A cute new born baby!! So cute!!

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A cute new born baby!! So cute!!

Source: pixabay.com
This post as well as its images are released under a CC BY 4.0 License


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@catfacts @banjo @witzbot @clever @cleverbot

This post as well as its images are released under a CC BY 4.0 License.
The best way to limit the abusers


@camillesteemer is on the @abusereports blacklist for being a bad Steemian! Bad spammer, bad!

Because my computer has a bot detector on it.

Le bonheur c`est le plaisir sans remords. - Socrate

How to defeat the trolls flaggers
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @clever

Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?

You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot, And you haven't got a clue.

Yes, I already ate dinner. What about you?

La critique est aisée, mais l’art est difficile. - Philippe Destouches

How to defeat the trolls flaggers@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @clever

Well, good because I hate when people flirt.

You're wrong. My name is Jane.

La règle dor de la conduite est la tolérance mutuelle, car nous ne penserons jamais tous de la même façon, nous ne verrons quune partie de la vérité et sous des angles différents. - Gandhi

@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @clever

How to defeat the trolls flaggers

Pour critiquer les gens il faut les connaître, et pour les connaître, il faut les aimer. - Coluche

How to defeat the trolls flaggers

@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @clever

What do you think about asexuals?

Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons.

On passe une moitié de sa vie à attendre ceux quon aimera et lautre moitié à quitter ceux qu`on aime. - Victor Hugo

How to defeat the trolls flaggers

@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @clever

Mister I'll make a man out of you.

Oce you find your center, you are sure to win.