They have CEASE function.A Note to All , Do not send your Funds to @poloniex Account.
Why? Don't you all have better to delegate to other Curators Accounts that need it more?A Note to @ned , who own @misterdelegation , Delegate 10 K worth of SP to this account.
This has come to my attention during my investigation on certain Accounts and have come across this undaunted Account @poloniex that have Trap many Funds.
Beneficial information @bullionstackers , hard to find this info without you..resteemed
Yeah! Polo and hitbtc they have not worked for a long time!!!
Thanks for your visit. Mr Ratel
Berarti mereka juga akun phising ya?
Berikan perintahmu @bullionsteckers selaian tidak mengirim sbd atau sp kemereka. apa lagi yang harus kami lakukan. kamisiap atas instruksi yang kamu keluarkan.
Ini bukan phishing
Tapi semua Dana sankut didalam akun .
Jangan kena sankut ..
terima kasih atas informasi dan dukunganya.
terimakasih atas informasinya sahabat,@bullionstackers
Terimakasih atas informasinya @bullionstackers
Thank you for sharing this information Mr. @bullionstackers
good info for those who are looking to exchange funds.
wow really a very good post my best friend thanks for the information @bullionstackers
maybe that sends it bulum know, thanks for letting us know @bullion
Terima kasih atas informasi nya.
this is really a very outer post can continue to work and provide information that is very useful @bullionstackers
Postingan yang sangat bagus @bullionstackers, terimakasih atas informasinya
Thank you for the information @bullionstackers
Very informative information. Thanks, @bullionstackers
seriously? I'm glad never started to try this after seeing people with problems there in the early days
Thanks for your valuable information
thank you friends for the iformasinya, surely if there is no information from friends we will surely terperbak, once again thousands of many thanks for the information