post

true enough, the black community has suffered the most from the sabotage the democrats have aimed at them to keep them on the welfare-voting plantations; pretty any much any policy you can name that has been targeted at the black community by the democrats in the name of "helping" has had negative effects. Ebonics, higher minimum wages, etc