The largest single lack most preppers miss.

in #preppinglast year

Prepping has become a way of life to some, and a hobby to others. A majority of those prepping seem to have a blind area, that needs to be covered!

I asked my Sister what she would do for a deep cut, or dysentery. Both conditions used to be very dangerous, and if the SHTF occurs; could be so again! She told me she would go to the ER...My fault for not teaching her more. Assuming the SHTF is here, there will be little or no medical help available; we will in fact, be on our own! Have you thought about it, or planned for it? Will you and yours be safe if they must rely only upon you for their medical problems? What will you do for their medicine?

BTW, a bad cut can be closed on the homestead by using a butterfly stitch;
I cut this one out of tape, to show you what it should look like! I have added actual stitches to my medical supplies, and I've learned the proper knot to use them.

Diarrhea is best treated with immodium short term, and long term by these: apple pulp, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, carob, carrots, fenugreek, oak bark tea, pomegranate, psyllium, and simple tea. As with all herbs, the list is long to allow you to use what local herbs you can find. Slippery elm is supposed to help too. So if you learned any one of these herbs, you could treat this problem.

Here is a good video on this subject:

This Man is an above average source for herbal information. He is the author on One of my PRINTED (digital copies may not survive) herbal medicine books that will be my reference material. The Internet will be spotty at best after things crash, so plan to be without it!

Now to the specifics, knowledge is the foundation, and herbals are the bricks. You must have both! In the video above he explains how to get the knowledge, at a Rate you can retain; by using and learning single plants. This is a good method, but time grows short; so purchase printed reference materials ASAP! Be sure to include books on wild crafting, because that will give you a decent method to find, what you just learned that you need.

Prepping first aid supplies that are OTC is important, as a bridge to herbal methods newly learned. These also make barter supplies, so a few extra here aren't wasted.

For long term, you should have a pharmacology garden. Buy seeds as soon as you know you'll need that specific herb. I buy some that read as good, sometimes even if I don't need them right then. You can't buy too many right now. As with all prepping, buy things that are easy now, but will be hard to get (or overly expensive) later; and seeds always fall into this category!

But fill this gap, and you will become your own doctor. This is likely the single most important survival skill, because if you don't make it because of medical skill lack; you may as well not prep the rest of the stuff! Every week, learn something new on medicine. It could save your life!

Patriot nurse sells a 4 hour course on homestead first aid online for $129; I trust her, and recommend this. Knowledge is power, and survival. Barbara O'Neil from down under Is another source for home remedies, that I respect and recommend!

I have a friend in Venezuela, who had already dropped over the SHTF cliff. She's a nurse, and had to remove a friend from the hospital; because the staff was buried, and he was getting no care. He had been accidentally run over with a power boat, and had large slices down the side from the propeller. When she got him home, they were all infected. She had to remove the stitches, to drain the wounds! Could you handle this with your prepping? She boiled water to irrigate, and used plantain to help to heal them. I reminded her that colloidal silver would help as a powerful antibiotic. She made some by passing DC through two pure silver coins in boiled water. There was no medicine available at any price. She was able to beat the infection, and tape the wounds shut with butterfly stitches. He healed up, and began helping with food from the jungle. Her Internet went down, and I lost her, but I still pray for her! They had prepped well everywhere else, but were limping on first aid items. I was talking her through building a ham radio, but we didn't finish before she went dark!

So please have another look at a full replacement for a failing medical system, and begin today! We have to out think the fools in charge in order to survive, sadly that is not very difficult....


You forgot activated charcoal.

The list had to stop somewhere, but I never forget (bio-char) activated charcoal! It's one of the medicines that every homesteader can make for themselves, and is the best one for poison removal (chelation) from the body. It's also very effective for use in the garden, as it holds the nutrients for plant use; just like it holds toxin from the body! I intend to make a Lot of it to use for gardens, and powder some for medicine too.

Good to see you here my friend!


Despite the fact that more and more are prepping in recent years there are still the majority with their heads way down in the sand. Saying that many of the preppers I've spoken to still have NO idea. I am often shocked at what people think is essential while on the flip side being totally oblivious to what IS. Patriot Nurse and Barbara O'Neill are fabulous resources

Sadly those with their heads in the sand, will likely Not survive! I'm trying to reach those that are prepping at breakneck speed, to slow down, and take stock of their effectiveness. The Only way to Survive and thrive; is to out think the evil minions, in charge of our common destruction!

