And sometimes more than others... Does no one see the disparity of a Nobel peace prize winner dropping huge amounts of bombs to kill people in the name of peace, while those who actively promote peace are not heard of in the news outlets?
Is it not appallingly strange that the supposed ‘land of god’ commits huge atrocities against its neighbour and the land of the peace prize bomber supports them?
Why are so many protesting all over the world against their own governments that are supposed to be the voice of the people they represent but after getting into power drop that pretence and pursue their own agenda that is usually the agenda of the acquisition of money?
Why is it so almost impossible to get rid of the corrupt governments after they get into power?
The rich and powerful give lip service to some wrathful god, but in their hearts they worship the gods of money and power over all else; is this not the definition of pure hypocrisy?
Does no one find it too strange that the wealthy can open their mouths and spew out unreasonable garbage and it is spread far and wide, yet those voices for sanity are not heard on the wider stage?
Ignorance and poverty is a disease of humanity that is spread over the entire world, which is actively promoted by ones whose interest it serves, while the cure for ignorance is hidden in disinformation and does not serve their interests. An informed and aware people surely could never allow such disparity of justice of all that’s good to continue.
Orwell’s 84 is here and its insidious message is it is too late to stop it. Yet there is hope, and for some it is hope alone that keeps them going. So if you have hope, then keep it alive somehow, for without hope we are finished and darkness will prevail.
There is a battle for the hearts and minds of everyone, for the greater good they will say, but the greater good only benefits the rich and powerful to the detriment of everyone else, yet they would have you believe the opposite.
Your heart and mind belong to you so use them wisely and understand the intrinsic value of your own being that can be found in your own heart. It is there, so keep hope alive until it is revealed to you.
We all have our disparate demons to confront, inside and out, and when first confronted grow huge to frighten us back into submission, so it takes a certain amount of courage to hold your own and be aware, that all that is not of you, will fall away, and all that is you will come to the light until you stand in your own power and feel your own heart and think your own thoughts and hope can grow strong and that there is justice in this existence that is insurmountable to the gods of fear, greed, ego, anger and lust, and that there are those on this planet that are bringing peace to quench that thirst we all have that has been buried so deep it seems so hard to find.
Never give up, there is hope....And in the words of another wise one: never lose your hope for a pocket full of snake.
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