
You think I don't have friends? You think I am unhappy? You think I am not open-minded? You think I am upset? Explain yourself.... How you know these things through copper/fiber wires....

You seem to be unhappy, I'd see otherwise no reason for you to be so upset about others who are not harming anyone in any way :)

How open minded do you think you are? If you wouldn't be upset, you wouldn't flag all my posts and comments only because I flagged your angry ranting comments whining about "subhumans" and people wearing makeup.

I'm upset? What am I upset about? How can you tell I am upset over copper/fiber wires? Who is upsetting me? Explain. When it comes to marxists, yes, marxists who censor and jail and torture and send to Siberia and send to uranium mines, yes vicious murdering marxists do upset me and they are subhuman. They do not upset you? Explain.

Where do you have marxists like that?

I'm pretty sure there are only few places that could be happening, typically under rule of "strong leaders", like Kim-Jong Un, Vladimir Putin and such. I'm not sure if they are marxists though and I can't imagine that even Putin would send people to uranium mines.

There is no difference between antifa and the marxists from 1917 who overthrew Russia. Read a book one of these days, when your television breaks down.

Yes there are and I do read books more than I watch the tv. I'm not sure if you're even trying to be serious.

Do you recognize this number?

No I don't, what is it lipstick boy?

I'm finished speaking and acting.

Let's just leave it where it lies. I have no intention of dragging this out any farther.

Nor do I have any interest in speaking on this topic.

I implore you to try less fiery tactics for engagement.

I guarantee it will see better results.

Good luck to you in the future.

Explain why the marxists who tortured and murdered 66,000,000 Slavs last century do not upset you. Explain why they are human? Is the reason you think they are human and they do not upset you because YOU are racist against Slavs? Are you a racist who censors other people's comments because you are mentally incapable of making an argument?

Wow, that's pretty many slavs. Do you have any sources for those amounts? Lucky it was last century and I'm pretty sure if that actually happened, those who are responsible aren't alive today.

I don't have problems with slavs but I have problems with not being able to behave like a decent human being. If you are thinking someone wearing lipstick has killed 66,000,000 slavs last century, you might need some help though.

Are you denying the existence of gulags and what the soviet police state did to the Russian people?

No I'm not. What makes you think I am?

Are you saying the user @kryptik or someone else on Steemit was a founder of gulags or was a member of soviet police?

No, where do you see me saying anything like that you retard?

You are ignorant and arrogant, the worst mix. It is well known common knowledge the Russian people were tortured by Lenin, Stalin and all your other friends....

Lenin and Stalin are dead and even if they were alive, they wouldn't be my friends.

None of my friends have been torturing Russian people.

There are worse mixes than being ignorant and arrogant. Add stupidity to the mix too.

Yes but you support censorship don't you?