What is evil

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago

I've been looking at the governments of the world and seeing that most of them have much to be desired on the humanitarian front, and almost all of them are into truth control and lies and obfuscation. When you look at their public relations front they look like ordinary normal people, but when you look at what they do then you begin to see that perhaps there is something rotten inside of them...

Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

The dictionary definition of evil is profound immorality, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.

There are some that say evil is great, but I say that there are only people doing evil things and mostly from behind closed doors and that when brought into the light will shrivel up and blow away.

From what I can see without diving into the arcane is that evil is a human invention perpetuated by ones unfettered by normal restraints such as compassion, empathy and etc.

Evil ones have little or no regard for humanity, for the suffering of others and find it easy to cause hurt as an experiment to find out how much a person can stand before they give up and expire, as the Nazi doctor’s did in the death camps of the second world war, and many other documented evidence of atrocities committed right up to the present day.

Evil ones seem to be drawn towards corruption of power such as the government where corruption and lies are the norm, where they can do the most harm and be safe from prosecution behind the closed doors of the system that hides and uses them with excuses such as national security, but often with no excuse at all to cause fear, uncertainty and doubt in the very fabric of society and social norms that govern people’s lives.

Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay

The answer to this is to stand on one’s own feet and be true to the self, the self that is found in the heart that can’t be corrupted but only denied.

So if the evil ones have a heart then why do they do evil? It can only be from denial of their true nature and wrong thinking that becomes perverted by their beliefs and compounded by uncontrolled emotions such as lust, greed, anger, ego, fear and attachment.

This is of course a generality of the state of evil, for to really define evil at its root would be a study I don’t want to delve into more than this, but it does seem to be a part of us all that we deny at our peril.

When you get right down to it, evil is a choice from the dark side of our nature, it is in us all, but do we feed it, or do we understand it and then choose something that is better for us that will uplift us and enable joy, love and peace to be the norm?

We have reached a point in our evolution that we can now choose individually and collectively to climb out of the mud and rise above deep seated fear and our emotional insecurity that may have been with us since the time of the cave man.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Can evil be defeated?

On one level it can be overcome, such as an evil dictator’s army being vanquished; but evil has many forms and if allowed to flourish will gather strength until it is so big it will take a lot of energy to restore sanity and balance, such as will have to happen with the world’s governments that are trapped in a cycle of greed that perpetuates itself by its own power where even good people are put to its uses.

Lust is powerful and we’ve all been led at least once to taste its fruit. A true test of one’s integrity is to see it for what it is and choose not to give in to that imperative for evil lies behind its desiring face and once partaken of lowers the vibration and much time will be lost to become clean again.

Ego and attachment can be seen in those who brag of their accomplishments and titles, and without overly stating the obvious the respect of good people by diligent application through the virtue of humility their deeds is of lasting worth on a heart level, so much so that it can be shared without fear that one day it might come back to bite you.

Fear is a dirty dog that comes to scare you into actions mostly contrary to good sense. It sets you apart from your peace and much harm can come from acting on it.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Fear allows evil to gain ascendancy and spoils good judgement and can be likened to a worm that eats you up from inside until it becomes so huge all hope is lost and what once might have been easy to overcome now will seem insurmountable.

When the door of fear is opened, evil has a way in, so if fear comes then vigilance is a must to notice the shadow of evil when it comes.

Evil rarely comes in the form of a frontal assault, it comes in the Trojan horse of our weakness and once entered in it is pervasive and won’t go away on its own but has to be driven out by the use of the pillars of wisdom.

Images from Pixabay

Power House Creatives _night mode.png


I used a quote of Edmund Burke on my previous post

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

That is a very broad topic as evil comes in many forms. Power, wealth and even love are some of the most common things that make people do evil things. I see it every day in the news in social media.

Kind of makes you feel to be ever vigilant

I think that the best thing that can make someone ever vigilant are the bad experiences.
Bad experiences (especially regular bad experiences) makes you ever vigilant.
After a few bad experiences you automaically become ever vigilant.

I used to get hit over the head for the first 15 years of my life and never knew when it would happen, so I was ever vigilant

Good men to do nothing? That is generally not necessarily evil in my opinion. Just/only neutral. Except, if they could help someone, but they don't do it.
But of course this depends on the point of view, and also on the circumstances.

They have so much to lose that even in their crumbling arrogance their fear of us cannot be contained and shows in their failing system, and as humanity awakens their fear grows.
Many are waking up now, too many for them to silence so they resort to mass surveillance, banning public protests as they have done in Spain, with huge police presence in the ones still allowed ready to clamp down on any protest that looks as if it can’t be controlled, and even inciting riots so they can move in and break it up.
They know what is going on and have equipped the police with all that they need to break up protests that are too threatening, and of course any and that means most protests that are not in their interests are not made known to the wider public.
TV and newspapers that are controlled do not report the protests so that those still asleep stay asleep and don’t get any ideas something is going on, that the world is rising up against the corrupt systems, and those who suspect and are half awake are stuck in apathy, fear and poverty.
People-power can only do so much, and as they tighten down on us and without a leader to focus, this protesting energy dissipates.
In two of the most powerful systems, the USA and the UK, Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn have come to the fore and although not perfect offer a semblance of sanity in what can only be seen as the madness of greed and power in a world gone so crazy it is on the brink of chaos that threatens us all.
There is a lot of anger built up from years of oppression and there are those who would use this anger in a violent way, but this does more harm than good and turns any public sympathy away from their cause and only helps to make the system stronger as it turns against them and this makes it harder for everyone else as government surveillance becomes tighter, the rights of people become more eroded and the police state becomes ever more oppressive to the extent that marshal law is almost upon us as a way of life.
It has been said that false flags of destruction are caused by those in power to increase power through fear over us to the extent that everyone is watched, and any deviation from the norm is quickly pounced upon and squashed and in some cases the perpetrators are killed to remove the perceived threat and cause more fear.
So where is the hope in all this?
Should the legal tax avoidance schemes for the rich be scrapped worldwide so that there is so much money coming in the austerity measures can be stopped?
Should a fairer system of government be implemented so that the concerns of society as a whole will be listened to and addressed?
Should all the wars be stopped and all troops brought home and all meddling in other countries affairs be withdrawn?
Should government and media be open and transparent and be accountable to the people they should be serving?
Should poverty be addressed as a matter of urgency, perhaps with the implementation of universal income?
Should prisons turn from big incarceration and money making hell-holes into places where people can be helped to turn away from crime and wrong thinking and discover their worth?
Should we as a species realize that this planet is home to all of us, that we all live here together, that there is no division among us but what has been made up to keep us divided, and that we can all live here in peace if that is what we all choose?
And where is peace? Peace is inside every one of us, not as an absence of war but as a feeling in the heart that has always been there, and that when we turn to it, it will welcome us home.
And as a wise man once said: blessed are the peace makers for they will be called the children of god....

