#project-smackdown week 3 report

in #project-smackdown7 years ago (edited)

Week 3 report for #project-smackdown, the project reporting on the top self comment voters and flagging the top 20 self voted comments every day.

Flags are made with accounts @smackdown.kitty and @sadkitten

Note, all "dollar" valuations in SBD, the native unit for rewards.


This week there was a drop high self voting payout for comments (comments self voted to a value of $1 or above). Of course this may hide larger numbers of up votes at smaller value, like the way that @tard operates (check out this post for an example).


There were 324 high value self voted comments, totalling $1,643.19

Top 20 comment self rewarded voters


In order: @sigizzang, @damarth, @adsactly, @fulltimegeek, @surfyogi, @grognak, @johnsmith, @danlupi, @corn113, @craig-grant, @mexbit, @jack8831, @kingscrown, @adm, @oldtimer, @davebrewer, @greenman, @cob, @tard, @bayrene

[NEW] Extrapolated Annual ROI

We have been criticized for taking these values as absolute and not considering that users are entitled to a reward relative to their stake (as well as, I would add, their social platform input). In any case, putting these dollar amounts into context with each user's stake would be helpful.

I have prepared a rough measurement of the annual ROI (return on investment) of the top users. It is extrapolated from this week's snapshot of their activity, so it presumes that the same self voting rewards will happen each week. This of course does not necessarily hold, but it give us some context of their behavior if it were to continue.

The formula is: (weekly_reward x 52) / (SP_converted_to_SBD), and x100 to convert to present as a percentage


This shows all with EA ROI greater than 1%

Note that this is the return for only self voted comments. It does not include the return for self voted main posts, or from any votes from anyone but the user. So the total rewards would generally be higher, but we do not have the information here of by much. As such it is best viewed as a minimum.

[NEW] Average reward per self voted comment

for users with comments above $1 in self reward


Here are the top few with average self vote comment reward per comment above $5, and showing number of self voted comments in brackets beside the name.

The averaging will show if what the general comment self voting behavior is. However it does not show a comparison of self voting compared to outward voting.


This week I will skip the particular author break down. For the 4 week review, after the 4th week which is next, I will do a review on what trends we've seen, including particular voter trends, that might be more interesting than just for one week.

Previous reports

Thanks for reading!

And for engaging me in debate on this subject. We continue forward to do what we can to keep this issue noticed.


Thanks for looking into the annual ROI! It really puts things into perspective.

Would be interesting to see the users getting high ROIs (above 20 or 30%) from self upvoting comments. My perception is that there are a lot of users getting over 20%...and it's most likely users with less SP Power that are under the radar of the min dollar value you may have set. Some are even borrowing SP via delegation to self upvote like crazy.

Thanks 😁

The SP used in the calculation is net, so is adjusted for delegations. I'm going to adjust the calculations to use the full comment self vote reward calculation, so the ROIs in the week 5 (which is just about to start) will be using the updated algorithm. More info on this coming soon!

you were recommended as a witness, so I am now following and voting for you as a witness

Thank you! 😆

So the average reward per self-voted comments includes votes from others. Would be interesting to break those down into who is "following" those comments.

No it doesn't, it's just the self rewarded part