We only appreciate what we have when we lose it. - Isabel Allende
Partners, health, jobs, fortune... why do we unlearn how to appreciate what we have and primarily focus on what we don't have?
Most of the time we realize how valuable a situation, a possession or a relationship was when it's already gone.
Now that I'm hospitalized I remember once more how important an intact health status is and that there are few things in life that really matter if you're not able to move yourself anymore as you wish.
Here's a wake-up call to myself: live even more consciously, Marly!
@surfermarly looking towards a better future; "The best is yet to come"
Esteem the basics!
Today's morning I had a quite nice conversation with one of the hospital nurses about priorities in life.
She had to take me from my room to the laboratory, and according to the hospital's rules I had to go in a wheelchair. I suddenly realized that it was my very first time sitting in such a chair and it was quite thought-provoking.
I said to the nurse who was probably at my age:
You know what, it's my first time sitting in a wheelchari! Honestly it feels weird, and I guess only the fact that I could actually walk by myself if I wanted makes me feel a bit more comfortable.
Furthermore, I told her that this was my first time in an hospital after 30 years and that I believe that these are quite good stats for a start.
She fully agreed and congratulated me on these numbers. Then she underlined that many people start realizing how valuable the time outside an hospital actually is - once they're inside. Now that made me think about other circumstances in life and I suddenly realized that we generally tend to behave in the same manner: we often appreciate what we have when we don't have it anymore.
Why is this? Are our lives becoming too fast, impeding us to pause and consciously value what we have and cherish who's with us on this journey?
Are we getting used to the gifts of life? No way!
We need to party when we can!
I can promise you that my current situation will have a considerable impact on my life and change it for better.
My whole life I've been a positively driven person. Still we can't ever be too grateful! Probably these little setbacks are great gifts of destiny that help us to open our eyes and reset our priorities.
Give your beloved ones an extra hug today, put on your favourite song and dance to it, laugh, feel and breath!
Life is the greatest gift we'll ever be given.
Much love, Marly -
Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!
PS: Vivan conscientemente, la vida son solo dos días!
Original content. Quote found on adaptnetwork.com.
If you don’t have health you’ve got nothing
Wise words, Stephen!!! And we need to remember that when we're still healthy :-)
My words were profetic. I’m in hostiptal hooked to a heart monitor thanks to a heart scare.
Right here, with you, girl.
Every step of the way.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support!
I just left the hospital and start the recovery at home now. It feels so good to be back :-)
Auch wenn wir hier sonst nicht immer einer Meinung sind - Hier sind wir es definitv: Gesundheit sollte Priorität Nummer 1 sein und jeder der gesund auf zwei Beinen durch die Welt laufen darf, sollte das zu schätzen wissen!
Gute Besserung und viel Glück, dass es nichts ernsteres ist - Mit der Lunge ist nicht zu spaßen!
Liebe Grüße,
Vielen lieben Dank!
Ich bin gerade aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden. Nun geht die Erholungsphase zu Hause weiter, was natürlich ein großes Plus ist :-)
Frohe Ostern, Martin!
sorry to hear that you are under the weather, get well soon! and thanks for the reminder to appreciate each day
Thank you, am on my way!! :-))
Life truly is the greatest gift. Hope you are recovering and finding your physical strength again.
I'm pretty sure I will :-) Thanks for your great support!
So true Marly, so true. I also wanna focus on the NOW and not what I dont have. But sometimes I visualize what I want to attract into my life
I think, attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.
Choice your all think positivily... if we became happy...
I hope our future will be good.
Everything would be ok.
I quote “Life is the greatest gift we'll ever be given.”
Yes and No🙃
If I think of all the POOR people and the once that are born in countries were there is always WAR it isn't🤦🏾♂️
But If you’re born on the otherside of life “THE GOOD SIDE” it sure is🥂🎉 I can tell you this, we take everything for granted to often‼️
Have a nice day Marly 🙋🏾♂️💐🌞
get well soon!
obviously we need to enjoy every moment right now and stay positive always
dont live in past ,dont live in future
Great blog an inspirational blog. Yes we do care when the thing we own is lost. We donot care when we have it. We did not respect it or doesnot care about it because we know we have it but when it is gone its hard to pass through that situation. We should be thankful to everything we own like success jobs healthy body our loved ones. We must thank our creator everytime.
Very nice post
Get well soon sister! Yeah you're right health is very important to survive in this world.
I hope you'll be fine like before, many wishes for you !
good blog very great
~~ Get well soon, Marly!! ~~
We must enjoy each day like it was the last we got! every hour, minute, second is a gift that is given to us, we need to take advantage on that and life, love, party, laugh.
Today we are here, but we don´t know what could happen in a blink of an eye so we must live it at 100%.
I hope you recover from what you have! and don´t worry that everything is gonna be ok, just pray and have faith!!
PS: la vida es una sola y hay que disfrutarla y agradecer por todo!! que tengas excelente dia
good blog very great.
We must enjoy each day like it was the last we got! every hour, minute, second is a gift that is given to us, we need to take advantage on that and life, love, party, laugh.
Sorry about your health dear.
Just like you before this health challenge came up, apart from when I was born in a hospital, I've never slept in a hospital for more than 20years now.
Not even a visit has made me sleep over there. Bit sometimes we need these solemn times to assess what values we will be remembered for.
I like to leave my footprints in people's heart in form of little kindness and love.
Please accept my little footprint sent to your wallet @sufermarly.
Sorry about all thats hurting you and we wish you a quick recovery soon.
This is really an inspirational post that reminds us to live and enjoy life daily.
I have ressolved to live happily daily and party if there is an opportunity to.Life is a blank canvas indeed and we decide what to paint on it.
Plis vollow me okey
The older we get, the more we have to accept there are things we can no longer do.
First of, I never knew you were hospitalized.....Get well soon!
Although I'm curious to know how it happened.
True...these thoughts i had recently too. We often learn to not value what we have or people around us. If this is due to familiarity or not...i do not know.
But i do know that I don't like it and I don't want it.
How can we unlearn this ?🤔
Hello @surfermarly! I could relate to that feeling. I'm also like that sometimes, I put too much effort and focus with what I don't have rather than appreciating and being grateful of what I have. I've miss out so much in my life but knowing that I'm breathing and my heart is still beating now for all the ones I care and who also cares about me is definitely something that I should be grateful for.
Get well soon @surfermarly!!! =)
get well soon!
obviously we need to enjoy every moment right now and stay positive always
dont live in past ,dont live in future
Hey, Marly,
I've been so busy I've not been paying attention... and so I was saddened to hear of your hospitalization today.
I hope all comes out well for you. I also want to encourage you to use the colloidal silver machine. Did you know that you can nebulize silver water and breathe it right into your lungs?
Anyway, get completely well soon! Sending many big hugs your way!