Interesting to learn why you took up nursing, a field in which you are very comfortable in obviously. Keeping an eye on yourself knowing your triggers when something is going wrong.
Finding oneself down is one thing, being depressed to a point of considering taking your own life, maybe an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, doctors may have some medication to assist through bad patches.
Never suffering from deep depression, after a walk in nature I even keel again, so will not pass comment when one does not understand the full implications.
Joan, there are a lot of factors why a person tries to kill themselves and not just on the imbalance on the brain. For one thing, a person's experience, cultural background, religious convictions, even stress levels. Yes. Indeed, neurotransmitters - the chemicals in the brain may play a part in it. but not necessarily the only source.
I agree, that is why I said I do not fully understand, not being a sufferer, however I do know both young and old suffering with deep depression today.
Take one day at a time and listen to your body, you normally know what is best for yourself.