
Really nice overview for making good posts. People will do better with their posts and as a reader, it will be more enjoyable.

Cheers.FYI: By coincidence, I also happen to partake in @steemmatt's fitness challenge every day. So I just posted this video there so @steemmatt and the other regulars can watch it.

Awesome! How is that fitness challenge going for you? Maybe I should join...although, I hate weights. But maybe I can do planks or walking or something.

It keeps me focused to do some exercise. Without the challenge in the back of my mind, it would be very easy to skip. And more and more, medical research is showing that exercising improves health and extends life.

Yes, walking is are planks; bicycling; aerobics; etc. You can make your own routine.

nice post

Good post. I like how you used several posts for examples. Thats a good idea that can be used over and over. I could hear the keyboard thumping... a bit of a distraction. Practical too. And I liked that you said you'd be doing a markdown vid soon so people will be wanting to come back.

Thanks @mister M. I like to feature fellow bloggers whenever I can. These guys are consistently great. Sorry about the keyboard sounds. Not sure there's a way around that. Maybe I'll try and thump softer.... :0)

Yes, markdown stylizing on its way today or tomorrow. So stay tuned!

Thank you for the shoutout!

These are always my favorite kind of post, highlighting other users that you like. It is nice to see what other people like about what you do. I really like seeing it in video format!

nice photo

Lastima que sea en Ingles... =( se ve es es muy bueno

Si, que lastima! Mi espanol no es muy bueno, o tal vez podria hacerlos en su idioma tambien. Si conoces a alguien que traduce, tal vez podemos hacerlos juntos o algo asi.

AW! Thank you for such nice words!

Totally well deserved. I only wish I would have remembered to mention your punday Monday. Oh well....I guess this comment will suffice.

Surely! Well, we'll get there! Consistency, right? That's what builds audiences, they say.

@littlescribe! It does not look as if you used a votebot. but look at the $$. Holy cow! I think you've got it figured out.

Thanks Pop! No, I did not use a vote bot. This is all He's the best. As it happens, I'll be doing a video on how to post on next....

I'm honored! You're a pleasure to listen to and I really appreciate the encouragement! Power to you :)


This is probably my favorite painting of yours.

I had a feeling strength and beauty would resonate with you.

She kind of reminds me of the Buddhist version of the Virgin Mary.