Good engagement.

Anyone who looks towards government or politicians for ethical or moral guidance and how to be good is doomed to fail.
I cannot think of a single country that is not evil. Some are just more evil than others but few operate on truly genuine principles. For example, are countries that maintain neutrality good? Are passivist countries that don't resist occupation or evil good? I don't think evil is equal, but nationalism and religion have led humans to do some pretty crazy things and power, in general, is just awful.

I find that I agree with you

That is right. Politicians wants only money and power. Only for themselves.
And maybe for their families/friends.
But they don't care about the welfare of people/citizens.

It seems so obvious to me that what they do is not right, that when they take the support from the poor and disabled just so they the government have more money to give to the already well-off, well, something is seriously wrong.
How did they get into power?
Why was their corruption not seen when it was time to vote for them, and if they lied to get into power then why didn’t enough people know they were lying? Were they so devious they hoodwinked the voters so easily or perhaps it was that they had a secret agenda to be implemented after getting into power but until that time came they believed their own lies and so seemed genuine?
Or perhaps more sinister still, did the ones that really control the government string them and the public along until it was too late?
And now it is so hard to get them out, to stop them.
It seems they are not accountable to the people of this country, they won’t listen to us and carry on regardless; so if they are not accountable to us then who are they accountable to?
Why are they targeting the disadvantaged? Why are the rich not taxed fairly? Why does everyone feel so powerless to make change for the better? Why is the anger of so many not being addressed? Why do the rich keep getting richer, while the poor are kept poor? Why is austerity becoming worse while the government laugh their heads off and give themselves huge pay rises and take so much? Why are they not paying for the austerity measures that they instigated and perpetuate? Who or what do we owe so much to, and why do we have to pay, and keep on paying?
The government award themselves huge bonuses, which means they are a corporation of businessmen and not really a government of the people. Who decided to implement this and when did it come about?
If there is so little money for the things we need in this country then where is the money coming from for all the bombs to drop on the people of other countries that this government is so proud of?
Why is this government so keen to begin and perpetuate wars that benefit no one but the government and the arms dealers who live in luxury so far from any wars?
Where is the justice? What happened to their humanity?
Is this government so drugged and out of touch with reality that they have become insane?
Madness can be defined as a sickness of spirit that causes illusion that is believed to be real that is acted upon and causes harm to self and or others.
Are madmen in power over us?
If we are ruled by the insane that have no accountability then we are all in big trouble....

Well said Captain Wales! One of your finest and deepest pieces I think I've come across. People are easily influenced once you can strike fear in to them, even if it is only a small amount and it's knowing how to keep your true heart's voice in the forefront of it all without letting the fear open the door for evil to waltz in and dance the night away with your soul.

Not easy to train yourself for and the first time you fall in may be the last time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank nicky, that's a great comment

So true Wales. We must always be vigilant against evil. ☦️

And sometimes more than others... Does no one see the disparity of a Nobel peace prize winner dropping huge amounts of bombs to kill people in the name of peace, while those who actively promote peace are not heard of in the news outlets?
Is it not appallingly strange that the supposed ‘land of god’ commits huge atrocities against its neighbour and the land of the peace prize bomber supports them?
Why are so many protesting all over the world against their own governments that are supposed to be the voice of the people they represent but after getting into power drop that pretence and pursue their own agenda that is usually the agenda of the acquisition of money?
Why is it so almost impossible to get rid of the corrupt governments after they get into power?
The rich and powerful give lip service to some wrathful god, but in their hearts they worship the gods of money and power over all else; is this not the definition of pure hypocrisy?
Does no one find it too strange that the wealthy can open their mouths and spew out unreasonable garbage and it is spread far and wide, yet those voices for sanity are not heard on the wider stage?
Ignorance and poverty is a disease of humanity that is spread over the entire world, which is actively promoted by ones whose interest it serves, while the cure for ignorance is hidden in disinformation and does not serve their interests. An informed and aware people surely could never allow such disparity of justice of all that’s good to continue.
Orwell’s 84 is here and its insidious message is it is too late to stop it. Yet there is hope, and for some it is hope alone that keeps them going. So if you have hope, then keep it alive somehow, for without hope we are finished and darkness will prevail.
There is a battle for the hearts and minds of everyone, for the greater good they will say, but the greater good only benefits the rich and powerful to the detriment of everyone else, yet they would have you believe the opposite.
Your heart and mind belong to you so use them wisely and understand the intrinsic value of your own being that can be found in your own heart. It is there, so keep hope alive until it is revealed to you.
We all have our disparate demons to confront, inside and out, and when first confronted grow huge to frighten us back into submission, so it takes a certain amount of courage to hold your own and be aware, that all that is not of you, will fall away, and all that is you will come to the light until you stand in your own power and feel your own heart and think your own thoughts and hope can grow strong and that there is justice in this existence that is insurmountable to the gods of fear, greed, ego, anger and lust, and that there are those on this planet that are bringing peace to quench that thirst we all have that has been buried so deep it seems so hard to find.
Never give up, there is hope....And in the words of another wise one: never lose your hope for a pocket full of snake.

