I used a quote of Edmund Burke on my previous post
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
That is a very broad topic as evil comes in many forms. Power, wealth and even love are some of the most common things that make people do evil things. I see it every day in the news in social media.
Kind of makes you feel to be ever vigilant
I think that the best thing that can make someone ever vigilant are the bad experiences.
Bad experiences (especially regular bad experiences) makes you ever vigilant.
After a few bad experiences you automaically become ever vigilant.
I used to get hit over the head for the first 15 years of my life and never knew when it would happen, so I was ever vigilant
Good men to do nothing? That is generally not necessarily evil in my opinion. Just/only neutral. Except, if they could help someone, but they don't do it.
But of course this depends on the point of view, and also on the circumstances.
They have so much to lose that even in their crumbling arrogance their fear of us cannot be contained and shows in their failing system, and as humanity awakens their fear grows.
Many are waking up now, too many for them to silence so they resort to mass surveillance, banning public protests as they have done in Spain, with huge police presence in the ones still allowed ready to clamp down on any protest that looks as if it can’t be controlled, and even inciting riots so they can move in and break it up.
They know what is going on and have equipped the police with all that they need to break up protests that are too threatening, and of course any and that means most protests that are not in their interests are not made known to the wider public.
TV and newspapers that are controlled do not report the protests so that those still asleep stay asleep and don’t get any ideas something is going on, that the world is rising up against the corrupt systems, and those who suspect and are half awake are stuck in apathy, fear and poverty.
People-power can only do so much, and as they tighten down on us and without a leader to focus, this protesting energy dissipates.
In two of the most powerful systems, the USA and the UK, Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn have come to the fore and although not perfect offer a semblance of sanity in what can only be seen as the madness of greed and power in a world gone so crazy it is on the brink of chaos that threatens us all.
There is a lot of anger built up from years of oppression and there are those who would use this anger in a violent way, but this does more harm than good and turns any public sympathy away from their cause and only helps to make the system stronger as it turns against them and this makes it harder for everyone else as government surveillance becomes tighter, the rights of people become more eroded and the police state becomes ever more oppressive to the extent that marshal law is almost upon us as a way of life.
It has been said that false flags of destruction are caused by those in power to increase power through fear over us to the extent that everyone is watched, and any deviation from the norm is quickly pounced upon and squashed and in some cases the perpetrators are killed to remove the perceived threat and cause more fear.
So where is the hope in all this?
Should the legal tax avoidance schemes for the rich be scrapped worldwide so that there is so much money coming in the austerity measures can be stopped?
Should a fairer system of government be implemented so that the concerns of society as a whole will be listened to and addressed?
Should all the wars be stopped and all troops brought home and all meddling in other countries affairs be withdrawn?
Should government and media be open and transparent and be accountable to the people they should be serving?
Should poverty be addressed as a matter of urgency, perhaps with the implementation of universal income?
Should prisons turn from big incarceration and money making hell-holes into places where people can be helped to turn away from crime and wrong thinking and discover their worth?
Should we as a species realize that this planet is home to all of us, that we all live here together, that there is no division among us but what has been made up to keep us divided, and that we can all live here in peace if that is what we all choose?
And where is peace? Peace is inside every one of us, not as an absence of war but as a feeling in the heart that has always been there, and that when we turn to it, it will welcome us home.
And as a wise man once said: blessed are the peace makers for they will be called the children of god....
Good engagement.