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RE: What is evil

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago

Happenstance has it that you only live as long as you do and then you get buried; and after, give or take a thousand years while your headstone sinks into the earth, anyone who looks will only know you by what’s chiselled into the stone
One day that too will wear away and then who knows if there’s anyone down there and maybe still trying to get out.
Or perhaps they forgot to put anyone in there in the first place; I know that if they tried to put me in a hole to bury me I’d run away quick; and I’m sure that’s happened a time or two, just an empty box that someone escaped from when burial team were looking the other way; and then for sure you’d stay away from the crowd that tried to put you there, and change your name and never die again to be put in a hole forever.
So the trick is to never die, but if you do find yourself being put into a box to be buried alive then fight your way free and run.
In some places they have a hole in the coffin with a cord going up to a bell above the grave so that when you wake up you can pull the cord to ring the bell to let the grave diggers know to come and let you out.
In Ireland, they have a wake of up to three nights where you lie in state on a table in the front room just to make sure you’re not sleeping, and then they bury you after.
Many times, after a grave has been exhumed, marks have been found where the body has come back to life and tried to claw a way out.
Being burned to a cinder on the other hand, where they put you in an oven, close the steel door and turn on the gas and burn you until there’s nothing left but ash is not a good idea either.
They put James Bond in a gas oven once, but he escaped, but that’s the movies.
I would say there have been more live people burned alive in gas ovens than dead ones.
Not that long ago the authorities put millions of live people into big gas ovens and burnt them all dead; but that’s the authorities for you.
The authorities, i.e. the governments have other ways these days to kill millions at a time such as bombs that blow up whole cities and they’ve used them too and cooked cities of people in the name of their god, imperialism, greed, power or whatever.
I would say governments and religions have murdered more people than anything else, except old age which gets us all in the end if we get that far.
The authorities are still doing atrocious things, but people are crying out now at the wrongness of it and so far are being labelled as some kind of malcontents.
I started off this article as a funny piece of writing, but when I thought about it I realized atrocities are still happening now; the lessons have not been learned by the mistakes committed in the past where the authorities still do what they do in the name of something, whatever they can think up it seems and it does seem that any excuse, seemingly real or made up will do to start or continue a war.
There is a long list of propaganda we are fed to cause fear, revenge, righteous extermination and so on for human beings to hate other humans.
It would seem there is a lot of hate, and where does this hate come from?
God, for want of a better name is pure love, and knowing that would dispel hate, not cause it
In my travels around the planet I have seen many people, many, and other than localized ignorance I have not seen hate; but when I look at the faces of the authorities and see the greed there and the uncompromising power they hold, and the fear they propagate; and at their inhumanity to their own people where the rich are made richer and the poor are picked on; where if they choose they could end all poverty, hunger and homelessness at the stroke of a pen yet choose to make more war, then I have to wonder if the hate is caused and used for an agenda that serves none but those in such huge privilege they are seemingly untouchable and have always been in power and use any means to stay there regardless of the suffering of their fellow human beings.
What is that avarice that devours the soul yet leaves the body with a hunger that can never be filled?
Is there a conspiracy, or is it far worse than that?
Is there an answer? Yes, but it will take all of us, each in their own heart to realize that the power of love is preferable to the fear of hate.
So, perhaps in a way, we are all buried alive and more and more of us are pulling the cord to ring those bells to let us out.
And as John Lennon said: war is over if you want it....