I'm always amazed at how organizations/gov's are actually just people, but we can make incredible decisions based on the good of the organization... instead of for the good of other people. It's like we shed all responsibility.

But it's also true that bad things draw bad people

Not necessarily. I don't consider myself (neither my family, nor my relatives/friends) bad, but many bad things happened to us in our lives. Bad things are happening to many good people.

What I meant was evil attracts evil and perverts good people to do evil such as in the places where it flourishes.
How much is understood about the balance between things, how the wrong energy in one place can disproportionately affect everything else?
It is said that a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm somewhere else, and perhaps this might be so if everything was not in balance.
One might wonder that if everything is in balance then how anything can become out of balance.
Huge greed and wealth among a few causes huge hunger and poverty among many; this is an imbalance.
When so few have such power it makes the rest seem powerless, and this is an imbalance.
Would not the laws of nature redress this imbalance? Yes, in time, but if the imbalance is being manipulated unnaturally so as to keep it that way by a few who have gathered immense resources to influence the outcome and pervert it to their will for no other reason than fear of losing what they have taken so much of, then this is an imbalance and can be likened to a monster dam holding back all the water that can be turned on and off at will. Where once many had enough to drink they now go thirsty at the whim of whoever controls the water of the dam.
If most of the water and food is controlled by some few deviants whose humanity has been replaced by their hunger for ever more power, wealth and control of a population who for the most part have little or no idea what is really going on, then by the turn of a switch the flow can be stopped and in a short time most of the population can be brought under control.
When the last of the water and food has been consumed and no more comes to replace it then hunger and thirst will dominate, and those who control the water and food supply will be in a position of great power.
But of course this is only fiction and no few own so much to have such control if they so desired and the banks don’t own all the money and the governments are of the people and for the people and can be trusted to be on our side if it ever came down to choosing sides, and those few who own most of the world have no such plans in place, and all is in balance, if the Dodgy Daves and their gangs are to be believed, we are all in it together, right?
A caterpillar has no control when the time comes for it to turn into a butterfly and for a time its transition might appear to be most strange; but the laws of nature govern it and guide its unfolding, and as a flower grows into bloom the caterpillar becomes the butterfly that opens its wings to dry before flying.
We also have an unfolding to go through, a breaking of the shell that encompasses our knowing, where our consciousness expands to encompass a new reality that is so much more than the confines of what we once believed to be true.
But unlike the butterfly that only goes through the one change our understanding is in a state of continual growth and if let to grow naturally will seek to know its origins and purpose in existence and eventually return to source.
This is a natural state of being and is only hindered if manipulated by an outside force that might seem benign on the surface but underneath has a not so benign motive such as the TV and other propaganda devices that can be so addictive.
Self aware individuals who can see past the threads of manipulation are not easy to control and some could be considered uncontrollable and therefore not subject to the system of control that is so widespread it influences the whole planet.
This manipulation by ones who should know better can be perceived as an act of great evil or unconsciousness, and the only hope of countering it is that enough go through the change and become aware soon before it is too late....

Very nice and also a very timely subject. I've also put some thought into this and seems to me that the evil that we see in the world has two fundamental sources. The first are people who are just truly evil: they enjoy hurting others. I suspect that there are not very many of these. The second is far more prevalent and much harder to eliminate: evil that is justified in the name of a higher good. If you look at accurate explanations for the subject behavior in Milgram's Obedience under Authority experiments, he showed that normal people were willing to inflict pain and even go as far as killing someone only when they were doing it for a higher purpose. They knew what they were doing was wrong and were quite disturbed by it, yet they did it anyway, for the greater good. (If you don't know these experiments, no one was actually hurt, because the person the subject thought they were electrocuting was an actor.)

While truly evil people may hide, those doing evil for a higher good actually do everything in the open, because they truly believe it is a higher good. There are exceptions, of course. I suspect that Trump is one who is truly evil as you can see from his twitter feed and all of his past misdeeds and statements flaunting them (e.g., about grabbing women). But most are not truly evil, but are instead justifying evil by pointing to a higher good. Faith-based reasoning is ideal for this, whether it is faith in a religion or some other ideology, such as trickle down economics or capitalism. Note that much of the evil in governments and businesses today are of the higher good kind. US politicians justified torture to prevent another 911 type of attack--they even got psychologists to go along with it! The US has a massive gun violence problem, yet the NRA justifies weak gun laws by citing it as a right, even though the founding fathers never imagined semi (or fully) automatic weapons capable of killing and maiming dozens in a few minutes. If you look at all of the scams in businesses, it almost always comes down to continued bending of the rules to meet mandates handed down by higher up leaders who never learned the dangers of managing by outcomes. When lower level people are being forced to make impossible stretch goals or else lose their job (or part of their pay), many will game the system.

Then we get to religion, which is perhaps the king of using higher good as an excuse for evil. Almost every religion has and still continues to commit evil in the name of their beliefs. Since those beliefs have no foundation in evidence, but are not to be questioned as they are ____-given (insert your favorite deity here), it is easy to use them to justify great harm. Just a few days ago, Congressman Steve King, defending a bill to ban abortion, including pregnancies brought through rape and incest said “What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled out anyone who was a product of rape or incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?” He later said that he didn't say that, but in fact it is on tape. He also still is supporting the bill. As a personal aside, if such a thing happens, I will likely look to move out of the US, since I have three daughters. This is getting to be like the handsmaid tale.

I suggest that everyone interested in these issues, read Zeynep Tufekci's article on why the final season of GoT is so bad (https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-real-reason-fans-hate-the-last-season-of-game-of-thrones/). She points out that Martin's story was sociological--showing how people's actions are shaped by society, which often results in people being a mix of good and evil. However, once hollywood ran out of his books, the writers changed the story to a typical psychological tale about individuals, instead of society. This is why the last two seasons felt as if characters seemed so out of character--the story was no longer sociologically driven.

