I can only imagine the frustration! I had to jump through some hoops with poloniex months bad when I suddenly stopped getting the authentication codes to login ( I used the email option at the time.) I know it's not exactly the same issue, but OMG was it a sloooooooow process. I think it took at least 3-4 weeks to work it out...hoping that the markets I had my money in didn't go too crazy.
Anyhoo...I definitely hope they track it down and fix it for you! Make sure to take some breaks so it doesn't drive you too crazy!
Have a drink on me!! :D
P.S. I hope you've been well in general! It's definitely been a while with me taking my loong extended break from my computer.
I just got a reply - even after shaming them in this post - I mean posting the guy's name here too...
They are now saying that my account was disabled so they are working to enable it, THEN they will be able to start tracking things down for me (after I spent days digging in five-month-old blockchain goo
Thank you for contacting us and sorry for the late reply
Unfortunately that wallet had to be disabled because it was unable to synchronize properly with the network, rest asure we are working hard to bring it back online as soon as possible. Once maintenance is done we can continue the recovery process we appreciate your patience on this and sorry for the inconvenience.
Poloniex Support Team