No worries chicken licken! haha :)
Yeah, I am done writing on weekends. Oh, I also have not used my downvotes yet... have been considering showing my thoughts toward a certain comment because WHAT kind of person mocks a mothers child.... GRRRRRRRRR - Mock me all you want, but leave my child out of it....
Oh, wow! I wish I could say I'm surprised that someone would trash talk a mom like this, but sadly, I'm not. I can understand why momma bear is coming out to play!
And while I know you know this, I want to be clear to anyone else reading that I don't say things I don't mean, so if I say that Jude is amazingly talented, it's because I truly believe it, not because I'm kissing up to you or anybody else. I've recently been told privately that the enthusiasm I display in my replies & tweets is seen as "disingenuous" and an attempt to get people to like me/upvote me.
~ If I like something, I'll say it loud and clear.
~ If I don't like something, I usually just move along.
~ On the rare occasion that I really don't like something, I'll also say loud and clear.
So yeah - Jude IS the dude, and I have no doubt his talent, along with his mother's passionate support, will take him far in life. 🤗
Show me WHO!!! I will personally go give them a B**CHSLAP lol - FFS, I am really getting tired of all the shitheads talking a lot about things they know nothing about! You, like me - are honest to your detriment and I hope you never change, because this "breed" - is few and far between nowadays, but is something the world needs more than ever!!!
I love my dog.
Dogs are cool!
People suck!
LOL! Hubby & I say, "people suck" on a daily basis in response to a large variety of things , and any time one of our kids points out our "less than positive" outlook, we tell them, "you're welcome for the life lesson!" 😂
All joking aside, I actually do appreciate hearing from other people about how they perceive me, or what they think of my behavior. It gives me a chance to take stock, adjust my mindset (if necessary), and then
hold a grudge for the rest of my life and for a thousand lifetimes moremove on. 😊And Posh Pub is wicked cool! ❤️
waahahahahahahaha!!!! and a double waaahahahaha for "you're welcome for the life lesson!"
!giphy grin
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Dang, I was hoping for...