Next, watch the series The Wire (Netflix or HBO). This is a 5 season series telling a sociological story about police, gangs, politics, unions, and school system in Baltimore. The corruption and the positive behaviors (often in the same character) are driving by the situations they find themselves in. The most moral person in the story is a homeless drug addict. Nearly everyone else justifies bad behavior for one or more higher goods.

It's a big subject. So if we are in that stage of our evolution that we need leaders then let us have good ones...
The very fabric of our humanity has been undermined in such devious ways by what does not serve our best interests to the extent we have become mere pawns in its game.
Although the bigger picture for us all is to transcend our limitations and to explore that which has been ignored for so long we have to take our feet out of the mud of the past and relinquish our ideas of a future not yet here and deal with the now where we must find our true selves or be forever lost in the reliquary of the machine, that matrix of the mind that seems so real yet is only illusion that we believe in to be so true.
None of this is new, our history is littered with civilizations run on the same principles of power and greed that have kept so many in thrall to those who believe themselves to be kings or emperors but are really despots out for their own gain, and the crazy thing is they believe their own lies and have had us believe them too and any that didn’t believe them were taken care of.
So we have gone along with this illusion, and down through all of our past we have played their game. Some few did see through the illusion and tried to warn us, to break the deception and set us free; but it seems we were not ready to stand on our own feet and throw off the shackles of oppression and think and feel for ourselves.
The machine has grown huge and has put us on the brink of a change that many of us may not survive.
Injustice is rampant; the leaders of our societies are so caught up in their deviousness and destructive purposes they won’t stop and are blinded by their own beliefs that they are right and the rest of us are lesser beings whose only worth is to serve in the system that makes us slaves to them and not a free people.
Our gathering protests are seen as subversion and an attack on the establishment, and never before have so many risen up all over the world to call out the injustice; and although they work to keep it bottled up, humanity as a whole is saying: enough is enough and rise to challenge the old paradigms whose time has gone and to restore justice and the balance where we can all live in peace.
This is our time and never before has it been more crucial to find our way out of this mess we are all in and are so threatened by, that fear has become the norm.
Many fingers are pointed to say: this is the biggest injustice, and these are the worst offenders who prey on the innocent; but we are all in this together, and we are the problem, and the solution.
It is not enough to cut the head off of any part of the beast for it will only grow another one. We must find the heart of the darkness that is in us all and dispel it with the light we must find in our own hearts.
In the words of a wise man who has been saying for a long time: what you are looking for is inside you....

Thank you for writing this post. I have found that I do not focus on the bad news, there is so much of it. I look for the positive stories of people who are not politicians. When you look at it that way, you will find some good people out there.

I do that too, with 2 of every account where one is the good stuff and one is where I fight the bad ones

Great hearts do great things.

How much are we served in the games played where the two faces of evil are the only choice, where on the one hand is the great lie held as truth and on the other is the soul sold for money?
How did this come to be deserved? Is the subjective soul to be blamed for choosing this, or is there something more sinister happening where the land of the free is but a cliché in the land of the bought and paid for, and slaves all to the system that serves only the wealthy?
Are we beginning to wake up to the choices that are given and at last to step back from it all and find the real choices that include none of the above? Our destiny cannot be left up to those who care nothing for it.
It’s not too late; there is another way if only we can find it.
Today is a good day that lasts all day long.
It is said that the bottom is a part of the top without which there would be no in-between, but to those in the know there is no top or bottom, there is only where you are now.
Are we fighting to believe that what there is to believe in is true regardless of all the evidence to the contrary?
The psychology we are looking for is the one that fits all contradictions, so choose love, it’s everywhere.
Death is the absence of life in something that had life, and when you see it you realize it is only a moving on and a leaving behind of the carcass that is rotting down, and that has nothing more to do with you, for all you knew of it has gone.
Today we have the beginning of the change we are looking for to happen for things to become in-line to allow our dreams to come into being. For those that have dreams this is a good time, for those that don’t it can be a time of turmoil, but then, today is like that with its promise it can be so.
Let us move on from all the forms of oppression that hold us back....

Interesting essay.

I think it is time to stand up and say which side we're on

Brilliant post @wales

The last paragraph is absolutely spot on.

Evil rarely comes in the form of a frontal assault, it comes in the Trojan horse of our weakness and once entered in it is pervasive and won’t go away on its own but has to be driven out by the use of the pillars of wisdom.

As I was reading this and starting to formulate a reply I was thinking of evil as a beautiful, smiling face and not as a grotesque, snarling beast. I guess this paragraph says this perfectly.

Unfortunately I think that the Trojan Horse has been put into effect already in the form TV and media. In my opinion the real evil in this world has already convinced us that we should love, trust, support, fight for, and die for, them.

Thanks for sharing, mate.



Fantastic post - thank you.
Lust, greed and power plus money so often lead to evil - it really can be broken down to what you feed.

You're right, the closed fist of ignorance cannot be unmade with the same paradigms that made it

Jealousy can also often lead to evil things.