We have to get ready for whatever they decide to throw at us. That is difficult, but not impossible! To do this, we have to think the unthinkable, and plan for the unreasonable.

The definitely will use food, and medicine as a club to try to break us down. We see food production being deliberately destroyed, and locally. I have seen a minister denied medical help, because she refused to take a shot of 'medicine' made from murdered baby tissue; on religious grounds! She was told to get the clot shot, and come back for help!!!! I don't see that improving.

I love them both! I also find good information with DOC Jones, and I enjoy papa pepper and an American homestead.

I realize that every prepping situation is unique, but I do see a lot of fundamental errors on what should be common to most!

I'm hoping to make some people think, while there is still time to correct gaps.


Thanks for sharing! I'm hoping to help some people build up their preps, while there's still time.


Post more of these please brother. You can open up eyes of many who brace for what is coming. Lest the lord sends them a strong delusion and they will live to believe a lie.

I'm trying my brother, but time is difficult to find these days! Lots of people needing help right now....

But I moved 6, 255 watt solar panels to the homestead today. That's been on my list for a long time.


It that the solar panel that you made out of old and used laptop batteries? That sounds powerful!!!
Are you still feeding the homeless? Do you help them to repair their house electric connections?

No, these are the source that will charge those batteries. I have about 11,000 watts of salvaged batteries. My goal is 24,000 watts, at 24 volts; or 1000 amps of stored power.

We will be feeding the homeless on the 29th this month.

They have no houses, so no place to repair

How are you going to do your lathe machines work?
Are you still doing it?

The machinery stays busy, with several jobs stacked up. I'm working on them as time permits, and adding a second machine shop out on the homestead. That way, if I need something in a hurry at the homestead, I can make it there.

Right now, there is an exhaust manifold on the machinery needing a helicoil repair.


We are working on these young souls' graduation.

How do we plan so I can come there, clear your order piles in one month and come back here having let you see where to pick you work from.

Thank you for the upvote again and the answer.

No problem, good to see you here again! I see your numbers are recovering, that's encouraging.

More content always helps, you should show the progress on the school here.


Thank you for upvoting me.
We have now one more working computer but I lack a nice phone for photos though now.
How can I involve them here and assisting them to post their silly posts here?
One of the kids was asking me to assure him that i would buy him a brand new head if he broke his due to dangerous playing.😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🤣

Medical systems are failing indeed.
The poor you are the poor medical treatment you get.
I thought medicine was meant for the poor but it the other way round.We need to prepare anyway.

Accurate, they have sent me a financial assistance letter for the medicine they want me to take! Oddly enough here, if I was broke; this medicine would be free. Here, the people that are not poor, yet not rich; are the prime target for a beat down!

I am using herbals right now for my primary medicine, and may not be able to afford the prescriptions for this! Thankfully, the herbals are working well.

We do indeed need to prepare ASAP!


Mint tea is also good for upset stomachs and can relieve diarrhea. I've got some growing in my garden and it will double up for anything that I might need it for. I've been terrible at replacing items in my first aid kit since CV, but this is a good reminder.

Resupply is important, while stuff is easy to replace! There is a kit in each car, and a large and small kit at home. I'm still buying more supplies, but I've moved a number of boxes to the homestead. Since they will be premium barter supplies later, this is money well spent.

All the mints are versatile herbals, and real treasures! I have seeds to plant mint around my house on the homestead, since ants can't cross a mint bed. I use mint with Stinging Nettle to make a wonderful herbal tea, that protects my lungs. You have a very good start there!

Keep prepping and stay safe....


So true, resupply is overlooked when things get busy - I need to get on that asap.
Barter supplies is a good point as well, I think a big box of refillable lighters and a few cans of gas is a must.

I didn't know ants were so evasive to mints, I need to plant more of them.

You too Toby, it's about to get real!

Now while things are still available, restocking is wise! It will make a sizable difference when bad things happen.

Anything you have extra stock of, or you can make; becomes barter supplies. The more the better! On lighters, I'd get disposables; because people won't be willing to barter for the cost of a good refillable.but I'd keep the refillables for myself!

Ants rely on scent for directions, so when they hit mint plants they get lost. So they avoid it like the plague!

It is indeed about to get very real, I pray we've both put enough back....


Thanks for sharing on X. I'm hoping to help some people that haven't thought about this!
