It's a big subject. So if we are in that stage of our evolution that we need leaders then let us have good ones...
The very fabric of our humanity has been undermined in such devious ways by what does not serve our best interests to the extent we have become mere pawns in its game.
Although the bigger picture for us all is to transcend our limitations and to explore that which has been ignored for so long we have to take our feet out of the mud of the past and relinquish our ideas of a future not yet here and deal with the now where we must find our true selves or be forever lost in the reliquary of the machine, that matrix of the mind that seems so real yet is only illusion that we believe in to be so true.
None of this is new, our history is littered with civilizations run on the same principles of power and greed that have kept so many in thrall to those who believe themselves to be kings or emperors but are really despots out for their own gain, and the crazy thing is they believe their own lies and have had us believe them too and any that didn’t believe them were taken care of.
So we have gone along with this illusion, and down through all of our past we have played their game. Some few did see through the illusion and tried to warn us, to break the deception and set us free; but it seems we were not ready to stand on our own feet and throw off the shackles of oppression and think and feel for ourselves.
The machine has grown huge and has put us on the brink of a change that many of us may not survive.
Injustice is rampant; the leaders of our societies are so caught up in their deviousness and destructive purposes they won’t stop and are blinded by their own beliefs that they are right and the rest of us are lesser beings whose only worth is to serve in the system that makes us slaves to them and not a free people.
Our gathering protests are seen as subversion and an attack on the establishment, and never before have so many risen up all over the world to call out the injustice; and although they work to keep it bottled up, humanity as a whole is saying: enough is enough and rise to challenge the old paradigms whose time has gone and to restore justice and the balance where we can all live in peace.
This is our time and never before has it been more crucial to find our way out of this mess we are all in and are so threatened by, that fear has become the norm.
Many fingers are pointed to say: this is the biggest injustice, and these are the worst offenders who prey on the innocent; but we are all in this together, and we are the problem, and the solution.
It is not enough to cut the head off of any part of the beast for it will only grow another one. We must find the heart of the darkness that is in us all and dispel it with the light we must find in our own hearts.
In the words of a wise man who has been saying for a long time: what you are looking for is inside you....
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