Cultural identity could be likened to mass hysteria. All form being illusion and not real and any identity with it is a kind of hypnosis such as the old boys school of us and them and so identifying with this is a form of slavery.
Realization of this is a step towards freedom and self independence away from all forms of control.
In that independence the muddied waters clear and a profound stillness occurs and is a self awareness of being that can bring great joy; but for most the school of thought is that a fancy face can go further than being half in or half out and then some between the sheets of a full bloom; but like the poor proton in the machine of the experiment blasting off is not all it’s cracked up to be before sundown with a camera in your hand when the quarks are around; and now by the miraculous decision to expand we shall presume to be innocent unless questioned guilty; this is a hot-seat you can’t win so plead the fifth amendment and say nothing.
This is where we occur, where we appear and most often where we are and we shall clap for the winners who have won for no reason at all but that we’ve let them for they’ve come from the hard place and must win at all costs, and it’s all right, we don’t mind at all; do we Miss Jones? And if we sleep forever don’t wake us, we are sound where we have fallen, peeling onions in the graveyard-shift of open expansion...
Cupid’s lips but this is all a typhoid fever of beauties me bucko that is the all of it all, but you are all too late and far too soon in this awakening that can’t go on without you and the heart to do so, and no one else can realize you but you.
And now the fifth dimension comes to ruin a perfectly good plan I have to run into the story lines of what I have seen to say more; but I am full of erudite like a prized Indian newt full of sugar that stands without, wasting to go within, and wishing, and I am ready to fall like a Newtonian apple right out of the sky into those quantum arms and disappear into them forever; but how can I fall that far from here where I am on the ground with no falling beneath me?
If you look closely enough through the walls you can see patterns of energy. These patterns have edges that speak, but so far all they’ve said to me is that the Russians are coming with their machines that can read minds and even make you think things.
I keep asking these patterns if they can be more precise but they won’t say any more, for now it seems, so I am left here to my own devices with half of an answer to all things.
Well, that's my excuse anyway...

Yes indeed it can


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I'm not sure if it is the right time to say this but I've been thinking that things may be worse by far than they seem to the extent that if we all do not pull together now it may be too late very soon to do so.
Having said that, there are many that are putting out love to counteract all that seems wrong with the world in a most positive way, so much so that to be around them is an uplifting force and inspires to the point you decide enough is enough and join in the movement to bring all into the light.
There are elements that do not want to be in the light and have the wherewithal to negate all the good deeds and work behind the scenes to keep us all in darkness so that they can carry on with their plans that do none any good whatsoever and only serve to better their lot.
It is possible that we all do not know how bad things really are and do not see the whole picture of it all and this serves the ones who keep it this way.
I for one am beginning to realize that those who have been elected into power to serve us and protect and look after us do not do so and in fact do the opposite to the extent that they look down upon us as unworthy to live in their world and are only here to be controlled and channelled as they would have it to make things as they would have them.
There are others who seem to have the real power and these ones are the ones to be afraid of, so they would have you believe because they have limitless money and own most of the world and can do anything they want to do.
But, fear is its own downfall if you want to fall into that.
Things are changing and we are coming to see who the dark ones are and what they stand for.
When the truth is known by enough people things will change fast; and when the light shines brightly enough the darkness will wither away; when the time is right....

Indeed. The time is now to stand in our power and let our love light shine bright. We've got this brother 💕🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

I look around this earth of ours and wonder why we have let evil get a foothold in it. There is so much good around, surely there has to be enough to compensate for the evil lurking?

When I think of the state of the world, Hugh Grant's monologue at the beginning of the movie comes to mind:

Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion’s starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don’t see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it’s not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it’s always there – fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge – they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around. - Love Actually

At least that is the way I want to see it. Thank for a superb write - once again.

Upped and Steemed


Yes, love is everywhere, and it can be seen, but there is also evil. I guess it all comes down to what you look for. If you look for it you will see it. But, if you take the evil ones burning the Amazon as fast as they can which affects us all then it has to be called out for what it is and something has to be done to stop it.

Truth. Yes.

Tree Of Life And Living It@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @wales! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Ah yes, @wales

Evil rarely comes in the form of a frontal assault, it comes in the Trojan horse of our weakness and once entered in it is pervasive and won’t go away on its own but has to be driven out by the use of the pillars of wisdom.

Real, genuine wisdom is what this world is short on.

I wonder if it is the evil ones that control things that keep it that way...
Are we robotically inclined to obey; is our programming up to date; are we affirming our beliefs; are our thoughts radicalised enough today to turn against our enemies? Or have we turned off the TV, that powerful tool that is used to influence the masses to think and believe in a certain way to bring about whatever is wanted by the controllers in power?
The illusion is all encompassing and penetrates to our very essence and seems so real that people will kill to uphold it and keep it in place in the consciousness.
Anyone that speaks out against it becomes an enemy of the system, a subversive to be watched and rounded up when the time comes for the big crackdown to bring back control and neutralise the enemy.
If you think outside the proscribed boxes taught by the system and don’t keep it to yourself then you will be deemed as dangerous to the system and all those enclosed within it that might be influenced by your ideas, so much so that imprisonment or even death may be used against you to control and contain you.
But they can’t control everyone all of the time, just the most radical and so fear is used to keep people in check and while some letting off steam is tolerated, anyone venting too much will have a home visit and may even be taken away to one of the camps for a reboot or even a complete reprogramming.
But all this was written about long ago in Orwell’s 1984 and other writings that came to warn but were ignored by the masses as more entertainment, for the government would never do that to us, we voted them in and we can vote them out, right?
So, do we feel safe in the illusion? Are we being taken care of by our masters? Do we feel in control? Are we obeying all the laws? Do we want to change anything, or are we content with the way things are?

Very interesting write @wales. You're right though, evil prowels like a lion, we must be vigalant with our hearts and minds. Greed and control can be very powerful and out of control especially if ones support groups endorse the behavior. Much to think about

