Despite the fact that more and more are prepping in recent years there are still the majority with their heads way down in the sand. Saying that many of the preppers I've spoken to still have NO idea. I am often shocked at what people think is essential while on the flip side being totally oblivious to what IS. Patriot Nurse and Barbara O'Neill are fabulous resources
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Sadly those with their heads in the sand, will likely Not survive! I'm trying to reach those that are prepping at breakneck speed, to slow down, and take stock of their effectiveness. The Only way to Survive and thrive; is to out think the evil minions, in charge of our common destruction!
We have to get ready for whatever they decide to throw at us. That is difficult, but not impossible! To do this, we have to think the unthinkable, and plan for the unreasonable.
The definitely will use food, and medicine as a club to try to break us down. We see food production being deliberately destroyed, and locally. I have seen a minister denied medical help, because she refused to take a shot of 'medicine' made from murdered baby tissue; on religious grounds! She was told to get the clot shot, and come back for help!!!! I don't see that improving.
I love them both! I also find good information with DOC Jones, and I enjoy papa pepper and an American homestead.
I realize that every prepping situation is unique, but I do see a lot of fundamental errors on what should be common to most!
I'm hoping to make some people think, while there is still time to correct gaps.