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RE: What is evil

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago

How much are we served in the games played where the two faces of evil are the only choice, where on the one hand is the great lie held as truth and on the other is the soul sold for money?
How did this come to be deserved? Is the subjective soul to be blamed for choosing this, or is there something more sinister happening where the land of the free is but a cliché in the land of the bought and paid for, and slaves all to the system that serves only the wealthy?
Are we beginning to wake up to the choices that are given and at last to step back from it all and find the real choices that include none of the above? Our destiny cannot be left up to those who care nothing for it.
It’s not too late; there is another way if only we can find it.
Today is a good day that lasts all day long.
It is said that the bottom is a part of the top without which there would be no in-between, but to those in the know there is no top or bottom, there is only where you are now.
Are we fighting to believe that what there is to believe in is true regardless of all the evidence to the contrary?
The psychology we are looking for is the one that fits all contradictions, so choose love, it’s everywhere.
Death is the absence of life in something that had life, and when you see it you realize it is only a moving on and a leaving behind of the carcass that is rotting down, and that has nothing more to do with you, for all you knew of it has gone.
Today we have the beginning of the change we are looking for to happen for things to become in-line to allow our dreams to come into being. For those that have dreams this is a good time, for those that don’t it can be a time of turmoil, but then, today is like that with its promise it can be so.
Let us move on from all the forms of oppression that hold us back....