I try to keep an open mind but when I see something that is not right I just have to speak out...
There are elements of old paradigms yet remaining with a lot of power and influence that would keep the intelligence and consciousness levels of the vast majority of humans considerably restricted to preserve the way of life of those at the top.
Things are changing so fast at an exponential rate a great awakening is going on and to the ones who have awakened enough nothing can be hidden and even though huge attempts have been made to dumb down the populace to keep them in their place as slave workers and consumers still, the universal consciousness level is rising which must be causing some consternation and fear to those very few who are in seemingly invincible and unassailable power over us, which makes them even more dangerous than they’re ever been.
And so this is an attempt to address this imbalance to explain with quantum entanglement in such a way it can be understood for what it is by the ordinary person in the street, even though their attention spans have been disturbed like hot molecules to boil over at the least little thing.
Quantum theory, so named is but something that has been studied and known for thousands of years and the current modern theories are but explanations of what was already known long ago.
Such as the Buddhist theory that time and space are but constructs of the mind and that solid form is an illusion that is made up of whirling patterns with more space in between these whirling patterns than was previously thought; and also that everything is connected by an invisible force that can’t be measured.
So if time, space and form are not real then what is?
So, do we keep on saying: ‘pay unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, or do we finally remove the ignorance that is sucking the lifeblood from humanity?’
Fear, as in fear of reprisal and condemnation may make you hesitate.
Condemnation from the religious authorities and reprisal from the state policy; between these two humanity has been kept repressed for centuries and maybe even far longer and who knows how much advancement we all could have made if greed and religious persecution had not come about.
If we come into being for but a moment as an illusion to experience uniquely an existence of form, and having seen to return, the form back into the dust leaving behind a small ripple that fades back into stillness, what then is our existence for?
Is it a self determined course we make for ourselves to eventually awaken and become enlightened or are we here for something else? And if we can’t find it are we losers to be ridiculed; and if we follow one path for an age and still find no higher plane of existence beyond the mundane, have we failed?
For like this we are lost; and I hear your voices; and I would tend to agree with you if my bed wasn’t burnt to a cinder long ago.
Generally speaking, what you see is what you get, but what you see is not all there is, so, on the one hand it might be said: what is the use of knowing this, and on the other hand you might say the use is in the knowing.
Brief is the love that comes to play sometimes, and quickly it slips away unnoticed; and sorry is the one who lets it go and tired to try again yet hoping for the heroism to feel where even in the aloneness we are not so alone; and a long way from heaven we are where we wear our feet so low and our splendour oven lower.
Small is the night without love and long are the hours to endure; and then to cry in the small hours of your love when you find your love is not so big; and all the Herculean endeavours have come to less than nothing, and less than that you feel so small in such a huge place where no physics can ever penetrate so deep to raise you up.
So the question is, do we carry on into the void, perhaps not even hoping anymore to find that heart, or do we turn back, or, if all seems lost then perhaps to just give up; and all this seen under a spectral kaleidoscope and is kind of like nailing down an onion on the edge of Jupiter with a piece of coloured crystal.
The gamma gallows theory leaves much to be desired.
And an open mind is not the easiest thing to achieve...

Interesting piece.

It's flash fashion for the fish-back whales..
When something is looked at for the first time it is seen for how it is, but constant looking at it builds up an image in our mind and it is this image that has been built up that is seen and not the thing that is looked at.
This familiarity is one aspect of the masks we build up over time; some of the masks are forced upon us by society, in the schools we went to, by our family, friends and culture to name a few.
Take language for instance: in childhood we absorb how others say things in a certain way and so we mimic them and learn phrases and ways of speaking that are used over and over and often in this way we lose the art of thinking for ourselves, or never really learn it.
Our minds have tracks to run along, well used expressions that are fallen back on and become our way of communicating. It is not until awareness happens perhaps from travelling away from the familiar is all this realized and the form broken out of which usually happens in an organic awakening over a period of time as you become more aware of the confines of linear or system thinking.
It’s a strange thing, the masks that are worn over all to portray an illusion, and the funny thing is, although the masks hide the real inside, it also clouds the outside seeing by the very act of wearing them and seeing through them.
When the mask slips momentarily, things are seen for what they are, clearly, and sometimes this can come as a shock and cause fear, to be losing control of a long held reality only to find it was never real but only the perceptions of our upbringing and culture.
Some call this cognitive dissonance

When the mask is taken off it can be likened to another dimension where things are the same, yet not the same and are seen as they are and not coloured by the layers of the mask.
Some drugs will blast you right out of your comfort zone into be here and now of it all but can be a harsh shock to the system.
Meditation on the other hand will give you an awakening but in a gentle way where you unfold at your own pace and can feel the masks dropping away as you find your way back to yourself.
For some, the masks they wear are taken for who they are and confusion happens when anything comes to expose this belief and often the masks are put on tighter to uphold their way of seeing things.
It is a cause of increasing concern to more and more people that those who are governing society wear the biggest masks of all and are being seen as the blind leading the blind.
To be seemingly lost in an inescapable illusion of conformity must feel like a straight-jacket that confines the soul in the mundane circles of perpetuated beliefs and repetitive thinking that is such a distance from our authentic selves.
The consciousness of humanity is rising and the masks are slipping off one by one as awareness of who we are is becoming known to more and more; and those who hang onto their masks will be seen for what they are by those who have taken the mask off.
It can be difficult to remove the familiar mask that has been for so long how we have seen our-self through and has been our protection against the harsh reality we would be protected from.
We will find our-self vulnerable without the mask as a creature suddenly exposed to the sunlight, or for some it will be a doorway they go through into a magical place.
Those still wearing masks will throw judgement and ridicule and dismissal at those without a mask, but with courage, this very vulnerability will be strength to live a life of integrity that comes from a place of love where the mind has finally quieted enough for the heart to be heard....

Evil -> Sinners -> How art we to forgive them ?

Someone once said: forgive them for they know not what they do. But I see it as ignorance, and does ignorance beget ignorance?
If I stare at the sun too long will I really go blind? They tell me so many things and so many of them have been disproved it’s hard to believe anything they say anymore.
A while back I decided to disbelieve everything they say until it is proved as an indisputable fact beyond doubt.
Who are they, I mean really, who are they, and where do they all keep coming from? There seems to be some kind of fat-cat machine that churns them out, and they’re all good for nothing, not one is a farmer or a nurse or something useful like that, they all seem to be from some economics or law factory where they’re robotically programmed to believe in the god of money and the law of the rich; when was the last time that one of them went to prison for stealing a sandwich?
And the stink they’re making of the planet can be tasted everywhere; there seems to be no escape from them, nowhere you can go to live free of their influence, not one place that isn’t polluted by their corruption and greed.
They look down with their eyes in the sky and their big bombs and tell us the world is safer; safer from what? Throughout history they are the ones who have started all the wars, and they say they are the civilised ones and that they must preserve their way of life at all costs as they hide behind their huge walls while the terror they create comes among us to do so much harm. And afterwards they run the numbers up and say who the bad ones are and they are who we must fight with their war machine, while all the while they gobble down their fat food and laugh their heads off at all the harm they’ve caused, safe behind their huge walls paid for and built by us.
And they’re so entrenched in their power base they can’t be touched or held accountable, not yet anyway, maybe one day when enough of us wake up to know what’s going on.
So I stare at the sun and wonder if I’ll go blind before the answer comes....

