Soon I will stop struggling. I will live freely and peacefully with my Harris's hawk. On my low (approximately $250 USD per month) pension-like income. One way or another.
But I hope it works out buddy ^^
One way or the another it will. This completely depends on the help and the support of the Hive community. If I will keep earning mostly cents, then I will cancel my mobile internet subscription in order to save money (approximately $15 USD per month).
Soon I will stop struggling. I will live freely and peacefully with my Harris's hawk. On my low (approximately $250 USD per month) pension-like income. One way or another.
One way or the another it will. This completely depends on the help and the support of the Hive community. If I will keep earning mostly cents, then I will cancel my mobile internet subscription in order to save money (approximately $15 USD per month).