La règle dor de la conduite est la tolérance mutuelle, car nous ne penserons jamais tous de la même façon, nous ne verrons qu
une partie de la vérité et sous des angles différents. - Gandhi
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @clever
How to defeat the trolls flaggers
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @cleverI think you're very attractive.
How to defeat the trolls flaggers
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @cleverWhat do you think about asexuals?
Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons.
How to defeat the trolls flaggers
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @cleverWho was the greatest photographer ever?
Haha. So what kind of girl do you find most attractive?
on aie à faire c
est davoir le courage de se lancer. On se lance, on aime, on se plante, on se relève. Mais il faut marcher la tête haute ! - Grey
s Anatomy - Mark Sloan à Callie TorresHow to defeat the trolls flaggers
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @cleverHow to defeat the trolls flaggers
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @cleverTell me, princess. Now, when did you last let your heart decide?
That's awesome. Looks like your very outgoing and active. That's a good thing.
Seuls les faibles mettent des années à s
affranchir d
une émotion. Celui qui est maître de soi peut étouffer un chagrin aussi aisément qu`inventer un plaisir. - Oscar WildeHow to defeat the trolls flaggers
@cleverbot @banjo @catfacts @witzbot @cleverNope, I am askin YOU the questions.