All of us are capable of great evil and great good. Evil is that which is not good.

I really like this @wales:

Fear is a dirty dog that comes to scare you into actions mostly contrary to good sense. It sets you apart from your peace and much harm can come from acting on it.

Fear is a dirty dog indeed.

Much is written by many about anything that can be thought of, with some subjects being more popular than others and do the rounds amongst those that are drawn to each other by their similarities, and although a big subject can be narrowed down to groups and sub-groups and those on the outer margins of any attraction base.
Humans, like most other species are drawn to others to live and work in support groups and thrive when the right dynamics come together of any group that brings out and upholds the value of each individual for the betterment of the whole group or tribe, so much so that the more successful tribes can also support and take care of those that have a different worth, such as the sick, disabled, old or those with impaired mental abilities.
Those societies or tribes that allow the weaker ones of the society to perish have the wrong dynamics and could be likened to a cancer in the host that if left untreated could and is most likely to be severely detrimental to that tribe and could see the whole tribe become sick and become so weakened it could perish.
Modern societies are more than capable of supporting those that need taking care of, and so it can only be seen as a sickness in society when those that are elected to lead society to its betterment single out the weak to turn on so that those ones who have become fat can eat even better.
This sickness has to be treated immediately before the host becomes so ill it can only wither and die. It is incumbent upon everyone in the society to know about the sickness in its midst and to turn from the trivialities and focus on the cure before it is too late.
If enough focus can be gathered by those that are aware of the sickness then by communicating this, and even perhaps by morphic resonance and formative causation the collective unconsciousness can be raised so that the whole of the tribe can become aware of what is happening and can out the disease and become whole again.
Apathy, fear and turning a blind eye are not an excuse to live by and are an unconscious way of being with no place in a caring heart-based society.
Waking up and seeing for your-self has never been more imperative.
The sickness in society is deep.
We must all pull together if we are to survive.
Awaken now or we all may perish at the hands of a few that have become so sick they threaten the very existence of the whole tribe.
Containing this sickness is no longer an option, it must be singled out in awareness and healed and never allowed to become so powerful ever again; and as a tribe we can do it.
The sick ones know this and have kept us from coming together for fear of our power to change and change fast.
We can do it if we will only come together as one to cure ourselves of the disease that has taken such a hold and eats us from within like a raging cancer out of control.
King, Kennedy, Lennon and Ghandi to name a few came along and began to unite us until they were removed.
There are others now we can get behind to effect a real change for the better. So if we must follow someone to be united, then in the States there is Bernie Sanders, and in the U K there’s Jeremy Corbyn.
Both are advocates for real change that can make a difference.
And in the words of an old philosopher, not everyone can be a leader but everyone can be themselves if they so choose....

I trust them for about as far as I can toss them. There always seem to be those “long term” politicians that always get rehired and never seem to be “shocked” by anything. Than you have those that don’t last very long trying change the world. They would have better luck pushing a ten ton bolder by hand up a hill.

It seems so obvious to me that what they do is not right, that when they take the support from the poor and disabled just so they the government have more money to give to the already well-off, well, something is seriously wrong.
How did they get into power?
Why was their corruption not seen when it was time to vote for them, and if they lied to get into power then why didn’t enough people know they were lying? Were they so devious they hoodwinked the voters so easily; or was it that they had a secret agenda to be implemented after getting into power but until that time came they believed their own lies and so seemed genuine?
Or perhaps more sinister still, did the ones that really control the government string them and the public along until it was too late?
And now it is so hard to get them out, to stop them.
It seems they are not accountable to the people of this country, they won’t listen to us and carry on regardless; so if they are not accountable to us then who are they accountable to?
Why are they targeting the disadvantaged? Why are the rich not taxed fairly? Why does everyone feel so powerless to make change for the better? Why is the anger of so many not being addressed? Why do the rich keep getting richer, while the poor are kept poor? Why is austerity becoming worse while the government laugh their heads off and give themselves huge pay rises and take so much? Why are they not paying for the austerity measures that they instigated and perpetuate? Who or what do we owe so much to, and why do we have to pay, and keep on paying?
The government award themselves huge bonuses, which means they are a corporation of businessmen and not really a government of the people. Who decided to implement this and when did it come about?
If there is so little money for the things we need in this country then where is the money coming from for all the bombs to drop on the people of other countries that this government is so proud of?
Why is this government so keen to begin and perpetuate wars that benefit no one but the government and the arms dealers who live in luxury so far from any wars?
Where is the justice? What happened to their humanity?
Is this government so drugged and out of touch with reality that they have become insane?
Madness can be defined as a sickness of spirit that causes illusion that is believed to be real that is acted upon and causes harm to self and or others.
Are madmen in power over us?
If we are ruled by the insane that have no accountability then we are all in big trouble.
Do these thoughts too add to the suffering....

We can only be the best possible person we can be. To defeat evil we have to become evil @wales.

Posted using Partiko Android

Happenstance has it that you only live as long as you do and then you get buried; and after, give or take a thousand years while your headstone sinks into the earth, anyone who looks will only know you by what’s chiselled into the stone
One day that too will wear away and then who knows if there’s anyone down there and maybe still trying to get out.
Or perhaps they forgot to put anyone in there in the first place; I know that if they tried to put me in a hole to bury me I’d run away quick; and I’m sure that’s happened a time or two, just an empty box that someone escaped from when burial team were looking the other way; and then for sure you’d stay away from the crowd that tried to put you there, and change your name and never die again to be put in a hole forever.
So the trick is to never die, but if you do find yourself being put into a box to be buried alive then fight your way free and run.
In some places they have a hole in the coffin with a cord going up to a bell above the grave so that when you wake up you can pull the cord to ring the bell to let the grave diggers know to come and let you out.
In Ireland, they have a wake of up to three nights where you lie in state on a table in the front room just to make sure you’re not sleeping, and then they bury you after.
Many times, after a grave has been exhumed, marks have been found where the body has come back to life and tried to claw a way out.
Being burned to a cinder on the other hand, where they put you in an oven, close the steel door and turn on the gas and burn you until there’s nothing left but ash is not a good idea either.
They put James Bond in a gas oven once, but he escaped, but that’s the movies.
I would say there have been more live people burned alive in gas ovens than dead ones.
Not that long ago the authorities put millions of live people into big gas ovens and burnt them all dead; but that’s the authorities for you.
The authorities, i.e. the governments have other ways these days to kill millions at a time such as bombs that blow up whole cities and they’ve used them too and cooked cities of people in the name of their god, imperialism, greed, power or whatever.
I would say governments and religions have murdered more people than anything else, except old age which gets us all in the end if we get that far.
The authorities are still doing atrocious things, but people are crying out now at the wrongness of it and so far are being labelled as some kind of malcontents.
I started off this article as a funny piece of writing, but when I thought about it I realized atrocities are still happening now; the lessons have not been learned by the mistakes committed in the past where the authorities still do what they do in the name of something, whatever they can think up it seems and it does seem that any excuse, seemingly real or made up will do to start or continue a war.
There is a long list of propaganda we are fed to cause fear, revenge, righteous extermination and so on for human beings to hate other humans.
It would seem there is a lot of hate, and where does this hate come from?
God, for want of a better name is pure love, and knowing that would dispel hate, not cause it
In my travels around the planet I have seen many people, many, and other than localized ignorance I have not seen hate; but when I look at the faces of the authorities and see the greed there and the uncompromising power they hold, and the fear they propagate; and at their inhumanity to their own people where the rich are made richer and the poor are picked on; where if they choose they could end all poverty, hunger and homelessness at the stroke of a pen yet choose to make more war, then I have to wonder if the hate is caused and used for an agenda that serves none but those in such huge privilege they are seemingly untouchable and have always been in power and use any means to stay there regardless of the suffering of their fellow human beings.
What is that avarice that devours the soul yet leaves the body with a hunger that can never be filled?
Is there a conspiracy, or is it far worse than that?
Is there an answer? Yes, but it will take all of us, each in their own heart to realize that the power of love is preferable to the fear of hate.
So, perhaps in a way, we are all buried alive and more and more of us are pulling the cord to ring those bells to let us out.
And as John Lennon said: war is over if you want it....

Radhe Shyam

Upvote at the 11th hour. May have to eat it with a hard fork.
FB's original motto was "don't be evil".

When something is looked at for the first time it is seen for how it is, but constant looking at it builds up an image in our mind and it is this image that has been built up that is seen and not the thing that is looked at. Sometimes evil becomes another familiarity...
This familiarity is one aspect of the masks we build up over time; some of the masks are forced upon us by society, in the schools we went to, by our family, friends and culture to name a few.
Take language for instance: in childhood, we absorb how others say things in a certain way and so we mimic them and learn phrases and ways of speaking that are used over and over and often in this way we lose the art of thinking for ourselves, or never really learn it.
Our minds have tracks to run along, well used expressions that are fallen back on and become our way of communicating. It is not until awareness happens perhaps from travelling away from the familiar is all this realized and the mould broken out of, which usually happens in an organic awakening over a period of time as you become more aware of the confines of linear or system thinking.
It’s a strange thing, the masks that are worn over all to portray an illusion, and the funny thing is, although the masks hide the real inside, it also clouds the outside seeing by the very act of wearing them and seeing through them.
When the mask slips momentarily, things are seen for what they are, clearly, and sometimes this can come as a shock and cause fear, to be losing control of a long-held reality only to find it was never real but only the perceptions of our upbringing and culture.
When the mask is taken off it can be likened to another dimension where things are the same, yet not the same and are seen as they are and not coloured by the layers of the mask.
Some drugs will blast you right out of your comfort zone into be here and now of it all but can be a harsh shock to the system.
Meditation on the other hand will give you an awakening but in a gentle way where you unfold at your own pace and can feel the masks dropping away as you find your way back to yourself.
For some, the masks they wear are taken for who they are and confusion happens when anything comes to expose this belief and often the masks are put on tighter to uphold their way of seeing things.
It is a cause of increasing concern to more and more people that those who are governing society wear the biggest masks of all and are being seen as the blind leading the blind.
To be seemingly lost in an inescapable illusion of conformity must feel like a straight-jacket that confines the soul in the mundane circles of perpetuated beliefs and repetitive thinking that is such a distance from our authentic selves.
The consciousness of humanity is rising and the masks are slipping off one by one as awareness of who we are is becoming known to more and more; and those who hang onto their masks will be seen for what they are by those who have taken the mask off.
It can be difficult to remove the familiar mask that has been for so long how we have seen our-self through and has been our protection against the harsh reality we would be protected from.
We will find our-self vulnerable without the mask as a creature suddenly exposed to the sunlight, or for some it will be a doorway they go through into a magical place.
Those still wearing masks will throw judgement and ridicule and dismissal at those without a mask, but with courage, this very vulnerability will be strength to live a life of integrity that comes from a place of love where the mind has finally quieted enough for the heart to be heard....

Good analogy of the masks of the persona that can be removed so that the self shines through.